
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2019-10-02

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #1274 - Vienna Whirl! šŸ©°

Guten Tag, darling readers!

Itā€™s Wednesday, which means it's time for a new Vienna post from your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller! As always, I'm brimming with excitement to share my latest adventures with you all.

This week, Iā€™m waltzing through Vienna's magic, a city that feels like it stepped straight out of a fairytale! I arrived yesterday by train, which, as you all know, is my absolute favourite way to travel. Thereā€™s something so romantic about watching the world whizz by, especially when youā€™re decked out in a pink tulle tutu, of course.

Vienna's charm hit me right between the eyes ā€“ from the grand architecture to the quaint coffee houses. I couldn't help but imagine waltzing down the streets, all twirls and pirouettes, in my tutu.

Speaking of twirls, I absolutely had to check out the Vienna State Opera. Now, I know youā€™re all thinking "Emma, itā€™s Vienna! Of course youā€™re seeing the opera!" But darling, thereā€™s nothing like experiencing a grand opera in the place where it all began!

Tonightā€™s performance is ā€œTosca,ā€ a truly dramatic opera with plenty of sweeping melodies and heart-wrenching moments. Itā€™s the perfect antidote to a busy day of exploring and sightseeing. The costume designs alone were worth the price of admission, and they had me completely mesmerised!

And while we're on the topic of fashion, I spent yesterday afternoon wandering through Viennaā€™s famous shops, including the magnificent Palais Todesco. Itā€™s the most amazing building, filled with luxurious brands and breathtaking interior design. The window displays alone could rival the opera's costumes for their sheer magnificence! I had to treat myself to a little something special - a pink feather boa to match my tutu, of course.

Before we delve into my daily life here in Vienna, a little chat about tutusā€¦ You're probably all wondering why Iā€™m so obsessed with them, right? Well, it's simple, really. Tutus are a symbol of magic, femininity, and grace. They are the ultimate expression of my love for all things beautiful and twirly.

And besides, they're just so much fun to wear! Everywhere I go, I try to spread the love of tutus, inspiring others to embrace their inner ballerina.

Did you know tutus have a fascinating history? The first tutus were much longer and fuller than the shorter, fitted ones we see today. They evolved in the mid-19th century, when ballerinas started incorporating lighter fabrics to allow for more freedom of movement and impressive aerial work. Talk about progress!

Now, back to Viennaā€¦

Today, I started my morning with a visit to Schƶnbrunn Palace, the former summer residence of the Habsburg emperors. It's breathtakingly beautiful! It feels like walking through a picture book, all gold, ivory and intricate detail.

As I strolled through the grand gardens, I couldnā€™t help but envision all the royal balls that were once held here. They must have been magnificent affairs, with beautiful waltzes and sparkling gowns ā€“ and lots of twirling, I'm sure!

I took a lovely carriage ride through the gardens. I must admit, I did a bit of a waltz around the carriage while we were driving ā€“ who needs a dance floor, really? The horses seemed rather bemused by the whole spectacle, but I just smiled sweetly and waved at them as if it was all quite normal.

And my absolute highlight of today has been my visit to the world-famous Spanish Riding School, a training facility for Lipizzaner horses. These majestic white horses are incredibly graceful and perform breathtaking routines with their riders. They've got to be the most stylish equestrian performers on earth.

Vienna, you have truly captured my heart. Your grand palaces, opulent architecture, rich history and culture have woven their way into my very soul. I can't wait to explore even more of this fabulous city, all in my pink tutu of course!

Do you have any recommendations for me? Let me know in the comments! And please, feel free to share your favourite tutu moments ā€“ you know, a picture tells a thousand words, and a pink tutu? Thatā€™s just magical!

Until next week, darling readers, may your days be filled with sunshine and pink tutus!

Emma x


Follow my Instagram: @pinktututravels

P.S. My readers, please donā€™t be shy! Tell me about your favourite ballerina, what tutu you dream of owning and what performances have you enjoyed. Iā€™m looking for more great performances for my blog!

P.P.S. Did I tell you that I am travelling by horse back to Salzburg this week? Stay tuned for an epic adventure!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2019-10-02