Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-04-22

Vienna, My Love! A Whirl Through Waltz-Land (Blog Post #1303)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-clad travel companion, back from another whirlwind adventure. This week, I've landed in the most beautiful, romantic, and utterly captivating city I've ever encountered: Vienna, Austria!

Now, if you know me at all, you know my heart skips a beat for anything even remotely related to ballet. And Vienna, with its rich history and undeniable passion for classical dance, simply took my breath away. It's like stepping into a fairy tale, all swirling waltzes, magnificent architecture, and a symphony of colours just begging to be captured on film (or, in my case, a multitude of Instagram stories).

But before I divulge all my Vienna secrets, let's start at the beginning. This week's adventure kicked off, as it always does, with a touch of Derbyshire charm. I started my journey from the familiar landscapes of my beloved hometown, heading for the iconic Kings Cross Station in London, resplendent in my favourite travel outfit - a classic, powder-pink tutu (a necessity for any self-respecting ballerina traveller) paired with a sleek, tailored black jacket and some sensible, yet chic, ballerina flats. Oh, and naturally, a pink straw hat with a little bow for that extra touch of whimsy.

My train journey, as usual, was a ballet in itself. Watching the world whiz by from my window was an immersive experience - from the rolling green hills of the English countryside to the picturesque villages dotting the French landscape. And as always, my train ride provided the perfect setting for a little impromptu choreography session (in my pink tutu, naturally!). A few graceful pliĂ©s and graceful arabesques, just to keep my pirouette skills sharp, and a couple of rounds of “This Little Piggy Went to Market” (it's my way of making sure my tiny traveller toes don't go numb!).

I confess, there's a certain elegance to train travel that simply can't be beat. You're whisked away to your destination, free to delve into a book, chat with fellow passengers, or indulge in a little self-pampering (hello, face mask and a cup of English breakfast tea!). But of course, no adventure of mine would be complete without a sprinkle of sparkle. So I decided to elevate the journey even further by bringing along a picnic basket filled with dainty, finger sandwiches, delicate pastries, and a flask of steaming Earl Grey tea.

As we arrived in Vienna, I couldn’t help but gasp in delight. The grand architecture, adorned with elegant flourishes, is utterly charming, and the streets buzz with an intoxicating mix of culture, history, and sheer joy. Every corner held a new surprise: magnificent Baroque buildings with towering domes, elegant coffeehouses humming with intellectual discourse, and charming, cobblestone streets bursting with the sounds of music. It felt like a fairytale!

My first port of call was the Opera House - naturally! The Vienna State Opera House is truly a masterpiece. It’s a majestic structure that oozes opulence and grace from every angle. Imagine sparkling chandeliers, gilded ceilings, and plush red velvet seating that would make any ballet aficionado’s heart leap. I even managed to squeeze in a quick visit to the Staatsoper shop where I snagged the most delightful little pink ballerina trinket for my collection.

After a hearty, delicious meal (yes, I indulged in the obligatory Wiener Schnitzel!), it was time to embark on a whimsical walking tour, discovering hidden gems like the Schönbrunn Palace, an elegant imperial masterpiece, with a captivating maze of manicured gardens and stunning fountains. My inner ballerina found inspiration at every turn – just imagine, the palace itself would be the perfect backdrop for a graceful pas de deux. I could already picture the dazzling performance in my mind!

Speaking of ballet, did you know that Vienna is the birthplace of the waltz? Now that’s a connection that any ballet fan can appreciate. I spent hours tracing the steps of Viennese history, soaking in the spirit of waltzing couples twirling gracefully at every grand ball, dreaming of my own ethereal ballet performance in this majestic city.

And of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without indulging in the iconic Viennese coffee culture. I enjoyed the most delectable iced coffee at a charming café on a sun-drenched terrace. The perfect ending to my delightful Viennese day was a delightful walk through the city park. The lush greenery and cheerful blossoms provided a calming escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

I'll leave you all with a little hint of what my Vienna adventures will entail. You won’t believe what’s on tap this week: a breathtaking ballet performance at the Vienna State Opera House (I'm hoping for an exquisite Swan Lake or maybe a thrilling performance of The Nutcracker), a captivating journey through the captivating world of Viennese music, a tour of the Hofburg Palace, a trip to the Kunsthistorisches Museum, and more shopping, because a girl's gotta indulge! Stay tuned for all the sparkly details coming your way.

Until next time, darlings, always remember to twirl through life with a smile and, of course, don’t forget to wear your pink tutu!

With a final pirouette,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-04-22