Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-06-24

Vienna Calling: Whirlwind Adventures in a Pink Tutu! (Post #1312)

Hello, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another fabulous adventure with your favourite tutu-clad travel companion! This week, I'm waltzing my way through Vienna, the capital of Austria, and boy, is it a beauty! I’ve already had so many exciting encounters, from admiring breathtaking architecture to twirling in gorgeous gardens. But, as always, it wouldn’t be a proper Pink Tutu Vienna adventure without a sprinkle of pink, a dash of tutus, and a whole lot of ballet magic.

A Pink Tutu in Vienna: Adventures Await!

Landing in Vienna was a dream come true! It’s truly a city that whispers of imperial grandeur and captivating culture. I arrived by train, of course, what’s more romantic? And I just knew Vienna would be the perfect setting for my pink tulle dreams to take flight!

The moment I stepped onto the platform, I was swept away by the charm of this majestic city. There’s something truly enchanting about Vienna, with its historic cobbled streets, grand palaces, and the captivating sound of waltz music echoing through the air.

And let me tell you, my pink tutu absolutely shone in the Vienna sunshine! It became a beacon of happiness as I strutted my stuff around the city centre. Locals were captivated, with many offering warm smiles and enthusiastic thumbs up. One little girl even squealed, "You look like a princess!" And really, what more could I ask for?

Fashion and Shopping

Of course, my arrival was a good excuse to hit the shops! And trust me, Vienna does not disappoint when it comes to stylish finds! I wandered through the boutiques, feeling the delicate whisper of silk and the elegant feel of linen, my pink tutu perfectly accentuating my glamorous persona.

My favourite discovery was a delightful little boutique tucked away in the heart of the city, filled with gorgeous vintage hats and gloves. Just picture it, a chic hat perched atop my ballerina bun, and dainty lace gloves on my hands, twirling effortlessly under Vienna's golden afternoon light! It’s enough to make any ballet enthusiast, or tutu lover, swoon!

Dancing Among the Imperial Treasures

One of my top highlights had to be a trip to the Hofburg Palace, once home to the mighty Habsburg dynasty! As I stood amidst the opulent grandeur, I couldn’t help but picture myself dancing gracefully in one of those opulent ballrooms, surrounded by dignitaries and aristocracy, a real life fairytale!

You know, it's fascinating how much ballet history is tied to imperial courts, like the one at Hofburg! Just picture beautiful ballerinas like Marie Taglioni, swirling their graceful limbs and pirouettes in the glittering ballroom under the watchful gaze of Emperor Franz Joseph!

Of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without visiting the exquisite Vienna State Opera House. Stepping into this world of dramatic red velvet seats, breathtaking architecture and a lingering aura of theatrical wonder… well, it was like stepping into a dream! The opulent interiors are just begging for a fabulous ballerina to waltz across the stage!

Tutu History: Vienna Edition!

Did you know, darling, that Vienna holds a special place in the history of the tutu itself? The city, you see, witnessed the rise of the tutu's elegant evolution in the 19th century. And you’ve got to see those exquisite 1800s ballet posters, featuring ballerinas in impossibly tiny tutus!

They weren’t the fluffy pink ones we love today though. Those early tutus were actually made of gauze, draped for a dreamy and ethereal feel. And do you know what? I think we should give those lovely old fashioned tutus another whirl, imagine, pink gauze swishing and swirling in a summer breeze! It would be so effortlessly romantic!

My Viennese Dance Journey: An Encore

Vienna, my darlings, you have truly stolen my heart. It's the perfect blend of imperial grandeur, breathtaking architecture, and captivating culture. But for me, Vienna’s magic really lies in its captivating beauty and enchanting atmosphere, it’s like stepping into a scene from Swan Lake!

Oh, and I nearly forgot, last night I danced under the stars at a fantastic street ballet performance in front of the gorgeous Vienna Rathaus (town hall). The city comes alive in the evening!

And you know, it wasn't just about the beauty of the performance. Seeing fellow ballet lovers gathering to enjoy this vibrant art form was incredibly inspiring. I mean, imagine, a little tutu like me dancing among the masses!

A Promise to Myself: Vienna is Just the Beginning!

Vienna, you have left an imprint on my soul, an imprint that sparkles with the charm of a waltz and twirls with the grace of a ballerina! My journey in Vienna was not just about sightseeing; it was about exploring my own passion for ballet and reminding myself how deeply fulfilling this art form is! It reminds us to embrace the beauty around us and to dance our way through life.

Now, I’ve had a lovely time waltzing around Vienna, but darling, there’s so much more to discover. My pink tutu is already itching to explore another new corner of the world! And my blog, you betcha, will be bursting with details!

Don’t Forget…

Next Wednesday, I'll be posting a brand new blog on Stay tuned, my dears! Until then, dance your hearts out, and remember, in life, as in ballet, the key is to twirl your way to happiness. Remember, every single one of you can make the world a brighter place with a little pink tutu magic!

Emma PinkTutuVienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-06-24