Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-12-16

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #1337: Waltz into Winter Wonderland

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

Guten Tag, my darling darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Vienna blog post. This week, I'm positively bursting with excitement, because not only have I discovered a magical vintage tutu emporium, but I've also had the absolute pleasure of seeing a dazzling performance by the Vienna State Opera Ballet - and I'm not just talking about the show, but the entire experience, right down to the pre-performance rituals.

Now, let me tell you, stepping off the train into Vienna's Hauptbahnhof station, with the city glittering under the winter sun, it already felt like something straight out of a fairytale. As a self-proclaimed tutu aficionado, I have a strong suspicion that fairies wear tutus and, who knows, maybe they use the station too!

As you know, I'm always on the lookout for that perfect tutu, and Vienna didn't disappoint. You'll be delighted to know, I stumbled upon a charming little shop tucked away on a cobbled side street, packed with antique tutus - each one a little piece of history.

Let's just say I'm already plotting how to fit a vintage confection or two into my already bulging tutu collection! It’s difficult for me to resist these beautiful creations; I know some of these tutus have seen things! Every seam, every ruffle whispers stories of forgotten ballets and grand stage performances. Just try telling me they don't possess a bit of magic, darlings!

Before I lost myself in a sartorial daydream, the Vienna State Opera was beckoning, and my senses were positively giddy with anticipation! Let’s just say the Opera House was every bit as breathtaking as you can imagine.

But it wasn’t just the stunning architecture - and, yes, the interior definitely earned its own tutu-tastic rating – it was the whole atmosphere that had me feeling like a princess. The crowds were all beautifully dressed - men in sharp suits, women adorned in elegant gowns, but trust me, none could outshine my own bespoke tutu dress. It swished with every step as I twirled my way through the elegant crowd.

But here's the best bit. Just as the lights dimmed and the music began, the air shimmered, as if sprinkled with a little bit of fairy dust, a hush fell over the audience, and it suddenly felt as if everyone - me included - was about to be transported into another world.

And we were, indeed, transported! The ballet was simply divine. Each delicate movement was a feast for the eyes. It wasn't just the artistry; the emotions were palpable, they practically vibrated from the stage. It was an absolutely mesmerising performance, with such breathtaking precision, elegant movements, and beautiful music, it felt like pure magic!

I confess, I was moved to tears during one particularly poignant moment in the performance. My fellow audience members were equally swept away. Afterward, the standing ovation felt like it went on forever. It’s not surprising though, it’s just how the magic works here in Vienna.

Now, I can't tell you all what I watched (although the show was a famous classical masterpiece – I’ll drop a hint – you know those tragic lovers from the storybooks?). No, the pleasure is in discovering that yourself! It was absolutely perfect!

Now, on to the topic that will interest you all: Fashion. This evening, I wanted to showcase an extra-special tutu to honour the elegance of Vienna. I selected a delicate pink satin tutu adorned with shimmering, silver embellishments that sparkled under the soft Opera house lighting. My ballerina bun was tied with a silk ribbon that perfectly matched the embellishments on my tutu.

Just because it's December, don’t think we need to compromise on a bit of glamour and style. A dash of pink can bring cheer even on the chilliest of nights! Don't be afraid to experiment, darlings, with a pop of colour even during the festive season. We all need a little sprinkle of tutu magic to get us through this time of year!

Before I depart you to plan your next grand tutu-filled outing, I thought I'd leave you with some Vienna highlights for your own ballerina daydreams:

Where to twirl and feast:

  • Vienna State Opera House: This is an absolute must for any ballerina-in-training or tutu lover!
  • Schubert Saal: If you’re craving some music but want to keep your steps light, this concert hall with its intricate décor is sure to inspire you.
  • The Vienna Hofburg Palace: Indulge your inner empress by touring this magnificent palace, home to an art collection that deserves its own tutu, and of course, the Imperial Apartments where royalty have lived in style.
  • Sacher Hotel: Take tea at one of Vienna’s most beloved cafés, and take inspiration for your own ballet costumes - the cakes are definitely worth a tutu.

Vienna's Ballet heritage:

  • Vienna has such a rich ballet history, I would recommend spending an afternoon at the Vienna State Opera Ballet library!

Vienna is positively enchanting this time of year. There are markets bustling with gifts, decorations adorning every corner, and everyone is getting into the festive spirit!

I'll be posting my experiences from Vienna next Wednesday on - don’t forget to check back then! Until then, may your days be filled with a little bit of twirling and a lot of pink!

Keep those tutus spinning, Emma xo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-12-16