Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-04-07

Vienna Whirlwind: Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music! (Blog Post #1353)

Hello my darling tutu-wearers,

It’s Wednesday again, which means it’s time for a fresh dose of Pink Tutu Vienna from your favourite ballerina blogger, Emma! This week, I’ve traded the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the grand boulevards of Vienna, and trust me, the pink tutu is definitely making its mark here!

Now, you know I always like to begin a post with a story, and this one begins in a cloud of steam. Picture this: the sun is setting over the River Thames, painting the sky in shades of fiery orange, and I’m hurtling towards the Eurostar terminal, tutu swirling with the breeze, feeling like a heroine of a classic novel about to embark on an extraordinary adventure. (I may or may not have imagined a dashing Austrian gentleman standing at the platform’s edge, ready to escort me to a fairytale castle. No judgement!)

The truth is, Vienna has always called to me, a siren song of waltz tunes, Baroque architecture, and coffee-laden cafes. I've always had a particular fondness for the waltz, ever since I learned to twirl with a gracefulness that's nearly surpassed by my own tutu.

The train journey was delightful. My fellow passengers were charmed by the tutu, of course. It’s a universal language, that’s a fact! We chatted about ballet, fashion, and the thrill of exploring new cities. There were smiles, and a lot of head nodding when I declared that my mission in Vienna was simple: to discover the heart of the waltz, the soul of ballet, and hopefully inspire everyone to don a pink tutu at least once in their life!

Reaching Vienna was pure magic. The city glowed like a fairytale come to life, with the golden glow of streetlamps reflecting off the majestic architecture. It felt like a scene out of one of the classic ballet productions I love – Swan Lake, maybe? With the elegant cobblestone streets and horse-drawn carriages, there's a distinctly nostalgic air about the place.

Speaking of nostalgic, did you know Vienna's been a hub for ballet for centuries? The famous Vienna State Opera, with its grandeur and intricate ornamentation, is a ballet haven. The ballet world practically vibrates with history here. Did you know that Marie Taglioni, a legendary ballerina who is credited with popularising the pointe shoes, danced here? Can you believe it, those delicate pink pointe shoes, now iconic in the ballet world, started their journey in Vienna? Talk about a graceful connection!

Vienna, as you can see, is the perfect location for a ballet enthusiast. As I'm writing this, I'm sipping on a strong Viennese coffee in a quaint cafe near the Opera House, surrounded by music and chatter. The air hums with an energy that makes you want to spin. I’m here, ready to take on this captivating city, with my trusty pink tutu, of course! I’ll be posting about my experiences throughout the week – expect plenty of ballet class photos (pink tutu included, naturally!), insights into the history of Vienna’s ballet scene, and fashion tips on how to achieve the perfect tutu-wearing look for any occasion!

My Tutu-tastic Adventures So Far

Now, before I go on with all the thrilling details, let's recap my past few days in Vienna:

Day One: Waltz-ing in Wonderland!

On Monday, I started my Vienna adventures in style with a tour of the Vienna State Opera House. The architecture is absolutely breathtaking. They had a dress rehearsal for a performance of "La Bohème" on the day I arrived. And trust me, the elegance and finesse of the dancers transported me into another world – a world of silk, feathers, and swirling tutus! It was mesmerising! In the afternoon, I took a lesson at the famous Vienna State Opera Ballet School. The instructor was wonderful! Imagine a room filled with dancers, all pirouetting and plies, with the rhythmic sounds of music filling the air, a glorious spectacle for the eyes. But my favourite moment, hands down, was getting to meet a few of the students who shared my love for pink! They even invited me to try out their pointe shoes. Talk about living the ballerina dream!

Day Two: Riding Through History

On Tuesday, I was invited by the kind owner of a stable to experience Vienna’s streets through the lens of horse-drawn carriage rides! I donned a flowing pink dress (what else?) and felt like I was straight out of a fairy tale, gracefully trotting through the city centre with a gentle wind tousling my hair. There's a charm to seeing the city at a slower pace, allowing yourself to be swept up in the ambiance of Vienna's history. We stopped for a delightful picnic in a lush park filled with cherry blossoms. Did I mention the gorgeous pink tulips that were blooming all around? The perfect pink-tutu-inspired backdrop!

Day Three: Shopping Splendour!

And now, we’re on to my third day. This Wednesday was dedicated to indulging in the shopping wonders of Vienna! It's a shopaholic’s dream! With a city so rich in history and artistry, you'd be remiss not to treat yourself to some beautifully designed gifts and treasures! So far, I’ve snagged a stunning antique broach, a pair of exquisite hand-painted earrings, and a beautiful pink silk scarf that’ll be perfect with my favourite pink tutu. It was such a pleasure to chat with the store owners, discover their craftsmanship, and hear stories of the history that goes into these creations. This city truly knows how to spoil!

A Sneak Peek at Tomorrow

Tomorrow, I'm venturing into the charming countryside for a day of hiking! The Vienna Woods is calling, and you bet I'll be taking my pink tutu along for the adventure! There's nothing better than a brisk walk in nature with the crisp mountain air, a perfect combination of elegance and rugged beauty, just like a true ballerina! I'll also be checking out the legendary Hofburg Palace, the opulent residence of the Habsburg emperors, and sharing some insights about their ballet history with you!

From Vienna, With Love & Twirls!

It's amazing how one little city can hold such immense cultural significance. I’m already deeply smitten with Vienna, its waltz, its history, its people. I'm confident that every ballet aficionado out there, with or without a pink tutu, would feel the same! It's truly an unforgettable city that captures your heart with its unique blend of beauty, culture, and of course, the magic of ballet!

Keep an eye on this space for more updates from my Vienna adventure! It’s sure to be filled with pink tutu moments, stylish finds, and perhaps even a few waltzes under the Vienna moonlight. I'll be sharing everything!

Until next week, stay twirling and always remember,

It’s never too late to put on your pink tutu!

Much love and lots of pink,


P.S: Follow me on Instagram, @PinkTutuTravels for all my behind-the-scenes photos! And if you’re planning a trip to Vienna yourself, send me a message! I’d love to help you plan your tutu-tastic journey.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-04-07