Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-07-28

Vienna Waltz: A Tutu-licious Journey Through Time (Post #1369)

Bonjour, mes chérie! It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu Princess, reporting live from the vibrant, waltz-infused city of Vienna!

This Wednesday, as the sun dappled through the leaves of the Hofburg Palace, casting its golden glow on the cobblestones, I felt a magical feeling settle upon me. You see, Vienna is not just any city. It's a city that breathes ballet – the birthplace of waltz, Strauss, and some of the most exquisite ballet history in the world!

My week here has been a whirlwind of tutus, tiaras, and tons of twirls – what else would you expect from the Queen of Pink Tutu? Let me take you on my adventures…

A Ballet-Inspired Shopping Spree

I've been shopping, darling, and let me tell you, Vienna knows how to dress up a girl! From the iconic boutiques on Kärntner Strasse, boasting dazzling window displays, to the quaint antique shops tucked away in hidden corners, my heart (and my wardrobe) has been singing.

The waltz has clearly inspired the fashion here - flowing skirts, romantic embellishments, and of course, endless swathes of pink. You can’t go wrong with a pair of sparkling heels to match your tutu. I found a stunning, blush-coloured silk dress adorned with delicate beading. It would look divine with my new sparkly pink ballet shoes, wouldn't you say?

Tutus on Trams, Swans on Stage

The very air here is filled with the music of Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss – a perfect soundtrack for my endless ballet pirouettes through the streets! Even the public transport system seemed to understand the language of tutus. My trusty tram ride offered stunning views of the city – oh, and you’d be amazed to know how many fellow tutu wearers were onboard! (Did I mention, I’m on a mission to spread the joy of tutus worldwide?).

Speaking of the beautiful city views, I had the most divine encounter at the Vienna State Opera! The evening unfolded like a magical fairytale. The set for Swan Lake was absolutely breath-taking - it seemed like the swans were swimming through a dreamlike landscape of sparkling moonlight. I swear, my heart soared with every pirouette and graceful jump. I had to share my love of tutus with everyone in the audience - you'll see pictures of my custom pink tutu on my social media later.

Riding High in the Heart of Austria

But the Vienna adventure doesn’t end on stage. Riding through the Viennese countryside on a magnificent Lipizzaner horse was pure enchantment. This breed of horse, known for its elegance and grace, seemed to share my passion for ballet. Their powerful, yet controlled movements, were nothing short of mesmerizing. We galloped through meadows kissed by sunshine and dappled with wildflowers. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of freshly-cut hay. Did I mention it's the most beautiful, and elegant animal in the world? (Did I also mention it’s a lot more fun to ride than take the tram!).

Back to the Future of Ballet

You know how I'm obsessed with ballet history, right? Well, here in Vienna, history literally surrounds you! Stepping inside the Vienna State Opera, I felt a sense of awe, seeing the exquisite decor and grand chandeliers that have graced so many performances over the centuries. It’s inspiring!

In this land of waltzing royalty, the influence of ballet is deeply woven into the very fabric of Viennese culture. I love this, you guys! Vienna has taken me on a journey through time and reminded me that ballet has always been about joy, grace, and beauty.

Sharing my Tutus and Thoughts

Tonight, as I stand by the Danube River, with its twinkling lights reflecting on the water, I find myself feeling eternally grateful for the chance to be in this magical city. This incredible experience has solidified my belief that tutus are the ultimate expression of creativity and joy.

Do you know, my biggest wish? To see a whole crowd of people, all in their brightest pink tutus, twirling around in the shadow of Vienna’s majestic cathedral. That, my darlings, would be a truly spectacular sight to behold!

So, keep dancing your way through life, spread some joy and pink tutu love wherever you go, and keep checking my blog,, every Wednesday. Until then, remember - it’s never too late to embrace the tutu lifestyle!

Sending you all my love,

Your Pink Tutu Princess, Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-07-28