Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-10-13

Vienna, Darling, Vienna! (Post #1380)

Hello, my gorgeous readers! Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure in the heart of Europe. It's been an absolute joy exploring Vienna, a city brimming with history, charm, and yes, a surprising amount of pink (even if it isn't always in the form of tutus).

I do love me a good waltz, a grand ballroom, a perfectly manicured garden, and let's be honest, a dash of the glamorous old world. This city was practically made for me, especially when you consider it was once the musical capital of the world. Oh, Vienna! The history here just shimmers and whispers like a perfectly executed arabesque! I was lucky enough to stay in the chic, sophisticated 1st district, right in the thick of things, where I could hop, skip, and twirl my way around to all the fabulous sights.

Trains & Ballet - A Perfect Combination

Vienna has a vibrant railway network that's a joy to ride - efficient, beautiful, and just perfect for the well-dressed ballerina who's also keen on exploring. As much as I love a good train ride, it’s nothing like arriving at the Vienna State Opera after an elegant ballet performance. Speaking of the State Opera, imagine my delight! They were presenting "The Sleeping Beauty"! I was practically skipping across the cobblestone streets (well, almost - you wouldn't want to mess up those patent leather pumps!).

The grandeur of the Opera House just took my breath away - the glittering chandeliers, the rich velvet seats, the impeccable sound... pure theatrical bliss. The performance itself was mesmerising; each step, each pose, the sheer passion was palpable, and I can honestly say I was left in awe of the artistry and grace of these dancers.

Tutu Tales and Vienna's Fashionable Side

Vienna has a fantastic shopping scene - I've been browsing through all the local designer boutiques and charming vintage shops. I scored some adorable ballet-inspired clothing - a sleek black pencil skirt, some exquisitely soft cashmere cardigans (the perfect winter warmer!), and of course, a stunning new pink tutu for the Vienna State Ballet Gala, where I got to dance on stage with a real professional! (It’s a secret passion - being a backstage assistant, it just helps pay for the trains and tutus!)

Speaking of tutus, Vienna boasts a rich history of ballet - it’s home to some truly phenomenal dance schools. I was lucky enough to be invited to watch a practice at the Vienna State Ballet school. I was amazed at the raw talent, dedication, and commitment of the dancers! These are the future of ballet, and seeing them practice was truly inspiring! The school even has a library filled with old books on the history of tutus - the story of the ballerina’s essential garment is fascinating and so full of whimsy.

Whipping up a Waltz in Vienna

One of my favorite activities in Vienna was simply strolling through the gorgeous Schönbrunn Palace Gardens, a royal and regal paradise perfect for taking some stunning photos (in my new tutu, of course!). And there's nothing quite as romantic as a walk along the Ringstrasse, Vienna’s famous boulevard, surrounded by historic buildings, monuments, and plenty of chic shops. I was fortunate to get to take a horse-drawn carriage ride on this street (just me, my tutu and my photographer) it really felt like something out of a fairytale.

As always, the Viennese are kind and charming, with an understated elegance that's undeniably alluring. They might not wear tutus, but their impeccable sense of style certainly gives them a sense of ballet grace. But I'm sure they would, if only I could get them to see the light! (Or perhaps if I give them a stylish pink tutu as a present).

I know what you're thinking, you all have an unbridled fascination with my fabulous pink tutus. Well, my lovelies, stay tuned. You never know what ballet, tutu, or city adventure is going to pop up on this blog next.

Don't forget to check in next Wednesday! I'm off to Budapest, darling - a city steeped in history, and of course, its own magical sense of grace.

Until next time, keep on twirling!


Emma xx

P.S. Want to stay in the loop for my next travel post, ballet performance, tutu shopping spree or other exciting happenings? Don’t forget to subscribe! Head over to

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-10-13