Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2023-04-12

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel (Post #1458)

Guten Tag, meine Lieben! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, writing to you from the heart of Vienna, a city so charming it makes even the most seasoned ballerina's heart skip a beat! As you all know, Wednesdays are reserved for my Austrian adventures, so grab a cuppa, put on your favourite polka-dot dress and let's delve into a world of waltzes, schnitzels, and, of course, the very best tutus this side of the Alps!

From Derbyshire to Vienna by Rail, Horseback, and Tutu!

My journey here was a grand adventure in itself. I traded in my trusty old Vauxhall Corsa for a sleeper train, gliding through the night like a pink feather in the wind, all the way from my beloved Derbyshire countryside. It was worth the travel time to witness the sun rise over the majestic Bavarian Alps - just the sort of fairytale scenery to inspire even the most jaded of ballerinas. Once I reached Austria, I traded the steel horse for a real one! A handsome stallion with a mane the colour of dark chocolate whisked me away to my Viennese home for the week, a charmingly kitsch boutique hotel overlooking the beautiful Stephansdom. It's all part of the fun, you know? A girl's gotta mix up her transport!

A Ballet Lover's Paradise: Vienna Opera House & Ballet History

Now, let's talk ballet! Vienna is, without a doubt, a paradise for anyone who's ever twirled on pointe or dreamed of dancing with the swans. It's impossible to talk about ballet in Vienna without mentioning the magnificent Vienna State Opera. You know how much I love history and tutus, so just imagine my joy when I realised the opera house was founded in 1741, a year older than my dearest tutu-wearing self!

Just walking through the grand, marble hallways, imagining the greats like Anna Pavlova, Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev taking the stage before me, it's almost impossible not to feel a flutter in my heart. This week, I’m off to see Swan Lake, a production with costumes I simply must capture on my blog – the swan feathers, the tulle, oh, the sheer elegance of it all!

Beyond the Ballet: Exploring the Viennese Glamour

Now, no visit to Vienna is complete without a touch of fashion and sparkle! A quick glance at the window displays along the Kärntner Straße proves this city is as much about couture as it is about culture. I picked up a fabulously frivolous feather boa for a performance later this week, and the sales assistant (whose name I sadly forgot but I do remember his handlebar moustache!) was more than happy to show me some tutus in the most wonderful shade of pistachio green.

I couldn’t leave Vienna without savoring some of the local delicacies. The traditional Viennese Wiener Schnitzel is something to behold. A giant, golden, crispy piece of heaven. I just hope my Tutu fits after this delicious experience!

Pink Tutu on the Streets of Vienna!

It wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Vienna post without a little "tutu on the town" action. On Sunday, I'll be taking my most flamboyant pink tutu for a walk down the Mariahilfer Straße. Vienna is incredibly charming for its vibrant street culture. And let me tell you, it takes a lot of sparkle to stand out! I am also doing a guest ballet class on Saturday, my signature pink tutu will certainly add some sparkle to that! I do hope some of the locals take note. You know I am trying to get every woman on the planet in a pink tutu, no matter where they are in the world.

And a Final Word

Until next week, darlings, I wish you all graceful pirouettes, lots of laughter, and a dash of pink! Remember, even a small step towards being your most authentic self can be the first pirouette to a bigger and brighter future! Stay pink!

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2023-04-12