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History of Ballet in 	1577

Pink Tutu News - Issue No. 5: 1577 - The Courtly Steps Towards Ballet

Hello my dearest ballet bunnies! Welcome back to Pink Tutu News, your one-stop shop for all things tutus, history, and ballet, darling, ballet!

As you know, I absolutely adore exploring the history of our beloved art form. This week, we’re twirling back to the year 1577, a year brimming with intrigue and burgeoning steps toward what we now know as ballet.

Now, while it wasn't quite the elegant, en pointe, tutus-a-plenty spectacle we know and love today, there was definitely a buzz of movement in the air! The Italian Renaissance was in full swing, and the court of Catherine de Medici, the Queen Mother of France, was a hotbed of cultural activity. She was quite the patron of the arts, you see, and her court was famous for its extravagant entertainment, featuring stunning dances and courtly balls.

This is where the story really starts getting exciting! Catherine de Medici, being the stylish Queen Mother she was, was absolutely fascinated by these dance spectacles, and commissioned the Ballet Comique de la Reine, the first truly elaborate dance performance. Imagine a blend of elaborate costuming, poetry, song, and dance, set in the stunning backdrop of the Queen’s courtyard! It’s almost like a first taste of ballet in its grandest form!

While it was hardly the delicate pas de deux we’re familiar with today, Ballet Comique was a milestone! Think graceful, flowing movements, accompanied by beautiful music, all choreographed by a genius named Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx. Oh, he was a true Renaissance man, a painter, musician, and, of course, a dancer!

But it wasn't just about the moves, my darlings. Think magnificent costumes, spectacular set designs, and stories woven through dance - a captivating feast for the senses! It’s all thanks to Catherine de Medici’s love for the arts, you know, her patronage truly brought these captivating dances to life.

And speaking of life… Catherine's Court in 1577 was buzzing with not just ballet but a kaleidoscope of other performances! Imagine, ladies, courtly musicians playing exquisite melodies on their lutes, or troubadours serenading with captivating ballads, even, dare I say, the occasional acrobat bringing a splash of spectacle! The stage, while not as developed, was teeming with all sorts of entertainment - imagine, ballet was merely a young twig amongst a mighty tree of creativity!

Shopping Spree in 1577:

If I were time-traveling back to 1577, I’d be snapping up everything from the shimmering fabrics adorning the dancers to the intricate gowns worn by the noble ladies at the court!

Velvet, ladies, oh, the velvet! This rich, decadent fabric was all the rage, its colours so vivid and deep. Imagine my own little pink tutu crafted from sumptuous velvet, darling! Just the thought sends a shiver down my spine! And silk, oh, so much silk! They used it for their beautiful brocades, intricate patterns, a dazzling display of artistry. I’m picturing tutus that sparkle and sway, every turn sending shimmers of pink across the stage.

Oh, the artistry! The courtly fashion of 1577 was all about embroidery, a flurry of colourful threads bringing exquisite designs to life. I imagine a pink tutu, so intricately embroidered, showcasing the art of that era!

The Stage Today

While we’re dreaming of bygone eras, the world of ballet today is bursting with dazzling performances! It’s such a thrilling time to be a ballet fan!

Just last month, I saw the most spectacular performance of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House! It truly blew me away. Every pirouette, every jeté felt so emotive and the costumes, divine. That black swan costume was, shall we say, breathtaking, the dramatic makeup and flowing, elegant black feathers… Oh, pure enchantment!

Speaking of feathers, there’s a fantastic exhibit happening at the V&A Museum all about costumes and stage design. Imagine feathers, silk, jewels all displayed beautifully - a truly fascinating look into the world of fashion and ballet, all wrapped up in a magnificent museum setting. I’ve even heard whispers of some very unique Pink Tutu-esque exhibits – if only we could rewind the time-travel clock for this one, darling!

And, let’s not forget the street performance scene! You'd be amazed at the ballet inspired performances popping up in cities everywhere! From dynamic street ballet shows with music to dramatic storytelling conveyed through silent choreography, street performances are bursting with creativity. I even saw a young, aspiring dancer last week perform her own ballet piece set to the music of a busker. Oh, her talent! I even slipped a small gift of ballet supplies to help her dreams take flight.

Now, don’t forget, ballet is not just a spectacle, my darlings, it’s about passion, expression, and the boundless power of dance. As the ballet scene in 1577 showed us, it’s about pushing the boundaries of what's possible. And let's face it, there's nothing more exciting than a ballet that breaks the mould.

Until next time, keep those pink tutus sparkling, my loves! And, never underestimate the magic that a single step, a single pirouette, can inspire. Let’s keep spreading the love of ballet, and who knows, maybe we’ll be lucky enough to see the day where every ballet dancer is twirling in their own exquisite pink tutu!

With love,


History of Ballet in 	1577