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History of Ballet in 	1578

Pink Tutu Post #6: A Blast to the Past: 1578! 🩰💖

Helloooo darlings! 🙋‍♀️ Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballet enthusiast, back with another peek into the magical world of ballet history! Today, we're whisking you back to 1578, a year that might not sound super exciting for ballet, but trust me, this was a year that set the stage for so much we love today!

This time, I didn't need to use my time-travelling street ballet powers (though a street performance in Elizabethan England would be a hoot!). Instead, I dove deep into the history books, and let me tell you, it was like wearing the most gorgeous vintage tutu, all swirling layers of discovery!

1578: What’s the Buzz?

Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, ballet wasn't even a thing back then!". Well, you'd be half right, darlings! Ballet wasn't the elegant, graceful spectacle we know today. Think more… Courtly Dancing, if you will.

You see, during this period, the fancy ladies and gentlemen of the French court, were thrilled with dances and pageantry, and you can't blame them - they were very good at it, those elegant courtiers! And while these dances weren't what we consider ballet today, they laid the foundation, a bit like when I just have to add another layer of tulle to my favourite tutu – it all starts somewhere!

This is where our French king, Henri III, comes in. He was the absolute monarch (he was like the ruler, darling!), and his reign, full of elaborate ceremonies and dazzling dances, made these forms of art all the more popular! 👑

Speaking of dances, there was one dance style super popular back then called the balletto - Italian, very sophisticated. This dance form was all about costumes, gestures, and lots of grand drama which gave early ballet a lot of its character.

Can you imagine? No proper pliés or arabesques - gasp – instead, beautiful, flowing, artistic, story-driven, movements. Not entirely not ballet in a way!

1578: Fashion and Shows:

The fashion scene was, to put it mildly, extravagant! Imagine hoops of the biggest proportion (much bigger than those in today's ballerina looks). The ruffs were something else. Think of those dramatic collars the Tudors sported – the more ruffled, the more fashionable, I swear. And let's not forget the pointed toes - the earlier forms of ballet shoes. They used a ' sock *’ as their dancing shoes back in these early days - a real far cry from my pretty pointe shoes! And while I may not be quite the history expert on *courtly dance - I’d wager these ladies could have rocked a contemporary look, too!

In 1578, theatre was also blooming in a big way, and some of these balletto dances even became incorporated into plays. These shows weren't just about the words but the action and story, all with a dash of those incredible costume designs! So basically - a sort of mini-ballet performance mixed into theatre, fascinating right?

My vision is perfectly clear darling! It's to see more dancers in these styles incorporated into modern plays! Just think of how exciting a play could be if we combine traditional acting and storytelling with our beloved dance movements, from ballet to contemporary!

Ballet fashion through history:

Imagine, if you will, a timeline. From the ruffs and hoops of the 16th century, straight to my favourite pink tutus of the 21st! Ballet fashion, just like dance itself, has transformed over the centuries. Every new style tells us a story, how exciting! It tells us of changing culture and styles. And who knows what new trends and styles await us? Let’s go exploring together, darling!

And there you have it! Just a snippet from our exciting trip to the history of ballet! Don't forget to check out Pink for more of my amazing ballet-infused adventures, and remember – let’s all dance in pink tutus! Until next time! 🩰💖

History of Ballet in 	1578