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History of Ballet in 	1579

Pink Tutu Post #7: 1579 - When Ballet Took Its First Steps!

Hello my darling dears! It's Emma from Pink Tutu HQ, here to take you on a time-travelling adventure back to the year 1579! Buckle up your little ballet shoes, this is one historical hop you won't want to miss!

I know what you're thinking, "1579? Surely ballet hadn't even been invented then!" Well, my fabulous friends, hold onto your tiaras! It was in this year that something rather special happened. You see, a man called Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx put on a massive party for Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France, in honour of the marriage of her daughter to the Duke of Lorraine. Now, I love a good wedding and this one, well, this was a SPECTACLE!

The event was called "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine" (The Queen's Comic Ballet). It wasn't quite the dainty ballet we know and love today, with its tutus and graceful pirouettes, but this lavish affair laid the foundation for ballet as we know it. Imagine, ladies, a story performed in beautiful costumes, with music and poetry – pure fairytale magic! This event marked a turning point in history and the beginning of a long and beautiful journey that continues to this day, a journey where tutus are truly at the heart of it all!

Now, the costumes worn in Le Ballet Comique de la Reine were quite dramatic, my dears! Picture elaborate, richly embroidered gowns, sparkling with jewels and topped off with towering feathered headdresses. Talk about fashion-forward! They may not have been tutus exactly, but their artistry paved the way for the dazzling costumes that are so beloved in the ballet world today!

What about other delights from 1579, you ask? Well, in that year, a young William Shakespeare was starting out, putting pen to paper for his early plays. So exciting, just think, it wouldn’t be long before Shakespeare’s plays began to be performed all over the globe. How fab to think of the elegant tutus twirling on stage during the performance of a Romeo and Juliet, with their delicate movements interpreting the romance and drama on stage. And imagine those stunning tutus adding another layer to the brilliance and excitement of a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Sadly, back in the 1570s, our iconic pink tutus didn’t quite exist. I mean, imagine that fabulous explosion of colour, dancing on stage - how simply fabulous. But this wouldn't stop me! It's important to look to the past, learn, and grow. Even back then, ballet was the epitome of grace, beauty, and artistic expression. And those captivating elements haven’t faded in the least! I bet you they were wearing a fair share of velvet, ruffles, and feathers, right?

As you’re imagining these vibrant dances, be sure to consider the significance of Le Ballet Comique de la Reine for the art of ballet! Imagine the Queen, in a glittering crown, watching the stories unfold! The impact it had was groundbreaking! The use of costumes, storytelling, and musicality marked the birth of ballet as we know it! Talk about inspiring!

I always try to find some ways to honour our heritage, whether through a vintage ballet fashion accessory or through dance styles influenced by ballet. Last week I bought this lovely feather adorned top, it even comes with a mini tutu to wear around it. I was out shopping with my mum (she’s such a big supporter of my pink tutu blog! It makes my heart melt) and saw a real vintage ballerina photo - from 1920 - of one of my fave ballet dancers, the incredible Nijinsky, she couldn't resist! It’s all about embracing the history and enjoying the timeless beauty of ballet!

Of course, the journey doesn't stop there. There's a whole exciting timeline to explore – and, of course, tutus have had a central role to play in that. I can’t wait to tell you all about it in my upcoming posts! And keep your eye on for exclusive fashion insights and updates about all the fabulous happenings in the world of ballet!

Until then, I'll be working on a little routine inspired by 1579 fashion and maybe even trying to find some historical costume references to work in the colours, feathers and rich fabrics. Do I dare hope for a pink tutu trend in 1579, you ask? Only time will tell! I am working hard for the global pink tutu domination! And who knows, maybe I can even use some of the fashion trends to help my street dancing. There’s always something new and inspiring for a Pink Tutu Girl like me to discover. Don't forget to follow Pink Tutu HQ and remember, always wear a smile – and even better, a pink tutu!



History of Ballet in 	1579