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History of Ballet in 	1585

Pink Tutu Post #13: 1585 – A Sparkling Start to Ballet's Story!

Hey darlings, it's Emma here from and it's time for another historical peek into the world of ballet. Today, we're time-hopping all the way back to 1585 – that's right, ladies, the late 16th century!

You might think, "1585?! That's practically the Dark Ages for ballet! Surely, there wasn't even a tutu, let alone a pink one." And you'd be partly right, my loves!

From the Courts of France: The Spark of Ballet

Now, this period, folks, was more about elegant, graceful courtly dances than anything resembling the tutus and pirouettes we know today. Think elegant, flowing movements inspired by medieval court dances. But there were exciting things brewing in France!

Enter Ballet Comique de la Reine - the first true ballet. Think of it as the big bang of ballet history – a spectacular event organised by the queen's brother in 1581. The court dancers were dressed up as gods and goddesses, and it involved everything from poetry to music. Even if the actual ballet wasn't quite tutu-tastic, it was a huge, historic step!

And you know what else was fascinating about that era? Think feathered hats, puffy sleeves, and elaborate silk gowns - so much potential for tutus! (Or, let's be real, the potential for gorgeous gowns that almost looked like tutus, right?)

A Whirl of Fashion

Speaking of fashion, picture ladies sporting beautiful corsets, bonnets, and luxurious silk gowns, much like in Jane Austen's books. It’s tempting to think a fluffy tulle skirt tucked under a velvet dress could be just around the corner! We may be waiting a bit for tutus in the classic sense, but these elegant looks had an inherent beauty, setting the stage for what would evolve over the centuries into what we know today as ballet fashion!

A Glimpse into Ballet Shows

Sadly, ballet performances weren't as plentiful or widely available in 1585 as they are today. These performances were more for courtly amusement and elaborate spectacles. They were less about formal "ballets" with storylines and more about elegant movements in celebration of a royal event or honouring important individuals. The Ballet Comique de la Reine was certainly a dazzling spectacle and quite rare for the era. Think of it as an exciting "pop up ballet" performance in today’s world!

Time Travel Thoughts:

Honestly, wouldn’t it be fabulous to slip into a stunning corset dress and watch this legendary performance? Imagine witnessing those movements - elegant, flowing, and full of beauty. It would be like witnessing the birth of an art form, watching ballet blossom in all its early grace. And maybe, just maybe, if you really close your eyes, you can picture the future of ballet, its potential for expression, its powerful and expressive movements.

Now, before we travel to the next decade, I have a challenge for you! Think about this: what would be the ultimate pink tutu creation for a 1585 performance? Maybe a puffy tulle skirt draped over a gown or a stunning, feather-adorned hat? Send your creations to! I’d love to see what you imagine, my dears!

Until next time, remember to keep dancing, dreaming, and wearing those gorgeous tutus - even if they're not strictly speaking 'historical'!

See you in our next time travel journey!

With love, from the pink tutu queen, Emma!

History of Ballet in 	1585