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History of Ballet in 	1586

Pink Tutu's Ballet History Post #14: A Glimpse Back to 1586 – A Time for Kings & Courtiers

Hello darlings! Emma here, back with another installment in my pink-tutu-clad journey through ballet history. This week, we're venturing all the way back to 1586 - a time of grandeur, grace, and (yes, believe it or not!) the early seeds of ballet.

Time-traveling from Derbyshire, I felt the crisp autumn air whip past my frilled tutu as I stepped into the bustling, vibrant streets of Renaissance Italy. The colours were dazzling, and everywhere I looked there was an abundance of life and energy. I could practically hear the harpsichord music and feel the joy in the air. This was Florence, the very city that witnessed the birth of the ballet de cour.

But wait, hold on! Ballet? In 1586? You're thinking - what about the graceful leaps and delicate poses of modern ballet? The flowing tutus and romantic storylines? Well, darling, ballet in those days was a far cry from what we see today. Think of it more like a refined courtly dance where gentlemen and ladies showcased their elegance and grace, sometimes to express themes or narrate stories.

The leading lady of the Italian scene back then was Catherine de' Medici, the queen consort of France. A renowned patron of the arts, she was smitten with all things artistic, and she held lavish court events where dance took center stage. It was Catherine who introduced ballet to France, and who would forever change the way courtly dances would be seen in Europe. She became a massive advocate for the art, ensuring it wasn't just for royalty but for the entire court to participate in and enjoy.

Here's the fun bit! Catherine de' Medici even staged a ballet spectacle in honour of her son's wedding! Can you imagine? Imagine, for a moment, if a prince got hitched, and you, darling, were given a front row seat to the grandest dance celebration. You'd be practically dripping with tulle and excitement!

That being said, this early form of ballet wasn't exactly pink-tutu-approved - they were wearing far less revealing attire! They had those voluminous gowns and intricate, ornate outfits which they gracefully pirouetted and bowed in. Think refined choreography, showcasing their poise and sophistication. Think dancing in ball gowns. Imagine, darling! I'm envisioning layers and layers of satin, lace and embellishments - perfect inspiration for a contemporary take on ballet fashion, perhaps with some added sparkle?

Of course, while I am here, I would be remiss not to delve into some fabulous fashion! Imagine, darling, stepping into a bustling courtyard and spotting a troupe of elegantly attired dancers - perhaps one even wearing a pink silk* bodice, sparkling with jeweled accents, perhaps?*! I’d love to go on a time-traveling shopping spree and try some of these exquisite fashions - after all, who doesn't adore a good dose of historic elegance and beauty, with a twirl-worthy element of flair?

I have a feeling you, darling, would absolutely love a peek into this fascinating world of ballet and fashion history! If you’d like me to delve deeper into any historical period, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog - I always enjoy a good chat about anything ballet and its fabulous history!

Until next time, darling, keep those pink tutus twirling, and never stop dancing your heart out!

Emma x

History of Ballet in 	1586