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History of Ballet in 	1590

Pink Tutu News: Ballet History Edition – 1590! 🩰

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu News! This week, we're doing a bit of a time-travel trip to the glorious year of 1590 – that's right, 1590! Think Renaissance Faire fashion, think opulent courts, think of the origins of our beloved ballet! ✨

I've been saving this date for a while, and honestly, I'm so excited to finally share this trip with you all. As you know, my aim in life is to spread the joy and beauty of the tutu, and what better way to do that than to take a deep dive into the history of ballet? 💖

Now, 1590, as you know, is a little earlier than our current tutu situation. It's a time where what we would recognise as 'ballet' was still a long way off, but it's an incredibly exciting time for dance nonetheless! Think graceful, courtly movements and intricate footwork.

Before We Begin – My Tutu Tip: I always find myself daydreaming about the historical costumes when I read about this time period. What would they look like with a hint of pink? It’s a fashion question that is both tantalising and fascinating! 💕

Now, for you avid Pink Tutu News readers, you might know I occasionally sneak a time-travel tip into these history posts (don’t worry, it’s all strictly for research!), so today we'll explore the glorious era of 1590 together. Think of it as an educational, glittery day trip to the past! 💃

1590: Where Ballet Really Began to Blossom

Now, 1590 wasn’t the absolute birth of ballet, as some sources would claim. But, this period marked the beginning of what we could consider to be its development into the dance we love today!

Imagine a dazzling court, elegant ladies in billowing gowns, and men performing feats of strength and agility.

“Ballets de cour”: Imagine a time of spectacle and delight where ballets were performed specifically for the court! Talk about a front-row experience! ✨ These “ballets de cour” were more than just performances; they were displays of social prowess and courtly intrigue.

In 1590, this type of dance became more established. Kings and queens saw it as an excellent way to demonstrate their grandeur. Remember those Renaissance festivals you love? These court ballets were a similar concept, full of elegance, costuming, and grand stories.

A Tale of the Time: A few interesting happenings were swirling around in 1590 that were setting the stage for what was to become a beloved dance form! Let me give you some fascinating insights!

Firstly, think of Catherine de Medici, the Italian queen of France. Her dedication to courtly performances, specifically in 1581 with the debut of Le Ballet Comique de la Reine, was a major turning point in the development of dance. That one spectacle was a full-length ballet with music and costumes! Think of that! A major turning point in our favourite dance form! 🎉

Then you have King Henry III, another monarch keen on courtly dancing. These events led to a flowering of ballet as an art form, laying the groundwork for the ballet we know and love. I can just picture those stunning royal costumes! They must have been magnificent, and it gives you an idea of the fashion scene back then. I bet there were some spectacular headdresses! Imagine a ballet that combines high fashion with history – what an incredible show that would be! 👠✨

1590 Fashion: What's Trending?

1590’s fashion is not all farthingales and ruff collars! You’ve got me curious, haven’t you? There were styles within these eras that you could totally adopt!

First, imagine high collars, think about a tutu and an elaborate hat - a touch of theatrical elegance! Lace was very popular at the time and for ladies, think about flowing dresses! What a wonderful mix of styles. For ladies, it’s a fabulous look that complements a tutu beautifully, especially a longer pink tutu, so it flows along the floor. Imagine a flowing dress with pink highlights. 💃 The look would be completely timeless!

If you have the chance, I’d definitely suggest visiting some ballet shows that showcase periods like this, and get yourself some gorgeous, history-inspired garments from shops selling the perfect blend of period elegance and modern styles!

What’s New In the Ballet World of 1590?

So, I know what you’re thinking – we’re missing the grand ballets, the tutus, and those mesmerising ballerinas with graceful movements, but the groundwork was being laid! Imagine these “Ballets de cour” – not just simple dances, but beautiful expressions, grand stories, and breathtaking visuals! Think of what these dancers went on to influence. I mean, ballet as we know it was just starting to develop, and it just shows how far our favourite form of art has come, and it all began right here, in 1590! 🤩

I think I need a costume shop day soon! Don't you? Perhaps with a historical flair to the theme, some stunning fabrics!

And for all you lovelies following me on this journey, don’t forget to come back next time for our next look at Ballet history! In the meantime, make sure you let me know in the comments what you think about 1590’s ballet and what fashion trends caught your eye. What would you incorporate in a 1590-inspired outfit for yourself? 💕

As always, thank you for reading, darlings!

Remember, my aim in life is to make the world pinker, one tutu at a time. Now go out and strut that pink confidence, you fabulous tutu-wearing beauties! 💕

Until next time, stay fabulous!


Emma, your favourite tutu-obsessed blogger

P.S. Follow my ballet history adventures on Instagram! #PinkTutuNews #BalletHistory

(End of Post 18)

History of Ballet in 	1590