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History of Ballet in 	1591

Pink-Tutu Post No. 19: A Glimpse Back to 1591 – The Year Ballet Truly Began! 🩰💖

Hey lovelies,

Emma here, your very own pink-tutu-wearing time traveller, ready to take you on another captivating journey through ballet history! Today, we're going all the way back to 1591, the year that marked a truly monumental turning point for the art form we know and adore! 🎉

Imagine my delight, darling readers, when I popped back to 1591 – what an amazing adventure it was! It wasn't all grand opera houses and glistening tutus just yet, but I can tell you this, it was the year the foundations of ballet as we know it were laid!

You see, this was the year that the first ballet was officially presented! It was a beautiful work called "The Ballet Comique de la Reine" – a whimsical tale about the court of Love, and you can imagine my joy, the first ballet performance had such a beautiful theme! This wasn't just any old ballet though; it was the very first to incorporate the intricate, flowing steps and captivating storytelling we associate with ballet today. Can you believe it? The elegant twirls, the graceful leaps, it all started here, in 1591, making me want to rush out and practice my pliés right here in the archives!

Imagine a world before ballet, just unthinkable!

So, how did we get here?

The Ballet Comique de la Reine was the brainchild of Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx, a man ahead of his time! It wasn’t a straightforward ballet we'd recognize, mind you, but rather a grand spectacle combining elements of poetry, music, singing, and yes, even ballet steps! Think elaborate dances interspersed with scenes and spoken dialogue – almost like a play in disguise with an elegant twist. This first ballet premiered at the court of Catherine de Medici, a fashion icon of her day and a strong supporter of the arts, she loved fashion and ballet. I’m just glad I didn't run into her - she was said to have favoured a very distinct “French" style which probably would've made me feel very self-conscious. Let's just say I might not have fit in with my very British style and my bright pink tutu. But honestly, can you imagine being around in those days!

It wasn't long before others started copying this ground-breaking idea! Ballet started popping up everywhere, a blossoming dance of elegance and movement capturing everyone's imaginations. I bet the theatre and ballet were filled with excitement during this time! This excitement wasn't just confined to the royal court – the Parisian citizens were all enthralled by the beauty of the new art form, just imagine how captivating that must have been, like a new world unfolding. The stage was set (pun intended!) for the development of ballet, slowly shaping the elegant dance art form we adore today.

Imagine me waltzing through 1591, my tutu shimmering like a burst of pink sunshine against the backdrop of that historic ballet. I would've loved to join the dancing at court, and even better, I would've wanted to meet Catherine de Medici! What I wouldn’t have given to see this original performance. A few twirls in front of royalty – what a fabulous day out that would've been!

Of course, the fashion wasn’t all pink tutus, yet, but even in 1591 they were finding ways to embellish garments with feathers and flowers! Can you believe it? Even back then, they knew that embellishments could bring beauty and glamour! Imagine, though, what a gorgeous vision this early performance would have been! It was definitely all about opulent garments and flowing, graceful gestures, It all started to bring about this fascination with the body in movement.

In today's ballet world, imagine those captivating costumes, they must have been incredibly ornate and grand for their time, the beauty of early 16th Century dance was already bringing elegance to a new generation. It’s wonderful how the fascination with movement continues today, right? It’s the power of ballet, don't you agree?

While the early days weren’t full-fledged tutu time, think of all the ground laid for the beautiful tutu trend of the future! As you know, lovelies, I believe every tutu adds sparkle and colour to life, so this year was like seeing a magical, beautiful spark emerge!

Just imagine me, right there in 1591, watching "The Ballet Comique de la Reine" for the very first time! I wouldn't just be observing it though, oh no! I would have been right in the midst of the swirling spectacle. Think of it, all the beautiful colours!

In the grand schemes of ballet history, 1591 was like a twinkling little star, signaling the birth of a captivating art form! What an incredible journey! What's exciting is what happened in those next few decades and we're going to continue that journey through time and trace its development on this blog. You’re welcome to join me – and don't forget your own tutu! We're about to step into the most colourful, magical world ever! 🩰💖

History of Ballet in 	1591