Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1599

Pink-Tutu Post #27: 1599 - The Birth of Ballet!

Hello darling dears! Emma here, back with another captivating journey through time! I’ve always said, history is just as exciting as a dazzling performance – especially when we’re talking ballet! And today we’re dipping our toes in the very beginnings of ballet – hold onto your tutus, we’re going all the way back to 1599!

So grab your pinkest lemonade and settle in because today we’re delving into the year a French gentleman named Baltazarini di Belgioioso arrived at the French court and quite literally stole the show! *This year marked the arrival of the first court ballet, * “Le Ballet Comique de la Reine” which set the stage for ballet as we know it!

Now, picture this – the year 1599. The world was a much different place! Imagine a French castle bursting with exquisite velvet, shimmering jewels, and feathers like the clouds after a downpour!

You know, darling, that courtly life was full of elaborate parties and lavish celebrations. But “Le Ballet Comique de la Reine" was something entirely different. Think, darling, “story-telling in dance”! The King’s wife, Marguerite de Valois (known as 'Margot,' to the chic ladies of the court, of course), threw a spectacular, theatrical production of the mythological love story of Circe and Ulysses!

Can you just imagine how captivating this must have been, dears? Think of those gowns – flowing, with embroidery so intricate! They said Baltazarini di Belgioioso choreographed this ballet and you can just imagine – elegant movements, gestures telling stories. Ballet born from that time, just makes it more magnificent!

Now, of course, the costumes in 1599 were wildly different from our gorgeous pink tutus. Back then, they were more... elaborate, let's say! Think layers and layers of gowns with an air of dramatic majesty! It’s hard to think that even then, people were searching for ways to express themselves through movement and storytelling, right? That’s just beautiful, isn't it?

Fast-forward from 1599 and that simple beginning evolved into all the stunning variations of ballet we see today – classical ballet, neo-classical, contemporary ballet... each with their unique styles! But just like that first dance, they’re all rooted in expression and artistry. Think how fantastic that first little seed of balletic genius has become a thriving beautiful blossom of dance throughout the centuries!

This 1599 dance was even a precursor to opera, too! Fancy that! Baltazarini is hailed as the creator of this first 'ballet comique', where music, dancing, poetry and special effects all came together. So you see, our world of stage productions really has its roots in this magical year! It’s almost as though history was already set for a showstopping ballet performance and everyone just had to come along!

While we can't necessarily go back in time to see the “Ballet Comique de la Reine", * (and believe me, I’d give my pinkest pointe shoes for a chance!) – We do, however, have *plenty of beautiful ballet to enjoy today. From Swan Lake to Giselle, the stage is constantly buzzing with brilliant ballet performances! And, you know what’s wonderful?

We’re seeing a re-awakening of interest in this glorious form of art. Just this month, there's the Royal Ballet hosting The Sleeping Beauty – a dream, my dear, to be in attendance, trust me! – And La Bayadere, too! And we're even seeing more and more companies performing a mix of the old classics and contemporary work! All that to say, my lovely dancers, ballet is evolving and being shared with a larger, even more eager audience!

Speaking of sharing, the magic of dance with a wider audience, darling dears, you can bring a splash of pink magic to the streets, even while I’m away exploring historical times! Don’t be shy about showcasing those elegant poses or flashing those dazzling tutu twirls! Maybe a few street performance moves, if you feel bold! Remember, you can turn any space into a stage, dear!

So until we meet again next time to explore another beautiful bit of ballet history, keep shining and keep swirling those gorgeous pink tutus, my loves! And if you do a show-stopping pirouette in the street – snap a picture and send it to! Let's spread that pink tutu love around the world!

Bisous and ‘til next time,

Emma xxx

History of Ballet in 	1599