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History of Ballet in 	1607 Ballet History News - Issue #35

A Flutter of Feathers and a Touch of French Finesse: 1607 - A Year of Ballet Beginnings!

Hello, my darlings! Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, back with another captivating delve into the fascinating history of ballet! This time, we're twirling back to 1607, a year buzzing with exciting developments, a year which saw the first recorded public performance of ballet in France!

Before we begin our grand journey into 1607, let me share a little secret: I've been busily practicing some new routines! You see, time travel requires a rather unique skill set. You wouldn't believe how many people gawk at my twirling in the streets of Derbyshire, which helps pay for my travel antics! (Honestly, everyone needs a touch of pink tutu in their life, it's magic!)

Now, back to our journey! In the year of our Lord 1607, the Italian court of Louis XIII played host to a lavish and vibrant affair, a celebration unlike any seen before, featuring the first recorded ballet: "Ballet Comique de la Reine." This magnificent ballet, a masterpiece of storytelling and artistry, was a tribute to Queen Marie de' Medici, an elegant and inspiring woman!

Now, you must be thinking: What exactly was the Ballet Comique de la Reine like? Well, picture this, my lovelies! It wasn't like the elegant and sophisticated ballets we see today. The performance, with its whimsical blend of song, dance, poetry, and stunning costumes, unfolded on a sprawling stage, making it a veritable spectacle of theatrical wonder!

It was the costumes, of course, that caught my eye! Feathers, glittering fabrics, and flowing silks shimmered under the stage lights! It was a veritable dream, just a sprinkle of what we see today, albeit with a hint of whimsical extravagance. Can you imagine strutting around in feathers and silken gowns?! It's every ballerinas dream, and 1607 seemed to share the vision!

Think of it this way, my dears. This was a world before tutus and pointe shoes, before the refinement we know and love. These ballerinas were still perfecting their steps, experimenting with movement. It was a period of exploration and evolution, a time of bold experimentations. And let's be honest, that's exactly what makes it all the more delightful, isn't it?

This event marked the start of something truly grand. A love for dance, an appreciation for movement and artistry, and a fascination with storytelling, all brought together in one mesmerizing display.

And here we are in the modern age, witnessing the legacy of that very first ballet. I can’t think of a better time than today, in our bright pink tutus, to be inspired by those bold pioneers who bravely pushed the boundaries of dance and, let’s be honest, brought the world to its feet.

Speaking of those pioneers, did you know that around the same time, in 1600, the court of Henri IV commissioned another theatrical ballet, Le Ballet des Amours de Venus, featuring the most opulent, exquisite designs? Can you even imagine?! The costume designs alone would make your head spin, all for the goddess Venus, of course, who better to portray passion and romance?!

That period, between 1600 and 1650, was a whirlwind of theatrical spectacle! Each ballet seemed to outdo the last with its elaborate sets and costumes! Talk about drama and passion! You simply can't resist these dramatic ballet scenes - or at least I can’t!

And then there’s Le Ballet de la Royne, staged in 1615! Now, my lovelies, let's have a chat about its elegant dance scenes inspired by classical myths and tales, each dance sequence flowing seamlessly from the previous. These ballets were more than just dance - they were immersive experiences that captured hearts and minds! It’s a wonderful look into a ballet world waiting to be discovered, don’t you think?

Now, this is where I find myself utterly giddy with excitement. While ballet took its first official steps in 1607, let’s not forget those daring dancers of the past! It’s time we step back even further, to 14th and 15th century Europe! These fearless women danced through courts, performed in festivals, bringing grace and elegance to any celebration! Imagine those long flowing gowns, the twinkling music, and the dazzling smiles – pure fairytale enchantment! I believe a tutu wouldn't be amiss even then! Don’t you agree, darling?

Even as far back as the Renaissance, when art, culture, and discovery thrived, you could see the seeds of what ballet would eventually become. Just imagine all those intricate gowns, with shimmering silks, flowing skirts and dazzling jewels. Each of those women were a testament to the elegance of ballet – before it was even known as ballet! It’s hard not to admire the creativity and vision they possessed, right?!

And let's not forget, the world of ballet in the 17th century! Talk about an era of incredible beauty and refined movement! There were the court ballets in France, and of course, those extravagant costumes which would give any tutu enthusiast a sense of awe! The dances were elaborate and enchanting. Each movement, each gesture was infused with an expression of the highest level.

Think of Le Ballet de la Nuit in 1653! This ballet is the ultimate spectacle, it combines dance and music for a stunning display, with exquisite costumes that showcased elegance and intricate detail. And I can’t talk about costumes without talking about pink, of course! That exquisite shade that represents pure grace and ballet!

My dears, what I find utterly delightful is that in the world of fashion today, pink still reigns supreme! It's still considered a colour of femininity, elegance, and sweetness! So even after all these years, we’ve come full circle with the importance of a classic colour, and a classic tutu.

So next time you step out into the world, try incorporating a little pink! Maybe a pink accessory, a pink lipstick, or dare I say it, a full pink tutu! I guarantee you'll make quite an impression. And don't forget to join me on our next historical journey! We'll be diving deeper into the evolution of ballet fashion, so don’t miss the next episode of my ballet adventures!

Don't forget to head over to and follow me for the latest news on the fabulous world of ballet! Until then, keep your tutu-clad spirit shining brightly, and let the beauty of ballet inspire your every step!

History of Ballet in 	1607