Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1608 - Post 36: Ballet's First Steps - 1608!

Hiya darlings! Emma here, back with another dose of ballet history for your pink-tutu-clad souls. I've been doing a bit of time-hopping again - wouldn't you know it, we're back in 1608, the year ballet truly started taking centre stage! Remember how the first "ballet" was basically a costume party? (I mean, the first official ballet party!). Well, hold on to your tiaras - we're about to delve into the very dawn of the art we all know and love.

The Big Debut: Ballet de Cour

So, picture this: Louis XIII, King of France, all regal and magnificent. This dashing chap is hosting a fancy costume party - think feathers, silk, and the finest of fabrics! And as guests cavort and mingle, BAM! Right there in the middle of this grand ball, emerges the Ballet de Cour - the courtly, flamboyant beginnings of our favourite form of dance. Talk about making an entrance!

Now, unlike our swishy contemporary ballet performances, Ballet de Cour wasn't just about technique and flowing movements. It was all about theatricality and storytelling! Imagine historical myths, tales of brave knights and bewitching princesses, brought to life with drama, elaborate costumes, and an almost operatic feel! Honestly, the costumes must have been amazing! I bet you could find some inspiration from that era for our own tutus today, girls!

Dance and Drama: One Fabulous Duet

Now, before you get your pink-tutu hearts fluttering thinking about how grand it must have been, let me be real: these Ballet de Cour shows were pretty darn exclusive! Only the creme de la creme, the top noblemen, courtiers, and aristocracy were invited to these totally luxurious spectacles. But you know what? It gave us an idea of what theatre combined with dance could achieve – and what fabulous fashion could be possible.

Think of it, dance and drama together like a delicious cupcake, all layered and sweet! You can picture it, the dancing became the drama - the gestures, the movement, even the pauses told the whole story! Talk about creativity and innovation, eh?

Ballet Fashion: A Glimpse of Elegance

Oh, my dear girls, imagine the costumes! We're talking long flowing skirts, elegant ruffles, shimmering fabrics, and hats with towering feathers! Now, wouldn't those make for some awesomely fabulous tutu inspiration! It just goes to show that ballet fashion has been inspiring us for ages, and 1608 is just the beginning!

We even had the iconic shoes: these "ballet slippers" were definitely less "pointe" and more about luxurious dancing shoes that accentuated every graceful move. Imagine: lace, embroidery, pearls – all those dainty details were considered vital! It's about to be a year where you will be seeing these styles appearing in boutiques - I hear there are a few stores on Bond Street even creating shoes reminiscent of those days, just imagine how fabulous those would look with our favourite pink tutus!

A Show Stopper: Ballet in France

You know I have a soft spot for France. Their contribution to the world of dance? Simply fabulous! This was the year where it all kicked off – the start of an empire. Think grand court ballets, a symphony of colours and movement, all choreographed to beautifully composed music. It truly was the start of the art of dance we all love!

Think about this: Even with all the dazzling jewels and fabulous gowns and costumes, even with the dazzling choreography - they were paving the way for the world of dance to open up its own story! And that story is still being written today.

Where can you see history come to life?

Remember that I live in Derbyshire – a quaint corner of England! Now, I've been known to get up and about! Here in Derby and Derbyshire, you can get lost in the magic of history! We even have a stunning historic castle – you’ll see! (Let’s plan a day out later!). There’s always a show on! Check out your local theatres - even the school performances can be a delight! Don't be afraid to get dressed up!

The World of Ballet Fashion: On Trend with History

Have you seen the latest ballet fashions, girls? Honestly, they’re just as stylish as any street fashion! Think contemporary chic tutus, classic lines updated for modern trends - with an amazing colour palette! We’re seeing a lot of pink and a splash of neon for something fun and youthful! I saw a street dancer recently – she had on the most beautiful lavender tutu! But nothing will beat those classic tutus - you can’t beat a pink tulle tutu.

So, whether it’s a performance at a grand opera house or a school play, you’ll never be lost for an inspiring tutu outfit - the world of ballet is waiting to embrace your pink! I even love just slipping on my tutu and having a little dance on a bright morning! You can find inspiration anywhere. We live in a wonderful world, girls!

See you on the next blog, my darlings!

Love, Emma!

[ - Where you get your dose of fabulous and pink tutus for all the right occasions]

History of Ballet in 	1608