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History of Ballet in 	1619

Pink Tutu Post #47: A Blast to the Past - 1619!

Hey lovely ballet lovers! It’s Emma here, your go-to gal for all things twirling, tulle and tiaras (okay, maybe not tiaras
 yet). Welcome back to Pink Tutu, your favourite haven for all things ballet – from the history of this magical art to the latest fashions gracing the stage.

Today, we're jetting off on another exciting time travel adventure, transporting ourselves back to a time of elaborate costumes, powdered wigs, and the birth of something very special: ballet! I know, right? What a fab year to be a ballet aficionado! So, let's get those time machines prepped and set course for 1619 – a year that deserves its own little spotlight!

Now, if you thought ballet was all about tutus and pliĂ©s, think again! In 1619, ballet was something quite different! Imagine a mixture of dance, singing, and acting, all set to grand and elaborate music. Picture stately movements, impressive footwork, and elaborate costumes – it's almost like a Renaissance fairytale!

Back then, the name for this enchanting art form was “balletto,” a word derived from the Italian term “ballo,” meaning "dance.” And guess what? "Balletto" wasn't just a staged performance – it was a full-fledged party for royalty! You’d find court dances, grand masquerades, and even theatrical performances, all filled with intricate choreography, dazzling costumes, and stories as colourful as a rainbow tutu.

It wasn't all just lavishness though! This was also the time when ballet began to really grow and evolve! It's incredible to think how a single year can set the stage for an entire artistic movement. In fact, some even call 1619 a “Year of Ballet Birthdays”!

Now, you’re probably wondering what ballet fashion was like back in the day. Well, let’s just say – you'd definitely be forgiven for thinking you had wandered onto the set of a lavish Elizabethan play! Think exquisite embroidered velvets, shimmering brocades, and ornate feathered headwear. Seriously, you would have thought those dancing gentlemen were peacocks with their amazing, elaborate costumes!

But let’s get down to brass tacks. What specific events made 1619 such a special year in the world of ballet? Well, firstly, we have to mention the Court of Louis XIII. In 1619, it was bustling with dancers, singers, and musicians! It’s considered to be the very heart of French ballet! There was this truly stunning performance, a kind of ballet called "Le Ballet des Arts", that showed how amazing this burgeoning art form could be. Imagine graceful, elaborate movements set to a stirring, vibrant score!

And who could forget the legendary Catherine de’ Medici! It was this fabulous Queen, oh so fabulously passionate about the arts, that led this new wave of “ballet craze”! In fact, one of the key components of what made ballet “ballet” came from the French Royal court and, especially, Catherine de’ Medici. In those days, it was really the big “wow factor” and those amazing outfits that captured attention and showed just how special this kind of performance was!

In all its early forms, ballet was a dance of the aristocracy, where court dancers captivated the attention of the royals. These incredible performances would take place in stunning palace halls. You’d see ornate sets, lavish costumes and all those incredible, elegant movements – just breathtaking! The performers were often very skilled athletes with an impressive, elegant presence, making the audience gasp in awe at their incredible, elegant, and majestic movements. They were real trend-setters in their time, leading the way in dance and style.

Of course, like a true fashionista, my head is still stuck on those exquisite outfits! While modern tutus have their charm, it’s easy to get lost in the elegance and opulence of early ballet costume. I wouldn't mind slipping into a satin, pearl-embellished bodice, would you? Or sporting a feathered hat! Oh, the sartorial dreams!

Of course, a ballet blog post is never complete without mentioning the "ballet scene" in the modern world, and 1619 is no exception. I know you've been waiting for it! Today’s ballet scene is bursting with innovative choreographers and performers, taking traditional steps into bold, new territory. There’s an endless range of ballet shoes, tights and tutus!

Just imagine
 all those grand costume balls, those opulent stages and amazing, elegant performances! It’s a truly inspiring thing! I have to tell you – just thinking about those royal balls and the spectacular performances has made me totally want to throw a "ballet bash" for all my lovely ballerina pals! We can twirl and spin the night away – a celebration of all things elegant and whimsical!

Oh, and the most amazing thing? Well, it's ballet that brings everyone together. From those fabulous performances in grand, ornate halls to those street performances by a little-known ballet troupe or those awesome dance classes, this dance form speaks a language understood across the world, a universal language of artistry and expression, elegance and passion! That’s what I love about this amazing, wonderful world of ballet. It's not just about fancy footwork, although let's face it, who doesn't love a good pirouette? It's a form of communication, a means to connect with each other and understand those feelings, that raw emotion, that artistic vision, that drive to communicate and express something wonderful – and unique, and original – through the movement of our bodies!

Well, my dearest ballet bunnies, I must say good-bye for now. It’s been a whirl through 1619 and what an adventure it was! The time is beckoning me to another ballet journey, but don't worry, I'll be back to share my explorations, discoveries, and ballet delights! Until then, remember, my fashionista lovelies – you are the star of your own ballet!

Until next time,


History of Ballet in 	1619