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History of Ballet in 	1620 Ballet History News #48 - 1620: The Dawn of a Ballet Revolution

Hey gorgeous ballet lovers, welcome back to! 🩰✨ Today, we're going on a fabulous trip through time to discover the beautiful beginnings of a ballet movement that would shape the world of dance forever. Get your pink tutus ready, darlings, because we're travelling all the way back to 1620!

Oh my gosh, you wouldn't believe how much the world of dance has changed since then. Imagine, no glamorous pointe shoes, no sparkling tutus - just intricate courtly dances in rich velvet gowns! Can you even?! But even without the full-on glitz and glam, there was a distinct sense of beauty and artistry already blossoming in the court of King Louis XIII.

1620 was a pivotal year for French court ballet, with a magnificent performance that was nothing short of a game-changer for ballet history. The Ballet of the Queen, choreographed by the iconic Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx, took place in the opulent Salle du Petit Bourbon, where everyone who was anyone in Paris gathered to witness this exquisite spectacle. The performance itself was an awe-inspiring, dreamlike tableau with characters and scenarios straight from mythological lore - think delicate nymphs and mischievous fauns flitting about in exquisite, colourful costumes, oh, so divine!

While the costumes may not have been our familiar pink tutus, they were absolutely stunning in their own right! Imagine opulent brocades and luxurious velvets, all adorned with feathers and precious jewels - talk about high fashion for its time!

Can you picture this, dear readers, as I try to imagine it myself? Just imagine yourself there: The regal air of the court, the murmur of anticipation amongst the noble ladies, the excitement in the air as the first delicate strains of music begin. Then, a wave of vibrant colour rushes into view, dazzling you with the beauty of its movements, all executed with precision and artistry! It must have been truly mesmerizing.

But you know what makes 1620 truly special for ballet lovers? This incredible performance wasn't just about the gorgeous costumes and fancy footwork - it also introduced the concept of "ballet de cour". Can you believe it? A whole new type of ballet focused on a beautiful narrative woven through the dance, a narrative ballet, which really paved the way for those amazing story ballets we adore today, like Swan Lake and The Nutcracker.

And you know what's so wonderful about this shift towards story ballets? It gave way to expression through movement. Ballet became a language all of its own, a language of emotions and stories, where every graceful movement spoke volumes! You can practically feel the power and passion of those early dancers through their graceful movements. Imagine, ballet was about more than just the exquisite dancing! It was also about bringing emotions, myths, and legends to life, through the power of dance. Just like our modern-day story ballets, only with less pink tulle - but let's face it, every great ballet story has to start somewhere!

Now, while 1620 marked the beginning of an incredible evolution in ballet history, you know what really made the "ballet de cour" explode into the dazzling world of ballet that we adore today? The emergence of the ballet schools, a real game-changer, especially the* Paris Opera Ballet School*, established in 1672, a haven for young, talented dancers seeking to hone their skills and learn the intricacies of this fascinating art form. These schools transformed ballet from a courtly amusement into a professionally recognized art form, paving the way for incredible choreography and stunning performances that mesmerize audiences even today.

Let's not forget those dazzling dancers! I simply have to talk about these wonderful women who pushed the boundaries and set the stage for those iconic dancers who wore those pink tutus and thrilled the audiences with their stunning moves.

Just think, you know, all that incredible technique - from delicate fouettés to mesmerizing pirouettes, all of it can be traced back to those pioneers in 1620! The graceful leaps, the expressive gestures, the flawless execution, it all had to begin somewhere, and we're so incredibly fortunate that it was those beautiful, courageous dancers who started it all. Their commitment to the art of dance shaped what ballet is today!

But what’s really important is, it didn't stop there! In 1620, these amazing women set a precedent that continued for years to come. Dance became the foundation for their identities. They dedicated their lives to expressing their artistry on the stage, with such elegance and grace. These pioneering dancers were true artists, using their bodies to tell a story, captivating audiences with the passion and artistry of their movements, creating beautiful and evocative experiences that continued to inspire generation after generation.

These days, we can embrace the legacy of those early ballet dancers. Think about it, darlings. Every pirouette we take, every grand jeté we perform, it's all thanks to the beautiful pioneering dancers of 1620, who took those first brave steps onto the stage, leaving their legacy in every stunning dance, and paving the way for those wonderful women who came after them!

Oh, and can you even imagine the fashions in those early courtly ballets? Think velvet, brocade, plumes, and feathers! They'd even wear jewelled headbands and capes – oh, it would be the stuff of fashion dreams! The rich colours, the intricate details – the attention to detail in every design! It makes you long for the days of elaborate court attire! We may not be twirling in luxurious court robes today, but our ballet fashion can still be incredibly fabulous!

Speaking of fashionable ballets, can we talk about this year’s dazzling schedule? I know you’re eager to get your dose of fabulousness, so here’s a little glimpse into some must-see events that are guaranteed to fill you with glee and make your heart skip a beat:

-The Royal Opera House: The Sleeping Beauty, June 2023: Oh my goodness, this enchanting tale is perfect for any lover of elegance! It will transport you to a world of grace, dreams, and fairy tales. Imagine the mesmerizing dances and those glorious costumes! It’s going to be absolutely breathtaking.

*-English National Ballet: Romeo & Juliet, May 2023: * What better way to celebrate love than with the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet? Get ready for stunning dancing, passionate storytelling, and a breathtaking emotional rollercoaster. You’re in for a treat, my dears!

*-Birmingham Royal Ballet: Swan Lake, July 2023: * This magical classic never fails to enthrall with its captivating choreography and stunning performances. Witness the beautiful duality of the Swan Queen, her graceful moves and her raw power – it's all just divine!

Don't you agree, darlings? It’s exciting times for ballet, isn’t it? All that magnificent choreography, those amazing costumes, those gorgeous venues, and of course, the stunning ballet dancers bringing it all to life - what a dream come true!

And while we’re enjoying those spectacular ballet productions, don’t forget, you don't need to be a professional dancer or travel to a fancy opera house to get your ballet fix, my dears. You can find the magic of dance everywhere you go - it's in your every step, it’s in those impromptu dances with your friends, it's in the rhythmic beat of life, in the movements of your everyday!

I can’t wait for you to try these graceful and powerful moves for yourself. Embrace that ballerina within! So, put on that pink tutu, spin around with glee, and unleash the dazzling beauty that lives inside each of us!

Remember, dear readers, there’s a little ballerina in all of us, just waiting to be discovered! Let’s dance our way into a brighter, more graceful future, and spread the love of ballet, all while looking absolutely fabulous in our pink tutus, darling! 🩰💕✨

I'll catch you on our next exciting adventure in ballet history!

With love,


History of Ballet in 	1620