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History of Ballet in 	1630 News Item # 58 - Back in Time to 1630 - A Year of Royal Delights and Beginnings!

Hello, my beautiful tutu-loving lovelies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the magical year 1630! Oh, the stories I have to tell! Imagine it, the very birth of ballet as we know it! But before I launch into the fabulous details of the historical dance-floor action, I just have to tell you about my latest finds in the pink tutu department! I spotted the most darling little number at a vintage fair - a delicate rose pink, hand-stitched, and full of tiny bows, just perfect for a trip through time, you know? It just whispered "1630" and I had to snatch it up!

1630 - A Year of Royal Fancy

So, back in time! Imagine strolling through the elegant streets of 1630. It's a time of extravagance and refinement, like a ballroom scene come to life! Every gentleman with a powdered wig and embroidered doublet, and every lady in a sweeping, ruffled gown. What an exquisite fashion era!

The heart of it all - King Louis XIII, the dashing monarch of France. He's quite the ballet fan! Imagine a King, absolutely obsessed with dance. That's Louis XIII, leading the charge to elevate ballet from courtly amusement to something grander, a magnificent performance.

And oh, the ballet itself! We're talking a blend of elegant poses and stories, often inspired by the great mythology and legends of Greece and Rome. Think nymphs, goddesses, and heroes twirling across the stage - an absolute feast for the eyes, my darlings!

The 1630s brought ballet out of the private world of the French court into the public arena. Imagine, a nation wide captivated by ballet! It became a social event - a night out for all the aristocracy. It was all the rage. It was where people were seen, gossiped about, and maybe even fell in love (oh, the scandal)!

But what were they dancing?

In 1630, "Le Ballet des Rues," (The Ballet of the Streets) premiered! Imagine it, my lovelies. A celebration of French pride, with grand gestures and soaring movements. The whole nation was talking about this amazing performance. Even with my time-travel abilities, I felt the buzz in the air!

Now, picture a whole ballet company donning lavish, silk costumes. (Talk about ballet fashion goals! Think delicate embroidery and glittering fabrics) They dance along the cobblestone streets of Paris, a joyous spectacle to behold! Just amazing!

From 1630 to Our World - The Legacy Continues

Let me tell you, this period is so fascinating. It was in 1630, that the "Académie Royale de Danse" (Royal Academy of Dance) was formed. It's like the Royal Ballet of its day, and it became the backbone of ballet training in Europe for generations to come! They began standardizing ballet technique, which is so essential to what we see in dance today. Every time I take a pirouette, I'm drawing on a legacy that goes right back to these pioneering times!

* What's On Now, My Delights!*

My lovely readers, as much as I love traveling through time, I love being right here, right now, at the heart of our modern ballet world!

Now, I just have to tell you about a performance I caught last weekend at the Royal Opera House, a stunning adaptation of 'Giselle,' featuring a truly breathtaking solo by one of my favorite dancers, Olivia (she's wearing a truly dazzling tutu that is pure ballerina goals).

Of course, there's ballet to be seen in every city. So don't be shy to check out your local dance groups, and remember: a pink tutu always brightens up a street performance. Don't hesitate to give it a whirl!

Ballet Fashion and my Latest Tutu Acquisition

As always, I just HAVE to share the most incredible pink tutus I've seen lately.

There's this fabulous street dancer I saw at the Notting Hill Carnival, she had this incredible pink tulle creation. It looked like it was dipped in iridescent pink paint! The way she spun and twirled, that pink tulle seemed to fly!

Now, the real fashion prize has to be the ballet tutus on show in the world's leading theatres! Recently, I caught a glimpse of a sparkling pink tulle tutu from the Royal Opera House's "Swan Lake" performance. (Pure ballerina dreams!) It had such exquisite craftsmanship. It was more than a costume; it was a true work of art!

As I mentioned before, I managed to snag this gorgeous rose pink vintage tutu that reminds me of a scene from a ballet in the 1630s. It’s now part of my pink tutu collection and I can’t wait to wear it during my next trip back in time.

I hope you are loving these ballet history explorations, darlings. Until next time, keep spreading those tutus and sharing that love of ballet! Don't forget to drop me a line and share your stories and your own pink tutu finds!

Yours in the most wonderful ballet magic,

Emma xxx

History of Ballet in 	1630