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History of Ballet in 	1631 - Ballet History: A Year in Pink - 1631 (Post #59)

Hello lovelies! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina blogger, bringing you another exciting peek into the magical history of ballet!

Today we're time-travelling back to the year 1631. Can you believe it? We're talking over 390 years ago! Can you imagine what the fashion, the shows, the whole ballet scene was like then? Buckle up, darlings, because it's going to be a whirlwind of pink-tastic fun!

The Courtly Affair

Now, picture this. A grand ballroom. Elaborate chandeliers. Gentlemen in powdered wigs and satin breeches bowing deeply to ladies adorned in extravagant gowns. This was the world of 17th century France, where the roots of ballet were firmly planted. Ballet was essentially a royal affair, reserved for the elite and performed at courtly events.

Now, I know some of you love those beautiful traditional ball gowns, and you might be imagining our ladies twirling in those. Well, it's not quite so simple! 1631 was right in the midst of a period where fashion favoured big, full skirts, a real showstopper. Think bodices with puffed sleeves and yards of silk trailing on the floor. It must have been tricky for the ladies to perform in!

Fashion on the Fringe

And speaking of fashion, did you know 1631 also saw the rise of a new style – "Le Bouffant!" It's the term for a gigantic, poufy head of hair, often supported by wire frames and adorned with feathers, jewels and even flowers! Talk about head-turning! It was practically a work of art itself. Imagine how the ballerinas must have felt like princesses! It wasn't just about the hair, either. Fancy jewellery, hats with plumes, and an abundance of lace were all the rage. Oh, how I wish I could be there for the sheer visual spectacle!

What Were They Dancing?

While I'm sure they didn't have any "Pink Tutus" in those days, their dancing was certainly impressive! 1631 was a key year for ballet. It's the year the iconic Ballet de Cour, a type of courtly ballet, hit its stride! These ballets were basically lavish shows, full of spectacle and elaborate dances. Think parades of costumes, extravagant sets, and of course, our ladies, waltzing and spinning, captivating their audience with their skill.

Now, for a little bit of a history lesson. In 1631, the King, Louis XIII (yes, I'm using French names now, you see it's all happening in France), established a permanent company called the Ballet de la Cour. Talk about a glamorous career opportunity! Imagine getting paid to dance and perform in gorgeous costumes in front of royalty!

Beyond the Court

1631 wasn't all about courtly ballets, though. There were street performances too. Just imagine: strolling through the city, catching glimpses of ballerinas doing graceful leaps, even if their shoes didn't look exactly like ours today. Now that's a scene I can definitely picture myself in!

And speaking of our favourite street performances… you all know how I love bringing a bit of ballet to the streets, even if I don't travel back in time! My trusty, reliable tutu and my street dancing skills bring ballet to the world! I get to connect with all of you lovely ladies and gents and spread a little bit of joy and grace!

The Fashion Frenzy

Now, let’s move onto a subject close to our pink tutu-wearing hearts – the fashion! We've already touched on the courtly costumes, but the trends of 1631 weren't just confined to the royalty! Even everyday women were getting into the stylish spirit. I hear there was this amazing thing called "Lace"! Oh, my! Can you imagine how beautiful it must have looked in all its white and intricate glory? Lace trims on everything from collars to sleeves – now that's a look I can get behind!

And then there's the "Pompadour," the trendiest hairstyle of the era! (But sadly, it didn’t involve pom-poms!). Think of an intricate bouffant but taller, higher, even more voluminous! Talk about drama!

I can only imagine the street performances, the street-dancing ballet girls in those fashion trends. I'd be snapping pictures with my mobile phone! Well, maybe not – this being 1631! 😉 But the point is, this year was a blast of fabulous fashion, and let’s face it, every ballerina loves a good fashion explosion!

Looking Forward

1631 is a truly magical year for ballet and its associated fashion trends. You know, when you think about it, ballet has a rich history and is ever evolving, just like our personal style. That's why I love looking back at these years and sharing them with you lovely ladies and gents.

Keep watching this space, my little pink tutu-loving followers, for more exciting journeys through the colourful and fascinating history of ballet. And don’t forget to share your love of ballet, dance, and fashion with me! Let me know your thoughts on this post. You can find me at the @PinkTutu channel on your social media of choice, and feel free to visit!

Till next time, stay pink and twirl happily! 💖🩰

P.S. For you super-fashionable ladies out there, consider these: a bold coloured, bouffant, hairstyle is totally back! Maybe try incorporating some intricate lace details into your daily outfits. You know, just in case we are ever swept away by a time-traveling magical tutu! 😉 💖

History of Ballet in 	1631