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History of Ballet in 	1632 Ballet History News – Episode 60!

Helloooo, lovelies! Emma here, your tutu-loving guide to the beautiful world of ballet! Today, I’m going to whisk you back in time to a magical year that set the stage for some of the most captivating ballet moments. I'm talking 1632, a year that's positively bursting with balletic bliss! Grab your pink tutus, darlings, and let's dive in!

Now, 1632 wasn't exactly a tutu-filled whirlwind. But, it’s an essential stepping-stone to what we know and love today! This was the year King Louis XIII established the Académie Royale de Danse in Paris – and that’s a big deal! Imagine all those aspiring ballerinas finally getting the chance to study and polish their art! And it wasn’t just a dance school, this was where the art of ballet started to blossom and take on a structured, professional form.

Of course, fashion in 1632 was a far cry from the swirling, colourful masterpieces we adore in modern ballet! I can imagine it was a little bit, erm, more 'grounded'. But remember, even a seed needs time to sprout before it blooms into a magnificent tutu! The fashion was much more about corsets and layers upon layers of fabric - a bit restrictive for a pirouette, I think! However, those designs helped to influence the silhouette of dancers in the centuries to come, evolving into the sleek, elegant lines we appreciate today.

You know me, I adore a bit of theatrical drama. So, naturally, I had to see what was on the stage in 1632. And let me tell you, the theatrical landscape was bursting with dance! There were lots of masque-style ballets - which are basically a combination of music, poetry, drama, and of course, dance! Imagine being surrounded by musicians playing harpsichords and violins while watching beautiful dances tell a story! Now that’s a show I'd love to have witnessed!

The world was buzzing with balletic brilliance, even if it wasn't in the precise form we know and love. It’s fascinating to look back at these early stages, as ballet started to shape itself into the magical art form that we cherish.

I know what you’re thinking, lovelies – "But Emma, what about those stunning tutus?" Fear not, for those sartorial masterpieces wouldn't fully flourish until a few more decades had passed! But 1632 set the scene, and what a scene it was! This was a time when people started to recognize and value dance as an art form in its own right.

Now, imagine stepping back into time with me to a bustling Paris theatre! Picture elegant ladies and gentlemen in elaborate gowns and powdered wigs. Think about the awe in the crowd as a dancer took the stage in a silken skirt and danced with effortless grace. That's what I'd be dreaming of, as I twirl and practice in my pink tutu, just a touch of sparkle for some Parisian magic!

As I always say, a little bit of history can help us appreciate our art even more. So, let's give a big round of applause for all those early dancers, and of course, for Louis XIII and his vision for the future of dance. It's a journey that’s truly captivating!

That’s all for this episode, darling tutus! Until next time, remember to keep your passion for ballet alive, and don't be afraid to add a touch of pink to your life, in a fabulous pink tutu! See you all soon!

Emma x

P.S. For a bit of fun, let's bring some of that 1632 spirit into our modern-day dance world. What about having a little fashion competition? Imagine showcasing a modern tutu, drawing inspiration from 1632-era designs! Imagine some intricate ruffles and ribbons, but still showcasing those gorgeous modern ballerina lines! Tell me your ideas in the comments!

History of Ballet in 	1632