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History of Ballet in 	1663

Pink Tutu News - Post 91: 1663 - A Tutu-tastic Turning Point!

Hello lovelies!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu News! Today we're twirling back in time to the year 1663. That's right, grab your feather boas and let's hop on our time machine, because this year marks a huge turning point for ballet. Prepare to be utterly enchanted by the stories of this glorious era, darlings!

I'm your hostess, Emma, straight from the heart of Derbyshire, ready to spread the joy of ballet and sprinkle some pink pixie dust wherever we go. And don't you worry, this post is brimming with ballet history, fashion, and maybe even a little sneak peek at what shows are rocking the stage in 1663.

1663: A Royal Ballet Boom

The year 1663 was a whirlwind for the world of ballet, darlings! It saw the rise of two super-fabulous ballet companies in France - the Académie Royale de Danse and the Académie Royale de Musique. Imagine - the very first royal ballet companies! It was like the biggest ballet party in history, filled with the most graceful dancers and luxurious costumes!

You see, ballet had been tiptoeing around for a while, like a delicate dancer testing the stage, but 1663 brought about a real ballet boom.

What Were the Shows Like?

Now, these weren't your traditional ballet shows, the way we see them today, but rather more theatrical spectacles. These ballets involved poetry, music, and costumes. Oh, and speaking of costumes - imagine these dancers twirling in exquisite garments that combined elements of both theatre and real 17th-century fashions. So, not just ballet tutus but something completely unique and magnificent!

The emphasis wasn't just on technical prowess but also on dramatic storytelling. Think of it as a ballet theatre performance with elaborate sets and a whole cast of characters including noblemen, beautiful fairies, and even comic characters! And of course, we can't forget the sparkling costumes and extravagant wigs that added an extra touch of royalty and glamour.

The Real Star - King Louis XIV!

This royal ballet scene blossomed under the patronage of King Louis XIV, a real fan of the art, and who loved a good costume himself. In fact, he would take the stage himself in ballet shows. Can you imagine? Your monarch, your absolute ruler, leading a dance! And I bet he wore some of the most spectacular, jewel-encrusted, bejeweled outfits. Talk about dressing for the occasion!

The Birth of Ballet in Britain

While the Parisian scene was in full swing, we mustn't forget about England. It was a different era for dance over here, darling, with more emphasis on folk dances and masquerades. Still, dance performances were catching on. You might find people twirling in their finery during weddings or courtly dances at grand social events.

What's Happening in Ballet Fashion?

Oh darling, you can imagine the sheer luxury of these performances! Forget contemporary tights for a moment - think corsets, bustles, and lavish skirts, perhaps adorned with sequins or shimmering silk. Imagine the fabrics! Velvet, taffeta, silk - I bet these ballerinas moved like royalty in these elaborate dresses, truly the height of fashion!

The Show Must Go On!

Speaking of outfits, here in Derbyshire, our troupe is getting ready for our next show. We're aiming to recreate a traditional 17th-century English masque. We'll be adding some sparkly embellishments and incorporating pink elements to honour the era's theatrical fashion - think bows and delicate embellishments!

And of course, pink will be a dominant colour in my personal costume. Let me tell you, nothing is more beautiful and captivating than twirling in a soft, flowing pink tutu! It just makes the whole performance even more magical.

So, lovelies, let's continue our dance through ballet history. Until next time, stay tuned for more fascinating discoveries, fashion inspiration, and of course, all the tutu-rific updates on our next performance!

Don't forget to spread the love of pink, and always remember, darlings, tutu yourself beautiful!

Love, Emma

History of Ballet in 	1663