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History of Ballet in 	1664

Pink Tutu Blog Post: Number 92! 🩰👑 The Birth of Ballet: A Sparkling 1664!

Hello darling readers! It’s your favourite Derbyshire ballet bunny Emma, back with another whirl through the history of ballet. Today’s dance through time? 1664! This year, my lovelies, marks a major milestone, a grand "ta-da!" in our ballet journey, because it's the year that saw the creation of the Académie Royale de Danse in Paris - think of it like the ultimate ballet school for all the chicest ballerinas of the time. Can you imagine?! The pinnacle of elegance! 💖

And who better to be in charge of this illustrious academy? King Louis XIV, naturally. He wasn't just any old king, he was a real ballerino at heart, a true lover of the art form! I bet he looked dashing in his breeches, wouldn't you say? Anyway, King Louis decided the Académie Royale de Danse needed a master teacher – someone with the talent and the panache to make sure those French ballerinas learned the very best technique. That was where Pierre Beauchamp, a dazzling choreographer and a brilliant innovator, came in. They became an absolutely smashing team, transforming dance and creating a revolution in the Parisian dance world! 💃

But this is where it gets exciting, darling! We need to give credit where credit is due! Before the Académie Royale de Danse became a thing, the royal court in Paris was buzzing with an eclectic mix of theatrical forms, including "Comédie Française" which incorporated song and dance. This period is dubbed the "Golden Age of Dance", where ballerinas strutted their stuff on the French stage, making a splash with their elegant gestures and exquisite movements. The fashion, my dears! chef's kiss Think intricate panniers, ruffled sleeves, and just enough lace to make a ballerina sparkle.

Now, let's not forget about the amazing "ballet de cour" (literally "court ballet")! These courtly productions were elaborate, sophisticated, and involved the aristocracy as participants. It's almost like watching a glamorous ballroom scene come to life. I can practically hear the soft strumming of the lute and feel the silk swirling around me. It's not just dance; it's a whole performance experience! Imagine, my lovelies, getting dressed in your fanciest pink tutu and shimmering costume and joining a royal court dance in the grandest castle – pure dreams! ✨

Let's go on a mini-fashion-ballet journey:

Can you believe that at this time, my sweet fashionistas, there weren't really ballerinas or proper tutus? Ballerinas weren’t the elegant dancers we think of today. No “en pointe”, just flowing movements on the stage, just like how we do today in our jazz, contemporary or street-dance lessons. They would often have a special slipper on one foot and a high-heeled shoe on the other - can you imagine? They were always gracefully moving to the music and their dresses were as beautiful as anything you would find in a top fashion house today. I just know that back then, fashion houses and dancers, just like today, loved their opulent gowns! Just imagine that silky fabric swaying and glittering under the candlelight, like magic! 🕯️💖

The shows you couldn't miss:

During this exciting time, my darlings, some truly outstanding works of dance art made their grand debuts, showcasing the power and elegance of the French ballet world. Can you believe it, just like today, they even had ballet schools where aspiring dancers could polish their technique? Imagine learning the secrets of the ballet world back in 1664. My heart is swooning! 😍 One particularly legendary piece was "Le Ballet Royal de la Nuit" (The Royal Ballet of the Night) created by Pierre Beauchamp! It was truly a spectacular production, all about the sun god Apollo defeating darkness. Imagine, the incredible sets, the grandeur, the dazzling costumes, all brought to life by brilliant dancers. Imagine! A truly magnificent piece that would leave any ballerina, even myself, in awe!

1664 is where it all began! The Académie Royale de Danse, in my opinion, truly brought the world of ballet to a new level of sophistication and artistry! It paved the way for incredible dance innovations in France. Think elegant "en pointe", the delicate use of the "port de bras", and incredible choreography. And it's still going strong today, proving that the heart of ballet continues to beat with the same rhythm it had centuries ago. This grand Academy became the inspiration for countless dance academies around the world. And, in a fun twist of fate, this was where it all began, paving the way for ballerinas across the globe, including yours truly! 🤩

But let's get real, my darlings. All this dancing can make you peckish! What are some ballet-themed treats you fancy today? I just adore a delicate, ballerina-inspired, macaroon dusted with pink icing! A sweet, feminine ballet-worthy delight that brings to mind swirling tutus and twinkling shoes! 💖

See you all in the next post, where we continue to pirouette through history together! Love, Emma. 🩰💖

History of Ballet in 	1664