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History of Ballet in 	1671 Post 99 - The Year the Royal Ballet Took Flight: A Fashionable Journey to 1671!

Hiya, my darlings! It’s your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, here, ready to whisk you back in time for another whirlwind adventure in ballet history!

1671! This year’s a particularly exciting one because it marks the birth of the Royal Ballet, as we know it today. Forget those boring, stuffy courtly dances – 1671 was all about introducing new steps, new movements, and… get this… women dancing onstage for the very first time! And yes, my dears, with proper shoes! Talk about revolutionary! It wasn't just the men dancing in elaborate costumes – finally, we ballerinas were getting our turn to showcase our talents and grace!

Now, before you think the history of ballet started with some dramatic revolution, let's take a gentle pirouette back in time. You see, the ballet we know today isn’t just a fancy way to jump and twirl. It's an art form that evolved through centuries, with bits of theatre, courtly dances, and even street performers woven in – imagine, darling, ballet is as much about telling a story as it is about technique!

So, how exactly did 1671 become the "Year of the Ballet Revolution?" Let’s get this story moving with some fabulously dramatic entrances...

The Birth of a Royal Dream: It all starts with our esteemed monarch, King Louis XIV. Now, this guy knew how to throw a party, darling! In 1661, he founded L’Académie Royale de Danse (oh la la!), and just a decade later, BAM! He establishes the Académie Royale de Musique. Think of this as the precursor to a fancy, very formal Royal Ballet company, you see! They brought together talented dancers, musicians, and composers for lavish, story-driven dance performances. Oh, to have seen a show back then! Imagine shimmering silks, intricate designs, and stories woven through the art of movement.

Fashion: The Art of Embellishing Movement: Imagine yourself a dancer in 1671, darling. What do you wear? Think elegant, high-waisted dresses, all flowing fabrics and soft ribbons. Now, we weren't yet in our iconic tutus, but it was still quite a sight. Think ballet meets Renaissance opulence! Long sleeves were a popular choice, decorated with luxurious trims. Imagine all the jewels and silk accents! Oh, the fabrics! It would've taken days to prepare, days of intricate work with every pearl and every ruffle carefully positioned. We had to ensure we moved gracefully and beautifully, making our own form an artwork!

Showtime! The Grand Debut: Imagine yourself attending a premiere in 1671! It's more than just a ballet show; it's an experience, darling! The Palais-Royal was the epicenter of these theatrical ballets, featuring dancers performing dramatic stories and complex choreography. It was all so intricate! And just as today, there were famous names we would’ve admired, like the great Pierre Beauchamp - a ballet master so renowned, he is considered the father of modern ballet! You know it was an incredible time to be in Paris!

Fast forward to 1671 and, wow, this is when things start getting truly exciting! The Royal Ballet debuts! In this year, they premiered Le Ballet des Muses in celebration of Louis XIV. Can you imagine the energy? Can you picture those intricate costumes, the lavish settings, the excitement! Imagine watching the ballet in this incredible setting, feeling the buzz and witnessing something truly extraordinary. This is a momentous event for our ballet history, my darlings!

Time to Travel Through Ballet History!: My next visit will bring us closer to our beloved tutu! It’s 1741, my darlings! Can you guess what exciting event happened then? Until then, enjoy some Parisian flair and start practicing your graceful spins - remember, every twirl brings you closer to our dance journey! And don’t forget to check out the Pink-Tutu Boutique - where you’ll find all your ballerina essentials, from tutu to topknot. I bet they wouldn't say "No" to a new pink dress or a fancy pair of ribbons in 1671 either!

Stay fabulously fabulous, my loves!

Your ballerina,

Emma xx

History of Ballet in 	1671