
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1670

Pink Tutu Post #98: 1670 โ€“ The Birth of a Parisian Sensation!

Hey beautifuls! ๐Ÿ’– It's Emma, your go-to girl for all things ballet-tastic! ๐Ÿฉฐ Today, I'm taking us on a journey back to 1670, a year that birthed a new era in dance, an era that still captivates audiences today โ€“ the age of the Ballet de Cour. Prepare your pink tutus, lovelies, because this journey is packed with historical fashion, theatrical delights, and, of course, lots and lots of pink!

As a fellow Derbyshire lass, you might think I'd be all about the countryside, but honestly, darling, there's just something so utterly chic about Parisian ballet. In 1670, King Louis XIV of France, he of the exquisite taste and dazzling court, decided he wanted more than just elaborate costumes and fancy footwork at the French court. He wanted something extraordinary, something that would truly showcase the grandeur of his reign. And so, he created the Acadรฉmie Royale de Danse, a place where artistry and innovation would blossom, a haven for graceful leaps and elegant pirouettes. Imagine, darlings, being part of such an illustrious group, learning from the very best in the land!

It's fascinating to picture the Ballet de Cour in its full glory. Think swirling gowns, lavish costumes, and men strutting their stuff in silken breeches, just as theatrical and fabulous as anything on a modern catwalk! The ballet scene was buzzing, darling, with extravagant ballets on themes like mythology and romantic dramas. They weren't just about showing off fancy moves; they were storytelling, captivating the audience with powerful emotions, dramatic duels, and, of course, triumphant finales that celebrated all things beautiful. The idea was to evoke emotions and capture the imaginations of the royal court.

The biggest buzz around in the 1670s wasnโ€™t just the ballet performances, but the clothing! Can you imagine the joy of choosing between exquisite silks, flowing velvets, and beautiful, intricate embroideries? Ladies wore elegant gowns, lavishly adorned, and gentlemen adorned themselves in richly colored silks, sometimes in the most flamboyant of colours! Fashion, my dears, wasn't just about function back then; it was an art form in its own right! And let's be honest, every one of these amazing creations must have made for the most beautiful and stylish audiences imaginable! ๐Ÿ’–

And just like today's street ballet, the dances often went outside of the palace walls, darling. They took these exquisite pieces, all that delicate lace and vibrant color, and presented them on a grander stage โ€“ a theatrical event in itself. The impact must have been astonishing โ€“ a vibrant tapestry of movement, fashion, and pure theatrical joy!

For our time-travelling pink tutu fanciers, the excitement wouldn't just be on the stage. It would be the chance to experience that glamorous French court atmosphere, the whispered conversations, the tinkling of glasses, the swirling silks, the laughter, the buzz of energy! It's not surprising, darlings, that ballet captivated the whole of Europe. It became the talk of the town, with nobles and ladies of fashion flocking to see these stunning performances!

As for what's hot in the fashion world right now โ€“ think dramatic, sweeping gowns in silks, velvets, and sumptuous fabrics like taffeta, embellished with beautiful laces and embroidery, the more elaborate, the better. Gentlemen are also embracing a love for vibrant colour, lace trims, and the most elaborate silks you can imagine. Just picture it, darling, all those amazing outfits combined with the captivating energy of ballet - sheer, utter fabulousness!

I'm planning a little time-hopping adventure to France later this year. Hopefully, we'll snag some front row seats to a court ballet performance. Can you imagine, darling, rocking the original tutus at a historical performance? A vision in pink tutu perfection, standing alongside a king, a queen, and an entire room of elegantly dressed admirers โ€“ pure ballet bliss!

But before I run off to a performance (street ballet, darling!), I want you all to keep an eye on the Parisian fashion trends. This period is all about bold colors, extravagant silhouettes, and most importantly, the absolute embodiment of elegance! So let's unleash our inner 17th-century divas, shall we? Pink tutus are a must, naturally! But let's bring in the glamour, the drama, the silk and velvet, and create our own little court ballet. Let's channel our inner 1670s fabulousness and let the music move us!

Love and sparkle, Emma ๐Ÿ’•

History of Ballet in 	1670