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History of Ballet in 	1669

Pink Tutu Post #97: A Royal Affair - 1669 and the Dawn of Ballet as We Know It!

Hiya, darlings! Emma here, back with another peek into the glorious history of ballet. Today, we're travelling back in time, not just to the year 1669, but to the very birthplace of modern ballet itself! This is the year the Académie Royale de Danse opened its doors in Paris, an event that sparked a dazzling revolution in dance!

Before we dive into the magic of 1669, just a quick hello from your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger. Life here in Derbyshire is full of colour, inspiration, and (naturally) pink tutus galore! But it's these historical dives that really fuel my passion, bringing the incredible evolution of ballet right to your screens. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be time-travelling for real, rocking a pink tutu in the court of Louis XIV himself!

But back to our journey to the heart of 1669... Picture a world where dance was considered frivolous and largely confined to courtly gatherings. The grand ladies of the time (think voluminous gowns, towering powdered wigs and a hint of powdered cheeks) would have a little jig with their fan, and that was about it! Well, my dears, 1669 flipped the script. The Académie Royale de Danse, the very first dance academy, opened its doors, a symbol of recognition and formalization of dance as a serious art form! This, darlings, is a big deal!

Imagine the excitement - the bustling streets of Paris filled with talk of the new school, the whispers about the exquisite ballet lessons. This academy became the crucible where ballet transformed from playful gestures into structured steps and captivating choreographies, ready to enthrall audiences for centuries to come!

Royal Elegance: Louis XIV, the “Sun King” himself, a man of unparalleled taste and opulence, had a hand in the AcadĂ©mie's creation! Can you imagine being a dancer in his court? Every performance a showcase of unparalleled style, with costumes dazzling in shimmering fabrics and shimmering jewels! The King even danced himself, setting a precedent for royal patronage of the art form. Isn’t that delightful?

Dancing on Air: What made this era so groundbreaking was the emergence of "pointe work", the graceful balancing act on the tips of the toes. Now, pointe work might seem natural to us, but for 17th-century audiences, it was simply miraculous. Can you picture dancers effortlessly floating on stage, almost like magical sprites? It was truly a paradigm shift in dance!

Fashion's Fairy Tale: And oh, the costumes! While they were far removed from our tutus today, they reflected the opulent style of the era. Imagine lace trimmings, extravagant feathered headdresses, and rich satins. The ladies and gents in these costumes made every performance a spectacle of beauty, a vision of elegance unlike anything the world had seen!

Fashion Spotlight:

  • For those of you, like myself, who adore ballet fashion, check out Madame de SĂ©vignĂ© - her fashion diaries from this period are pure inspiration, offering a glimpse into the elegant garments favoured by the Parisian elite.

  • Le Barbier de SĂ©ville by the iconic playwright Beaumarchais, written in 1775, is another delightful piece to discover for the stylish and dramatic!

  • Monsieur de MoliĂšre, whose play, "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme", featured ballet scenes, gives us another window into the opulent ballet fashion of the era!

What's in the World of Ballet?

While we're journeying to the past, let’s not forget what's happening today in the world of ballet!

  • London’s Royal Opera House: A must-see for anyone in the UK is "Romeo and Juliet". The stunning choreography and exquisite costumes capture the tragedy of this timeless tale with heart-wrenching elegance.

  • New York's City Ballet: They're showing “The Nutcracker”, a holiday classic for good reason! The playful story and dazzling spectacle of it all will leave you enthralled!

  • If you’re looking for a bit of Broadway magic, catch Anastasia – the captivating music and dancing bring to life the legendary Russian princess.

I hope this glimpse into 1669 has brought the magic of ballet to your life! Remember, darlings, dance your heart out, rock a pink tutu (or even just a little touch of pink), and don't be afraid to bring some ballet glamour to your own world! Stay tuned for more exciting ballet adventures coming to your screens soon! Until then, let's spread the pink tutu love!

History of Ballet in 	1669