
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1689

Pink Tutu Post #117: A Glimpse Into 1689: The Birth of Ballet as We Know It! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hey darlings! Emma here, your pink tutu-clad guide to all things ballet! Today we're taking a trip back in time, all the way to 1689! Can you imagine a world without tutus, pointe shoes, and those perfectly controlled leaps and twirls? Well, buckle up, buttercup, because that's where ballet was before our beloved King Louis XIV, the Sun King himself, stepped in and changed everything! โœจ

Now, 1689 wasn't just a year, it was a watershed moment! In the court of the French King, amidst swirling silks and glittering jewels, the Acadรฉmie Royale de Danse was born. And guess what? It was dedicated entirely to ballet! This marked the start of what we now call ballet as we know it, leaving behind the old, medieval, more folksy, dance forms and embracing a more elegant, refined approach. And let's face it, darling, who doesn't love a bit of elegance? ๐Ÿ’…

Now, you're probably thinking, what did the actual ballet look like back then? Imagine, dear reader, dancers in stunning, elaborate costumes (they might not have had tutus yet, but they certainly had panniers and lots of frills! โ€“ picture it!) performing choreographies inspired by mythological tales and noble courtly dramas. There was grandeur and pageantry in every step, every flourish, every pose.

Speaking of fashion, 1689 was all about opulent attire and decadent designs. This was the time of towering wigs, lace trimmings, and sumptuous velvet. It was, to put it plainly, an era where even the men wore the most dazzling fashion imaginable! Think feathered hats, lace ruffs, and swords that shimmered like jewels in the candlelight. Talk about the perfect setting for a performance! ๐Ÿ‘‘

Now, while we couldn't have our beloved tutus back then, think about the amazing styles and creations those early ballerinas (who, in a twist of fate, were often men at that point in history!) inspired. And let's face it, fashion comes full circle, darling, and I bet, with a little imagination, we could find some fabulously historical elements to bring to our contemporary dance fashion! Maybe a touch of ruffled sleeves? A beautiful jeweled belt? You bet! ๐Ÿ˜

I have a feeling there will be a few inspired dancers looking at the rich fashion from this era and incorporating those elegant designs into a new tutu silhouette... Maybe in a shimmering purple or a dazzling teal. Watch this space, darling!

As we travel back in time to 1689, I love how, even then, there were some fascinating and spectacular ballets happening. My favourite has to be La Princesse de Navarre, composed and premiered this very year in Paris! Just imagine those dancers in their magnificent, intricately embroidered outfits! There was so much elegance, so much drama, so much beauty, all brought together in a mesmerizing performance! ๐Ÿคฉ

For me, 1689 is the very heartbeat of what makes ballet so powerful, so influential, and so loved! So, when you're gliding across a dance floor, swirling in a magnificent tutu, or just watching a performance in the theatre, don't forget where it all started! We have this incredible history, this rich legacy of stories and dreams to thank for all the fabulous ballet we get to experience today!

Right then, darlings! I have to go! Time for some tea and some shopping, naturally! Maybe a little antique inspiration to start on a new design... But before I go, remember, always embrace your inner ballerina, even if you only ever get to twirl in your pink tutu around your own living room! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ’–

Stay twirling,



History of Ballet in 	1689