
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1721

Pink Tutu Post #149: A Peek into 1721 - When Ballet Took Centre Stage!

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to Pink Tutu, where the world of ballet comes alive! I'm Emma, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina blogger, always eager to share the joys of dance and the dazzling world of fashion, and this week, we're time travelling! Today, we're slipping on our time-traveling pink tutus (yes, even in the past, pink was a glorious colour!) and heading back to 1721, the year ballet really started to blossom, right here in my favourite city, London!

From Court to Stage: A Ballerina's Story

You might be surprised to learn that ballet wasn't always the elegant spectacle we see today. It began as an elaborate form of courtly entertainment. In 1721, the King's Theatre, known today as the Haymarket Theatre, was the hottest spot for all things dramatic and theatrical. You might say, ballet took a seat at the Queen's table, but in a way, everyone was invited to the party! It wasn't just royalty and their friends; everyone flocked to see these spectacular displays.

This period, known as the Commedia dell'Arte, was overflowing with colourful characters, comedic routines, and elaborate dance sequences. The famous Italian ballerina, Silvia, graced the stage at the King's Theatre. Can you imagine seeing a dancer who practically glided across the stage in elegant ribbons and stunning feathered costumes? It would have been a sight to behold!

Fashion, Frou-Frou, and Fun:

Speaking of costumes, oh my! Imagine silks, velvets, satin, lace and sparkling jewels, all hand-crafted and flowing around these talented performers. While they might not have had our glorious pink tutus (sigh), they certainly made the most of what they had. Just imagine the exquisite detail, the opulent artistry, and the intricate beadwork, all under the glow of candlelight! It's hard not to dream of slipping into a dress worthy of a royal court!

More Than Just Dance: A Celebration of Life!

Back then, a ballet performance wasn't just about dance, it was a full sensory experience. We're talking beautiful sets, music so enchanting you felt swept away, and the buzz of the crowd! Can you imagine that sense of excitement? Everyone from the King and Queen to the humblest citizens would have felt the magic in the air.

And then came Mr. Capezio...

Wait, rewind a little, because there's a little history lesson hiding in there. A man called Mr. Capezio is often seen as the inventor of the modern ballet slipper! In fact, he made quite a stir when he opened a dance shoe shop in London. Now, that's an entrepreneur who understands the magic of a good dance shoe!

Where to see the Show Today!

Now, it's always exciting to take a step back in time and feel the rhythm of history, but let's bring it back to present day, and the amazing ballet performances you can see today. If you're in London, do not miss The Royal Opera House! You can catch everything from classical masterpieces like Swan Lake to modern, inventive productions that really make you feel the pulse of our time. Don't forget, Covent Garden has a beautiful, elegant, historic atmosphere, the perfect spot to feel the romance and the glamour of ballet!

And that's my Pink Tutu take on the magic of 1721!

Next time you're on your way to see a show, remember the history, the legacy of creativity and artistry. Don't just admire the talent; appreciate the dedication and the passion. So put on your pink tutus, take a deep breath and remember: ballet has a story to tell, and it's a story we're all part of!

Stay sparkly!

Emma x

P.S: Don't forget to check out my street performances around Derbyshire โ€“ itโ€™s a little bit of Pink Tutu magic on the streets! I always have a few pink tutus to share, and Iโ€™d love to meet you all and talk about our favourite ballerinas! You can also find me on Twitter @pink_tutu.

P.P.S: And don't forget, the world of ballet fashion is endless! Be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com to discover the latest looks for any dancer and join the pink revolution!

Letโ€™s fill the world with a pink tutu a day, everyone!

History of Ballet in 	1721