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History of Ballet in 	1728

Pink-Tutu Post #156: 1728 – A Glimpse into the Graceful Past 🩰✨

Hello, darling dancers! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back with another trip through the swirling world of ballet history. This week, we’re travelling to 1728 – a year of exquisite courtly elegance and a glimpse of the ballet to come. Grab your tulle and let’s take a whirl!

The Birthplace of Modern Ballet

This year, 1728, wasn't just about elaborate wigs and powdered cheeks. It was a pivotal moment for the world of dance. 🇫🇷 Paris was abuzz with exciting developments! The newly opened Opéra de Paris was the centre of attention – the very place where modern ballet was born! This grand, gleaming palace of art provided the stage for a dazzling new art form – a departure from the formal court ballets of the past. Now, we had ballerinas dancing in flowing, intricate steps, a spectacle of beauty and movement. It's where those iconic poses we love today, like the arabesque, started to take shape!

Fashionable Footwork and Elegant Tulle

The fashion in 1728 was a vision of refined beauty. The dancers in those days, imagine this, wore corsets, panniers, and shoes that were, dare I say, rather impractical for leaping and twirling! Their costumes were an explosion of colourful silks and brocades. Think regal embroidery and ornate trims. A true masterpiece for every ballerina’s wardrobe. ✨ But even with the restrictions of fashion, their grace and artistry shone through. I imagine the women of that era as graceful swans gliding through the air – so stylish even under those layers!

Dancing to the Rhythm of History

Ballet was not just performed in lavish theatres – it was everywhere! In 1728, people would attend outdoor performances in public gardens and even have ballets staged in their own private salons. How wonderful to be surrounded by dance and entertainment like that! Think about the stunning open-air stage for performances with the dappled sunlight and fresh air – what a delightful sight for any ballet lover!

Looking Forward, Back in Time

This time travel trip to 1728 gives me so much appreciation for the beautiful dance world we have today. 💃 I just adore the passion for the art, the artistry and beauty that started in this era and developed over the years. Seeing these dancers grace the stages in their lavish costumes reminds us that dance, in its various forms, transcends time. It’s a language of passion, a tapestry woven with movement and grace that connects generations.

Showtime! 🎭

What would ballet be without those wonderful performances! Well, in 1728, a ballet called "The Enchanted Island" delighted audiences! And, guess what? It was an adaptation of Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" - you just can’t beat the classics! I can picture a stage full of swirling tulle and breathtaking movements – truly inspiring! The influence of literature on dance in those days is something to be truly appreciated – a real highlight in this golden age of ballet!

Time-Traveling to My Ballet Wonderland

Now, I know you're wondering how I managed to travel back in time. Let's just say it involves a lot of practice, a generous dose of inspiration, and perhaps a little bit of magic! It’s definitely not just about being able to turn a pirouette on a dime! 😅 Oh, and a sprinkle of street performance to fuel those journeys.

Ballet Fashion: Past & Present

Let’s chat about something dear to my heart - the evolution of ballet fashion! From the intricate courtly attire to the simple, elegant elegance we see on stages today – a true transformation of style. In 1728, the dancers wouldn’t be caught dead without a long skirt and flowing cape, just like a royal vision. But look at us today - it’s all about graceful, minimalist attire. There’s a timeless magic to ballets and it’s just a dream to dress up for the shows! 💖

My Tutu Time Capsule

You know, darling dancers, my ballet collection of vintage outfits and pieces from the era makes my heart flutter! I try to take a bit of 1728 and inject it into my style with a dash of colour, drama, and my love for the most fabulous tutus of all shapes and sizes! A pink tulle explosion - a vision of balletic history and stylish dreams! 💖

Sharing the Love for Pink and Tulle

My dear readers, my biggest mission in life is to get everyone twirling in pink tulle! 💕 It’s the most magical fabric ever! Dance isn’t just a skill, it’s a feeling – it's that joy you get from spinning around and letting the tulle fly! That's my biggest passion and why I write these posts - to share that magic and spread the love of dance and fashion with everyone who loves to twirl! So get your tutus ready, and remember: we’re all ballerinas at heart, no matter what we wear!

That's all for this trip back to the exquisite 1728, my fellow dancers! Until next time, keep those tutus twirling! ✨

History of Ballet in 	1728