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History of Ballet in 	1729

Pink Tutu Post #157: 1729 - A Year of Grace and Grandeur!

Hey lovelies! Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, and welcome back to Pink Tutu! As you all know, my heart beats for ballet - from the graceful leaps to the exquisite costumes, and especially those glorious pink tutus! But, I also have a deep affection for the history of this wondrous art form. And this week, Iā€™m taking us back to a most enchanting year: 1729.

Now, imagine a world without tutus as we know them. No voluminous tulle, no elegant bodice, no tiny little pink shoes. In 1729, the stage was graced by men and women dancing in corsets, elaborate gowns, and sometimesā€¦ trousers! Can you even fathom it?!

This era is often called ā€œThe Golden Age of Ballet,ā€ but I see 1729 as a year of grace, grandeur, and an exciting change in ballet's narrative. Itā€™s also a year when men were centre stage! I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing - those men looked elegant, don't you think? But it was in 1729 that the ballet world witnessed the dazzling emergence of Louis de Cahusac. He, the heartthrob of his day, brought ballet's narrative into sharper focus. His captivating moves, the elegance with which he moved, changed the way people perceived dance. It was the dawn of a new age!

The most exciting aspect of 1729ā€™s ballet scene is that there was so much variety. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything! You donā€™t have to go back in time! There were multiple choreographic styles in play. Think grand ballet with intricate sequences of leaps, jumps, and even acrobatic moves. It was exciting! They didnā€™t have the delicate lightness of tutus just yet, but they had pantomime - a fascinating art form with rich stories that the dancers acted out using body language. Talk about a talented lot!

For my fashionistas, picture 18th century Paris! Lace ruffles and satin were all the rage. Think intricate bodices adorned with ribbons and elaborate hats. Yes, my dear tutu-loving darlings, 1729 was a visual spectacle! Sadly, we didnā€™t have those pretty tutus yet! So, in true Emma style, I would have taken my sewing needles and ribbons and created my own tutu masterpieces! I just wouldnā€™t want to see a pair of trousers on stage!

While 1729 might be missing our beloved pink tutus, the fashion was dazzling. The rich colours of the gowns, the way they were flowing and cascading, must have been quite the spectacle!

But what is life without shows, right? Now, imagine a ballets like ā€œLā€™Amour pour lā€™amourā€, (Love for Love) or a dazzling performance like ā€œZĆ©phire and Floraā€ that debuted this very year. A love story intertwined with mythology and magicā€¦ it's enough to make your tutu twirl!

This is just a peek into the fascinating world of ballet in 1729! It was a year where passion and grace on the stage were unmatched! To truly understand the ballet evolution, you have to delve into those early decades - itā€™s where the foundations for what we know and love today were laid. So, the next time you watch a ballet, remember those pioneers of dance, the grandeur and style, andā€¦ well, maybe also those missing tutus! But let's not forget, this is just the beginning! And, of course, don't forget to pop on your favourite tutu! And let me know what you think in the comments! Until next time, dear friends!

History of Ballet in 	1729