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History of Ballet in 	1730

Pink Tutu News: Post #158: A Whirlwind Back to 1730 - Fashion, Footwear & Firsts!

Oh my darlings, I simply have to share my most recent adventures! This week, my time machine whisked me back to 1730. Just imagine, swirling through the streets of Paris with the ghosts of kings and queens, the crisp scent of linen in the air, the elegant music of the day swirling around me. Oh, how I dreamt of being a part of that grand time!

Now, for a fashionable lady of 1730, the world was a different place, my dears. Think of silk skirts, with hoop petticoats beneath to create a lovely full silhouette, and delicate lace, of course! A hint of extravagance, my darlings, just a touch! And the ladies? Well, let's just say they weren't afraid to showcase their figure! A fitted bodice was the perfect accent for an elegant bust and graceful curves, all finished off with a stunning hair style, embellished with jewellery or flowers. There's a hint of romanticism, isn't there, that simply whispers of elegance?

But speaking of the 1730s, and a bit about my adventures back in this historical period. There was this ballet, a truly exquisite and historical piece called 'Les Indes Galantes', choreographed by one of my personal heroes – Jean-Baptiste Lully! (Oh, wouldn't it be fantastic to get our hands on some of his notes for the piece!) He’s a total inspiration. Oh! How it would be a dream come true to see it with the beautiful fashion of that time! But I don't want to reveal too much, let's save some surprises for your trip back in time! (Hint, hint, maybe try those comfy time machines of yours...) And on that topic…

I have a secret to share about the 1730s… Ballet slippers hadn’t quite made their grand appearance just yet. The ladies were rocking leather pumps, and yes, sometimes, even flat heeled shoes - (oh the shock and horror - a flat heel?! I couldn't imagine!). But, oh, those leather pumps! All handcrafted, with beautiful intricate embellishments of the time - oh the craft and beauty, a total masterpiece! So you see, darling, ballet, as a art form was certainly coming to the fore in the 1730s, although it wouldn't fully hit its stride for many, many years to come! It is interesting how history repeats itself, the way things have changed over time but still stayed relevant! It's such a beautiful thing! I find that aspect of history truly inspiring.

It got me thinking – the incredible transformations ballet has undergone! Imagine all those amazing ballerinas, even before my time! What wonderful tutus, hairstyles, stories they must have had, and amazing dancing that must have made up their world. Oh! My heart, I really must plan my next time-travelling excursion! And of course, while we’re talking time travel…

Remember darlings! Join me, I dare you to put on your pink tutus and let’s twirl and celebrate these gorgeous times together! Whether you're dancing in the park or getting ready to enjoy the wonder that is the world of dance! Let's inspire some ballet beauty everywhere!

Yours in twirls, Emma

P.S Speaking of inspirational tutus - I need to go back and check out how much of that Parisian Ballet beauty made it back to England! It simply had to! Maybe it inspired a new style? I can just picture those ladies in their hoop skirts, twirling! Maybe I'll even spot an elegant tutu in one of my visits!

This is just the first part of Emma's 4000-word blog post! Feel free to request more details on ballet, fashion, and any particular time in history you are interested in and Emma will do her best to bring it to life through her exciting historical adventures!

History of Ballet in 	1730