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History of Ballet in 	1742

Pink Tutu News Post #170: A Glimpse into Ballet’s Past - 1742 🩰💕

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu News! It’s your favourite ballet blogger, Emma, here, and today we’re stepping back in time, a right regal journey, if you will, to the year 1742! 💖 It’s hard to believe that a mere 281 years ago, ballet was already captivating audiences, but it truly was. I can only imagine the elegant costumes and captivating performances they witnessed back then!

Today’s blog post isn’t just a look at ballet history - it's an exciting journey back to when dance began to flourish as a sophisticated art form, full of grace and emotion! So, put on your fanciest tutu (or, even better, grab a pink one - I'm all about encouraging a bit of sparkle wherever we go!), grab a cuppa, and let's travel back in time together!

A Year of Ballet Firsts: The Paris Opera Ballet

Now, 1742 was a pretty significant year for ballet! Let's rewind a bit. The Paris Opera Ballet, which we all know as one of the world’s most prestigious dance companies today, was actually only established in 1669, not quite as old as one might think!

However, in 1742, the Paris Opera Ballet, also known as “l'Académie Royale de Musique,” found a new home in the brand new Palais Garnier, known to the French as the Palais Garnier! Imagine all the excitement, and the rush of anticipation! Could you imagine stepping into that stunningly beautiful, historic space, just waiting for the ballet to begin? 🤩

It’s worth mentioning that the Paris Opera Ballet didn't exactly get the welcome they were hoping for, despite the beauty of the new palace, at first. It seems a group of wealthy men who held some very important roles within the Parisian theater scene felt a tad miffed about this new venture and made quite a few disgruntled rumblings about its presence! Poor darlings! However, these murmurings were all in the past by the time the 18th century arrived - thankfully, as it was just then that ballet started to really blossom! 💖

Ballet Shows of the Moment

So, what were the hot ticket performances that graced the Parisian stage back then? The world premiere of a ballet called “Les Amours de Neptune et de Corine” by Monsieur Charles-Simon Favart really shook up the ballet scene back in 1742, earning great acclaim for its innovation and romantic themes! Can you just picture that, my loves, Neptune and Corine, waltzing through the palace on stage, enchanting the whole theatre! The costumes, the music, the swirling dances! I can only imagine what a spectacle it must have been!

While on the topic of ballet premiers, we mustn't forget “La Boutique Fantastique”, which took its first steps into the ballet world the very same year! I am sure the public was so excited for such an extravaganza! “La Boutique Fantastique”, just as its name suggests, was a delightful story, with toys coming to life at night, filled with incredible character dancing and dazzling stage effects. One can almost feel the thrill in the air - it truly must have been magic! 💖

Dancing in The French Courts: The Rise of Fashion

Speaking of magic, in this era, it wasn’t just in theatres that the dance had a place. No, oh no! It even made its way into the palaces and the courts! Imagine that - twirling around the court with kings and queens! In the era of Louis XIV, ballet wasn’t just a way to pass the time; it became a vital part of the elite life. Imagine wearing gorgeous and decadent ball gowns! The women's dancing must have been especially enchanting, like a swirl of silken skirts, perfectly executed with such elegance! What an age of beauty and sophistication! 🤩

And, you know me, my lovelies, I simply can’t talk about dance without a little peek at fashion! What did they wear to watch these spectacular shows? Well, if you're a girl, think extravagant silks, glittering brocades, feathers, a whole world of fabulous colours and details! All carefully constructed into beautifully structured dresses that highlighted those graceful ballet moves. And for the boys? It's all about dapper coats and fancy trousers! Imagine seeing all of that fabulous attire together! If that wasn't exciting enough, men were sporting knee-high stockings and breeches for that truly grand, aristocratic look. I love a bit of historic flair! It makes me wish I could pop on my best pink tutu and dance alongside them!

A Legacy of Ballet Love

While a lot has changed since then in the world of ballet, the love for this art form has certainly stood the test of time. The elegance and artistry of these ballets remain in the memories of the dancers and choreographers who passed it on, through the generations. And it continues to inspire countless other ballet dancers, including, of course, yours truly! 🩰💕

So there you have it, my darlings! That’s my take on the ballet scene of 1742! This blog post just touched the surface of what a fascinating and exciting time this era must have been. From elegant moves to elegant fashion, ballet has always held a special place in my heart! What more can we say but, au revoir! Let me know what you love about this era, and don't forget to check in for next week's blog post where we take a further trip down memory lane! 💖

And as always, let's keep the pink tutus flowing! Don’t be shy, tag your pics with #PinkTutuNews! 💖

History of Ballet in 	1742