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History of Ballet in 	1743

Pink Tutu Post #171: A Peek into the World of Ballet in 1743! 🩰✨

Hello lovelies, and welcome back to! Today, we're going on a fabulous trip back in time to 1743, a year bursting with exciting new developments in the world of ballet. Grab your most sparkly pink tutu, your best ballet shoes, and let's step back in time!

Now, I'm a big fan of history here at Pink Tutu, so this trip is going to be absolutely thrilling. While 1743 may seem far removed from our modern world of barre classes and glitzy stage productions, believe me, this year saw some really exciting beginnings in the story of ballet.

Before we jump into the fascinating world of 1743 ballet, let me tell you about how I got here, because it involves, you guessed it, dancing! You see, as a keen street performer (I've got a rather dazzling, eye-catching routine you should see!), I can "time travel" between eras, so to speak. By focusing my energy on a certain historical time period while dancing, I find myself whisked away into that era! This week, my time-traveling journey brought me to 1743 and boy oh boy, I have SO much to tell you!

Now, when I think of 1743, I envision the opulent ballrooms of Paris, overflowing with elaborate costumes and powdered wigs. Ballet in this era was all about aristocratic grace, elegance, and showing off dazzling techniques. Can you picture it?

Here's what really grabbed my attention during my time-travel visit to this enchanting era:

The French Academy of Dancing: It was here, in the grand city of Paris, where things were really buzzing for ballet lovers in 1743. Imagine a space where talented dancers come together, honing their skills, learning from each other, and pushing the boundaries of dance – sounds like our dream, right? This, my darlings, was the French Academy of Dancing, the hot spot for ballet development.

The Star: Marie Sallé One name that really stood out in the ballet world of 1743 was that of Marie Sallé, a talented dancer whose performances captivated the Parisian scene. Now, while a lot of ballerinas in those days adhered to very structured performances, Marie dared to be different! She revolutionised things by using a more natural and expressive style, embracing a greater connection to emotion in her dance. This sparked controversy amongst the ballet establishment, but she bravely forged her own path and left a mark on history. Just goes to show, never be afraid to express yourself, my darlings!

Fashion: From Courtly Glamour to Ballet’s Own Style
Fashion was, of course, everything in 1743. You couldn't go to a ball without an opulent outfit, and dancers were no exception! Ballet costumes in this era were very dramatic and theatrical. Imagine beautiful satin, layers of ribbons, and delicate lace, adorned with jewels and feathers - stunning, isn't it?

Now, don't get me wrong, it was all very grand and elegant, but it also sounds a bit restrictive compared to today's ballet costumes. You couldn't possibly pirouette with ease in that amount of fabric!

But then I saw something else… a hint of what was to come. Some ballerinas started embracing a more simple style for certain performances - lightweight silk fabrics and "slippers" - an early version of the pointe shoes we know and love today. These changes were small but they marked a shift in the style of dance and its portrayal. I could feel a new era of movement taking shape!

On the Stage in 1743: Speaking of stage productions, imagine this! Some of the most renowned dancers of the day like Marie Sallé would have been performing alongside talented composers, including Jean-Philippe Rameau, whose music brought such a vibrancy to the choreography. I even heard rumours of an exciting new work, called "Les Fêtes d'Hébé," composed by Rameau – can't wait to get back in time to see this show!

Looking Ahead:
I must admit, I am simply thrilled to have travelled back in time to 1743! To witness such a crucial stage in the history of ballet is like getting a backstage pass to the heart of the art form. It shows that the history of ballet, like our love for tutus, is a continually evolving story filled with incredible talent, creativity, and passion for movement and expression.

And if you, like me, are captivated by ballet and its rich past, keep checking back for more historical adventures right here at! And don't forget to wear your pink tutus – there’s no wrong place or time for a little bit of pink ballet love.

Until next time, my dearest fellow dancers, happy twirling! 🩰

History of Ballet in 	1743