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History of Ballet in 	1820

Pink Tutu Post #248: A Whirl Through Ballet in 1820! 🩰

Hello my lovelies! Emma here, back with another installment of my ballet history adventures! Today we're whisking back to 1820, a year where the world of ballet was truly starting to bloom. 🌸 Think flowing tutus, romantic stories, and a whole lot of passion. Buckle up, darlings, because this trip is gonna be utterly divine! ✨

A World Premiere We Simply Can’t Miss

Oh my goodness! Let's talk about the pièce de résistance of the year, the world premiere of "La Sylphide." Can you imagine? A magical, ethereal tale about a young woman, Sylphide, and a lovelorn young man? It was a total sensation in Paris! Imagine shimmering tulle, airy leaps, and a story so dreamy it simply melted everyone’s hearts. We can't forget the glorious music by Jean-Schneitzhöfer, which truly added another dimension to the piece. It was such a beautiful expression of the romantic era!

Speaking of tutus, this era saw a move away from the restrictive panniers and towards flowing, graceful shapes, creating a more elegant silhouette that allowed ballerinas to express their artistry to the fullest! Just the way I like it! 💖

The Big Names of the Day

As you know, darling, my interest in fashion and the people behind it runs very deep! 1820 saw a fabulous generation of ballerinas captivating audiences everywhere. I simply adore learning about these women. Marie Taglioni was an absolute sensation, with her iconic leaps and delicate grace. Just like her namesake, the Marie Taglioni dress, so famous for its light and elegant lines! I simply adore that look. The elegant ballerina look, simple and timeless. And who could forget the incredibly talented Fanny Elssler? She had incredible technical skill and such beautiful stage presence. They truly set the standard for artistry in ballet. And can you even imagine? They wore a costume that showcased every graceful movement and delicate twist! Imagine the drama! Oh my goodness, so many creative possibilities. 💖💖

Across the Channel: London Lights Up

1820 saw ballet making huge strides in England! In fact, London's Drury Lane Theatre was abuzz with balletic activity! It wasn't just about watching the spectacle; people loved discussing the latest innovations. Can you even imagine, a whole town chattering about the intricacies of a pas de bourrée? There was real enthusiasm, like when a group of us discusses our latest find at that incredible boutique in Covent Garden! I can almost imagine a room of elegantly dressed Londoners sipping tea, all enchanted by the artistry unfolding on stage.

And I simply can’t help but marvel at how ballet really captivated audiences! The love of movement, the thrill of those breathtaking jumps and turns, that’s what truly drew people in. The desire for beauty and grace, an experience beyond the ordinary! I absolutely agree with that, my dear readers. I am sure these performances had an incredible sense of magic, an allure to transport audiences to another realm!

The Clothes Make the Ballerina!

Darling, when it comes to fashion, there was always room for a touch of elegance! The era embraced light fabrics, satin, silk, and lace - all these glorious materials, they brought movement and delicacy to life! Just imagine the flowing draperies, a touch of delicate lace. We saw the rise of the “Romantic era" costumes which were so romantic and beautiful. With these gowns, the women felt powerful. As you know, my dears, my heart simply beats for ballet fashion, it is something that will never go out of style, much like our very favourite color! And while I must say, I absolutely adore the modern pink tutu! A vintage silhouette really gives a little touch of that elegant classic look.

More Than a Show

Remember my dear lovelies, ballet in the early 19th century wasn't just about dancing, oh no! It was a world filled with artistry, music, and story. Think about the iconic romantic storylines that captivated audiences and sparked our imagination. Stories about forbidden love, tragic fates, and magical encounters, each one brought to life by these extraordinary ballerinas and the beautiful music that accompanied them!

And the shows! Just imagine, my dears, the spectacular scenery that transports us right to a whimsical world of fairies and fairies! The music from great composers was breathtaking, all coming together in a harmony of visual beauty! It is simply exquisite! My own favourite era!

Sharing My Love of the Past

My love for ballet history, my dears, is simply an unquenchable thirst for all things elegant and artistic. So many tales have been passed down to us! I just want to bring a bit of that enchantment to you, you lovelies, so we can all experience the sheer artistry and grace! Just think about all the creativity, beauty and magic that goes into each and every performance. I love to dream of swirling through the stage in one of these flowing tutus! 🌸

I am simply bursting with ideas for my next ballet-inspired outfit. I can picture myself swirling, my tutu flowing in the air, maybe a touch of lace on a pastel coloured tutu? The options are truly endless! I hope my adventures in ballet history, as I bring a piece of that romance, enchantment and artistry into our own time. So keep dancing, my dears, and embrace all that the magic of ballet holds!

Love, Emma xoxo

History of Ballet in 	1820