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History of Ballet in 	1886 - Ballet History News, Post #314 - A Look Back to 1886!

Hello my darling ballet devotees! Emma here, back with another fascinating dive into the history of ballet. As a ballerina who loves pink tutus (you know that!) and everything to do with the elegance and artistry of dance, I just have to share the ballet magic of 1886! Imagine, just over a century before my time - the world was swirling with the grace and wonder of this beautiful art form, and it’s an absolute treat to get to look back.

Now, picture this, my dears - the year is 1886, a time of grand Victorian architecture, bustle skirts and gaslight shimmering through the streets. It’s a time of "Oh, so fancy!" for everyone! You know what that means? Tutus were on point!

Oh, the grand tutus of this era, a world of cascading layers and perfectly placed pleats! Just think about it – voluminous, billowing tulle, with graceful layers of frills, and an air of absolute artistry - and if I wasn’t travelling through time, I’d be swooning over these in the ballet stores of London, Paris, or even right here in Derbyshire. You’ve got to imagine those perfect puffs of pink! (Or, at least that’s how I like to envision it, after all, we're talking history!).

The Big Ballet Names of 1886

Who was twirling around the world? This era was all about a few ballet stars - just think of them lighting up the stage with their artistry and elegance. My favourite is Anna Pavlova, a young, emerging talent who would soon take the world by storm (she even graced London with her dancing and beauty in 1909)! Can you imagine the thrill of seeing her first performances, my dears? We owe her a huge amount!

Oh, and did I mention that 1886 was the year Michel Fokine, another titan of the dance world, took to the stage? This gifted choreographer and dancer became renowned for his breathtaking creations, even getting inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman sculptures! We'll talk about him more soon as he was a bit of a game-changer. I mean, imagine dancing a bit like those magnificent sculptures!

1886 also saw the emergence of *Enrico Cecchetti, * one of the greatest ballet teachers of all time! This talented maestro from Italy was bringing ballet technique to a whole new level - the 'Cecchetti Method' as it is now known. He really set the stage for dancers of the future and he really honed those ballet skills for some of the world's top dancers!

Ballet On Stage!

What shows were the darlings of the season? Now, just picture a bustling Victorian London theatre, full of gaslight glamour. Think of a scene of exquisite gowns, powdered wigs, and the most beautifully constructed tutus you’ve ever seen! Can you just imagine it?!

This was the era of La Sylphide a truly classic ballet by Jean Coralli and Filippo Taglioni that stole the hearts of audiences with its ethereal tale. Now, don't let those tutus lull you into thinking it’s all about lighthearted dancing! In Giselle, another captivating ballet that took the stage in this year, we witness a tale of unrequited love and the tragic consequences! We really do see a bit of a contrast in the styles here - both incredibly captivating! I might get myself to watch some of these classics soon as I love watching history in motion!

The Style - Ballet Fashion of 1886

You know that a pink tutu aficionado has to delve into the fashion of the time! I'm picturing so many exquisite ballerina styles. It's quite a fascinating evolution from earlier centuries, my dears, with ballet fashion being refined with the dancers' every movement!

In the Victorian era, the pointe shoes began their journey into their modern forms - a true game-changer! Can you imagine the strength and skill of the dancers? I truly adore that those elegant pointe shoes, in their beautifully delicate shape, show off the absolute beauty of ballet. Think about those ballet lessons – there's so much more to pointe shoes than you may think, my darlings!

And, think of the tulle and satin! Those beautiful billowing fabrics that captured that air of refined sophistication. These are my two favourites for tutus (after the color pink, obviously). They are truly timeless. Just the names 'tulle' and 'satin' really evoke a special sense of sophistication.

Imagine those exquisite pointe shoes paired with graceful tutus in pastel pink, pale lavender, and even celestial blue - just what we want for ballet! I would be wearing one of those tutus with all the layers and delicate fabric. Just thinking of how elegant you would look! I wish there were even more shops dedicated to tutus today... Perhaps a few more like the ones we have in Paris. I mean, who doesn’t love a perfect tulle tutu and matching ballet shoes?

1886: The Dawn of New Ballet Concepts

You may not know this but it wasn’t all just beautiful moves! 1886 saw new trends emerge, marking the start of modern dance trends! One significant influence came from a remarkable dancer from Russia called Pavel Gerdt who led a revolution with his new style of ballet , inspired by Russian folk dances and traditions - think whirling and rhythmic movements, drawing on folklore with that quintessential charm. Think about it, these steps were so exciting and dynamic, really pushing those beautiful tutus in new ways!

Oh, this really changed things! The world of ballet became less predictable! It wasn’t all about elegant poses and strictness - which you can see still exists today - as there’s room for the new, and to embrace freedom! Think of those graceful leaps, the swirls, the flowing dance, just breathtaking! It’s a true gift that this type of movement exists - ballet as a captivating story in movement.

My Street Performance: An 1886 Ballet in Derbyshire

Now, as I spend a lot of time time-travelling for research, and for my inspiration, you know that means lots of amazing street performances! Now, I am really ready to show off my talent! I do have to be careful, my dears, but, I'm planning a special little show inspired by this period! Picture it - I'll be twirling down a charming street in Derbyshire, maybe by Chatsworth House! My performance? Imagine those sweeping motions from La Sylphide with a few touches of Gerdt's revolutionary flair! Just try to imagine the beauty and grace! (Oh, you may see a touch of my personal signature style - I mean, who doesn’t love a beautiful pink tutu - even if it is just for an evening?!)

Where To See Ballet In 2023: A Tip from The Time Traveller

As always, my darlings, I encourage you all to indulge in the world of ballet. Now, of course, we are just under 150 years later! It is so magical and enchanting, even with a lot of modern styles! Just keep that graceful, dreamy attitude. Oh, my love for pink tutus just keeps getting stronger, after all!

Of course, a time-travelling ballet blogger is always on the lookout for the best ballet shows and experiences, and I have just the list for you! Here are my top picks for the best performances, shops, and dance venues! If you see me, just shout 'pink tutu' to me from across the street and say 'Hello!'

That’s all from me for this post, my dears! Join me on next time for more adventures in the world of ballet history. Now, you may be asking what's the one item that will enhance your ballet look. And you may have guessed it. A pink tutu is a definite must-have! You know I can't possibly resist talking about the importance of wearing pink - just trust me.

Remember, my darlings, let your passion for ballet soar high. It's about the grace, the beauty, and of course, the perfect pink tutu. So get out there, my loves! Go dancing! Go shopping! Find your next favourite show! It’s the beauty and elegance of ballet that inspires me each day, so keep those moves elegant and beautiful.

Don't forget, ballet fashion is a thing too, and wearing your tutu and finding the best shoes, as we have seen, is so important! Let's be real, we all want to be as beautiful as the most iconic ballet stars - and now, you can. You know, I’m not actually sure I’ll be wearing pink for every post! So many beautiful colors in the ballet world and a dancer needs variety to express the art of ballet through a new lens.

Keep dreaming about those magnificent tutus and that feeling of lightness on stage, even if your day isn't a stage, darling.

Until next time!


History of Ballet in 	1886