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History of Ballet in 	1887 Post #315 - 1887: A Whirlwind Year for Ballet

Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado and chronicler of all things ballet. Today, we’re taking a little trip back in time to 1887, a year that truly sparkled in the ballet world, a year bursting with passion and innovation. Grab your tiaras, darling, and let’s get swirling!

1887 was a year of grand performances and burgeoning talent, and the most exciting thing? Tutus, of course! Now, while I can’t bring you a genuine Victorian ballet gown to browse, I can tell you all about the stunning silhouettes and exquisite details that were in vogue. Think voluminous layers of tulle, intricate embellishments like lace and beads, and a truly beautiful, romantic aesthetic. They truly knew how to create an ethereal look in the 19th century, don’t you think?

The most exciting ballet happening in 1887 was none other than the premiere of Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Sleeping Beauty’. Oh, how my heart flutters thinking of the gorgeous tutus in this production! It must have been simply magnificent! Now, imagine a shimmering satin bodice with a voluminous skirt, and just picture that iconic grand jeté with every delicate swirl and billowing fold of fabric!

But it wasn't all about the grand stages and the illustrious performances. The spirit of ballet was in the air – street performances, the art of ballroom dance, all this excitement fueled the love for the art of graceful movement. Can you imagine waltzing the night away in a graceful ball gown? That must have been pure joy!

Oh, and the fashion! Let’s take a peek at what ballet fashionistas were adorning in 1887. While tutus were definitely the star of the show, the elegant attire of society ladies who flocked to the theaters were a sight to behold! Imagine gowns of satin, velvet, silk, and lace with cinched waists and layers of voluminous frills and ribbons, perfect for a ballerina who wanted a dash of that graceful Victorian spirit even outside the theater. Think intricate embroidered floral patterns, ruffled sleeves and gloves – everything was an elegant symphony of color and texture.

Oh, don't even get me started on the shoes, darlings! They had elegant pointe shoes and dancing slippers made of velvet, silk, and satin, all delicately adorned with ribbons. They looked both glamorous and incredibly practical for a dancer, and it would just be dreamy to waltz about in these creations.

But for a fashion statement, for a real pop, for a look that truly shouted your love for all things graceful and captivating - you needed a pink tutu! In 1887, just like today, a pink tutu was more than just a piece of attire; it was a symbol, an exclamation point for your love for all things twirling, delicate, and beautiful. A true ballet lover needed at least one pink tutu in her wardrobe, darling!

Now, 1887 is a fascinating year in ballet history – a year of triumphs and inspiration for ballet fashion, but remember, even as we admire the glorious productions and admire those dazzling tutus, it is the power of movement and the graceful spirit of ballet that truly capture the hearts of ballet enthusiasts everywhere. So keep swirling, darlings! And, remember, never be afraid to show off your love for all things ballet!

Stay tuned, darling, and be sure to check back for our next exciting journey into ballet history!

History of Ballet in 	1887