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From Paris to Moscow: The Latest in Dance

Well, darling, the autumn leaves may be turning but the world of ballet is as hot as ever! As I jetted from the Seine to the Neva, my little black book was brimming with breathtaking performances, delightful debuts, and some delightful fashion, of course. It was a whirlwind tour de force, so let me regale you with the highlights, wouldn't you say?

Parisian Perfection

First stop, Paris, the city of lights and
leotards! The Palais Garnier was ablaze with excitement, as the OpĂ©ra de Paris unveiled a new production of La BayadĂšre. It's a true spectacle, dear reader, and everyone’s talking about the newly appointed Ă©toile, OphĂ©lie Duval, simply a vision in white silk as the ethereal Nikiya. Her port de bras is divine, and those fouettĂ©s were, well, simply divine! It's an intoxicating combination of opulent sets, glittering costumes, and, of course, the divine Natalia Osipova, simply ravishing as the scheming Gamzatti, leaving the audience spellbound with her fiery passion. And who wouldn't be smitten? I dare say, her opulent emerald gown is worthy of a royal court, and that's before she's even lifted a leg. The choreography by the maestro, Pierre Lacotte, is a glorious reimagining of the original, offering a refreshingly traditional feel that doesn’t feel stale for a moment. Don’t miss it if you’re planning a trip to Paris!

Moscow: A Masterclass in Choreography

Now, from the City of Lights to the city of ballets, Moscow! And where else can one get a truly dazzling showcase of both the classic and the contemporary? At the Bolshoi Theatre, they didn't disappoint! I witnessed an unforgettable performance of the legendary "Swan Lake." Svetlana Zakharova as Odette/Odile was, as always, nothing short of exquisite, her elegance a vision of white and black swans. I felt as though I’d been transported into a magical, dark forest surrounded by charming, swans-turned-human-girls. The ballet was beautifully lit, the music exquisite - my favourite bit remains the introduction of the cygnets in the second act. It's a flawless piece, and to see it in Moscow, the very home of the Russian ballet, was a real treat!

For those in the know, there’s an exciting new generation of Russian ballet talent. I witnessed an incredible showcase of their talent in a double-bill performance at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre, simply a feast for the senses! First up, a wonderfully whimsical, playful production of "The Carnival of the Animals." The company - the bright young things, darling! - made it feel as if I’d been brought back to childhood with their delightful, animal-inspired movements. I simply loved it. The second piece, a contemporary ballet choreographed by Yuri Grigorovich himself, titled "The Rite of Spring" , had a striking visual impact. I was completely drawn into the powerful story and intense movements. A remarkably powerful piece. I daresay this was the highlight of my trip! You should absolutely make the journey to experience Russian ballet in all its glory!

American Dreams

My whirlwind tour led me next to the land of dreams, America, where ballet is as diverse as its landscapes! A visit to New York always feels exciting, and this season was no exception. A trip to Lincoln Center for the New York City Ballet production of The Nutcracker is always a holiday tradition, wouldn't you agree? I was transported into a fairytale, surrounded by ballerinas dressed like little sugar plum fairies, darling, simply adorable. It’s always such fun to see the delight in the children’s eyes as they’re introduced to the magic of ballet. It’s such a joy, simply beautiful.

For something more edgy, the American Ballet Theatre wowed with a revival of Twyla Tharp’s masterpiece, “Movin’ Out,” which, dare I say, brought the house down! It’s not for everyone, my dear, with its dynamic fusion of jazz and classical ballet, but for me, the energy was simply electrifying, and those costumes, I’d die for them! They reminded me of those disco dresses that I used to love in the 1970s, ha!

Back to Blighty

The Royal Opera House, our very own temple to ballet, is always at the heart of everything, and the season started in the usual splendor. Their production of Swan Lake was beautifully presented with a refreshingly modern touch to the classic choreography. And you must see Natalia Osipova as Odette, she’s simply radiant! A must-see for every balletomane! Their new production of "The Sleeping Beauty," is simply captivating. I was utterly captivated by Lauren Cuthbertson, so lovely in her role as Aurora, her dance a dream to behold. And what are these grand performances without dazzling outfits! From the sweeping, billowing dresses to the sparkly, romantic gowns - I simply could not be more enchanted by the ballet costumes, especially those of the fairy godmother, exquisite!

Across the UK, from Birmingham to Glasgow, smaller companies are creating exciting waves in the world of ballet, darling! I particularly enjoyed the performance of Romeo and Juliet at Birmingham Royal Ballet. It's a bold and dramatic interpretation, beautifully staged and a stunning spectacle for all of its drama - a truly enchanting production!

And what’s more, ballet has also spread its wings beyond the theatre stage and taken to the streets. In London, the latest trend is for ballet to be presented in extraordinary, unexpected spaces! I recently attended a performance of Giselle in a grand old factory building and, I must say, the sense of mystery and intrigue enhanced the production! It was a truly innovative take on the traditional format, and a perfect opportunity for ballet to reach out to a new audience, and I just loved it!

A Fashionable Affair

Naturally, my little black book is also stuffed with notes on the fashion. As any discerning balletomane knows, the world of ballet is just as fashionable as it is artistic! And my goodness, what a season for dresses, darling. From the elegant ball gowns of The Sleeping Beauty to the fiery red dress of Gamzatti in La Bayadùre, it was all about glamorous sparkle and elegant slit dresses! And don’t even get me started on those exquisite tutus. I adore those poetic white swans. And I have my eye on those elegant black, romantic swan gowns, perfect for the winter season!

And let's not forget the fabulous ballerinas - they are a joy to look at in their costumes. My heart goes out to all of those stunning ladies in the spotlight, their legs perfectly sculpted and their costumes as beautiful as the ballet itself! From the ballet to the boudoir, darling, it’s all about the glamour, wouldn't you agree?

The season is well underway, my dears, and with so much exciting ballet on offer, there’s never been a better time to be a balletomane. But I'd better be off, my diary is jam-packed with more ballet delights waiting for me to experience. And of course, I'll be sure to report back with more fascinating, inspiring - and stylish - ballet news.