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A Season of Sensations: From the Opulence of Paris to the Rising Stars of Beijing

Dearest Readers,

Spring has sprung, and with it, a wave of artistic inspiration that has swept across the world's ballet stages. From the time-honoured traditions of Paris to the vibrant innovations of Beijing, this season has offered a captivating array of productions, each with its own unique charm. Let us embark on a whirlwind tour, exploring the highlights of the ballet world in all its captivating glory.

Parisian Panache

The Opéra Garnier, that grand dame of Parisian theatre, remains the pinnacle of classical elegance. This season, we were treated to a breathtaking revival of "La Bayadère", a ballet that has always held a special place in my heart. With its lavish sets, exquisitely detailed costumes, and a cast that embodied the drama of the story, it was a production that captivated from the first notes to the final curtain call. The ethereal beauty of Olga Smirnova, radiating star quality as Nikiya, and the impeccable precision of Mathieu Ganio as Solor were simply unforgettable. The iconic "Kingdom of the Shades" scene was breathtaking in its beauty, leaving us spellbound by the haunting, celestial choreography.

Beyond the Classic: New Visions

The Parisian ballet scene isn't merely about traditional classics, though. The contemporary ballet company "Compagnie J.C. Maillot", which resides in the smaller, but no less exquisite, Palais Garnier, offered a mesmerizing fusion of dance and technology in their latest production, "Dances With Robots." Imagine the poetry of Pina Bausch intertwined with the futuristic allure of "Blade Runner" and you have some sense of this captivating exploration of the relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence. The dancers, seemingly both organic and robotic in their movements, took us on a journey of discovery, leaving us pondering the future of humanity in the face of rapid technological advancement.

New York City Ballet: The Evolution Continues

While I do adore a classic tutu and a perfectly executed grand jeté, I do appreciate when the choreographic landscape is refreshed with exciting new perspectives. New York City Ballet has always been known for its commitment to showcasing innovative works by up-and-coming talents alongside iconic works by ballets great and the last season proved no exception. The premiere of Justin Peck's "The Times Are Racing", a piece inspired by the frenetic energy of our modern world, felt surprisingly poignant despite the relentless pace. With its kaleidoscopic choreography, mirroring the chaos of life, Peck offers a captivating study of the human spirit trying to find meaning amid the noise. There were moments where I felt quite literally swept up in the swirl of movement!

Ballet on the Other Side of the World

The dance world, dear reader, is global in its reach and as always, there are many reasons to look to the East. In Beijing, the Beijing Dance Academy hosted its annual gala featuring both classical and modern works, each demonstrating the technical mastery and emotional depth that have become hallmarks of the school. What truly stood out, however, was the breathtaking performance by dancer Yu Xi, whose fluid movements and expressive qualities breathlessly captivated audiences, reminding us that a solo dancer, without elaborate props, can leave an everlasting imprint. This young dancer, who will soon be captivating stages across the globe, was a sheer force of nature - you'd have to be made of stone not to be mesmerised.

The Next Generation: A Glimpse of the Future

I'm constantly on the lookout for those sparkling diamonds in the rough: dancers destined for great things. One young artist who made an unforgettable impression this season is young Emily Smith of The Royal Ballet. In their performance of "La Sylphide", this budding star captivated everyone with a performance brimming with innocence, her technical prowess underpinned by an endearingly radiant and ethereal quality. It was an exquisite performance that bodes well for a long and successful career. There is definitely more to come from this exceptional young dancer!

Beyond the Stage: Ballet and the World

The beauty of ballet is not confined to the stage. One remarkable project that captivated my attention this spring was the "Dance for Change" initiative. This global movement uses the power of dance to empower vulnerable communities in both urban and rural areas. It was so inspiring to witness groups of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds transform their lives and their communities through the shared language of movement, making it impossible not to have hope in the face of so much human creativity!

A Toast to Ballet's Enduring Power

As we move into the summer months, we are left with a sense of renewal and exhilaration from the ballets witnessed. From the grandiosity of classical productions to the bold innovations of the contemporary dance scene, ballet continues to inspire, enchant, and touch our hearts. It is a reminder that artistry, in all its forms, can transcend time and culture to move us in the most profound ways. I for one can't wait to see what captivating delights next season holds!

With fervent appreciation,


Editor, The National Ballet Journal