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Darling, what a month it's been! From the Parisian elegance of the Palais Garnier to the intoxicating passion of a Cuban salsa club, the world of dance has been simply buzzing! A whirlwind of tutus and tiaras, the air alive with the intoxicating rhythm of pointe shoes tapping against polished floors... Oh, how I simply adore ballet's transformative power!

Now, let's dissect the delights, shall we? My little dears, it all started in the City of Lights itself.

Paris, Mon Amour

The Opéra de Paris is always a guaranteed spectacle, and this month they presented a simply divine revival of Balanchine's 'Jewels'. Oh, the dazzling costumes, each section a symphony of colour! The Emeralds, all shimmering green and delicate as emeralds themselves, with those incredible lifts - you simply gasp at their virtuosity. Sapphires, on the other hand, were all sharp, modern lines and a delightful dash of dramatic flair, a perfect foil to the softer beauty of Emeralds. And Diamonds? Well, those exquisite diamonds just sparkled, dazzling you with precision and pure balletic perfection. A triumph, my dears, a triumph!

Then there was a darling new production at the Théâtre du Châtelet - "The Little Prince" by the sublime Marie-Claude Pietragalla, set to Saint-Saëns’ music, oh so whimsical and enchanting! We had the young, dreamy étoile, the incredible Mathieu Ganio as the Little Prince, radiating purity and innocent grace. The set was simply dreamy, all whimsical and dreamy like a child’s fantasy. Just darling! A must-see for lovers of balletic poetry, darling.

But the absolute highlight, a production I simply adored, was at the Théâtre National de Chaillot! Now, we all know and love Sylvie Guillem, a legendary ballerina with divine athleticism, and to see her in this new creation by William Forsythe? It was exquisite, truly! Forsythe, my darlings, always a darling for his innovative choreography, his work pushing the boundaries of dance, always so daring! Here, his signature sharp lines, almost architectural in their form, are seamlessly intertwined with a balletic delicacy. Sylvie, the absolute darling, seemed to defy gravity, with effortless leaps and breathtaking spins, all done with an artistry that simply makes you gasp! It was sheer brilliance, truly. I'm smitten, utterly smitten!

Crossing the Atlantic

A flight across the Atlantic, and suddenly, we're immersed in a completely different world of dance.

New York, New York

The New York City Ballet, darling, you know, they’re just phenomenal. They recently performed a Balanchine gala, featuring some of his most beloved works. Of course, there was the dazzling ‘Agon’, its sharp geometric patterns still electrifying after all these years, simply captivating. And then the classic ‘Symphony in C’ - well, that was an absolute treat for the eyes! This one's just perfection, darling. Everything from the music to the choreography and even the set are effortlessly elegant and sophisticated. Ballet perfection, truly!

Now, don't be silly, darling. It wasn't all about the classics! We had some absolutely charming experimental pieces from rising choreographers too. A particularly notable one, a new piece by the charming Kyle Abraham. Oh, Kyle! Always a darling for his exploration of raw, emotional truth in dance. This new piece explored themes of love, loss, and redemption, oh so poignant and moving. His dancers moved with such explosive energy and vulnerability that it simply captured the heart. Bravo, darling!

Intoxicating Rhythms

But it’s not all classical ballet, darling! I was simply thrilled to experience the incredible dance culture in Havana! Oh, to dance the night away under the stars, bathed in the pulsating rhythms of Cuba’s legendary salsa! A dance festival in Old Havana? My darlings, it was utterly spellbinding. Salsa and bachata spilled out onto cobbled streets, accompanied by the joyful strains of live bands, with the sensual sway of the dancers captivating me completely. These people simply know how to move! Every body tells a story - vibrant, powerful, full of life. It was so liberating, a true celebration of joy and human connection, a stark contrast to the structured, refined world of classical ballet, but absolutely enchanting! It filled me with such exhilaration and passion, it's difficult to explain. The energy, my dears, the energy!

More delights in store!

I'm utterly in love with all these productions, darlings, from the graceful artistry of classical ballet to the passionate abandon of Cuban salsa. The world of dance, it seems, has so much to offer, always captivating, always surprising, always magical! The sheer beauty, power, and joy of ballet and its many forms truly transcends boundaries, touching hearts everywhere! Oh, how lucky we are, darlings, to live in a world so filled with these mesmerizing and utterly exquisite artistic experiences!

Stay tuned, darlings, because next month is bursting with even more breathtaking spectacles! There’s a divine production of 'Sleeping Beauty' at Covent Garden with new costumes by Christian Lacroix, oh so exquisite! Then, a special anniversary gala for the Royal Ballet in London, which I simply can't wait for. And who knows what other treasures the dance world holds in store for us next! This, darling, is a world worth discovering.

Until next time, keep dancing!

Your forever-devoted,
***Mlle. B***