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August 2004: The Season’s Bloom in Dance

Ah, August. The ballets have flown south for the summer, and yet the art form seems to linger in the air like the scent of honeysuckle. Perhaps it is the languid, long days that make me reflect upon the whirlwind of balletic brilliance that was the past season, and indeed, the delights awaiting us come autumn. This is the time for discerning dance devotees like ourselves to brush up on our technique and vocabulary. We’ll soon be dazzled by the flurry of new and returning productions, so let’s step into the shoes of the ballerina, and take a graceful, twirling look back, and forward.

A Dance Under the Parisian Sun: A Summer Soirée at the Palais Garnier

For the cognoscenti of dance, the July season at the Palais Garnier was, shall we say, utterly divine. As the sun painted the sky a romantic blush over the gilded splendour of the Opera House, a vibrant mix of old favourites and modern masterpieces unfolded on stage.

Now, one simply can't discuss Paris without the intoxicating allure of Nureyev’s *Don Quixote*, the flamboyant masterpiece. To witness the spirited, fiery energy of a young dancer grappling with the challenges of the role – yes, you guessed it, the brilliant rising star, Boris Malinovsky – is to be transported to a bygone era. The iconic lifts, those breathtaking arabesques that defy gravity, were met with gasps from the audience. Bravo, dear Boris. We’re watching you!

And who could forget the glorious return of Sylvie Guillem in Balanchine’s *Symphony in C*? Yes, a true icon in her shimmering blue costume – it practically became another dancer on its own, all soft pleats and undulating lines! - danced with such poignant power and lightness, truly showcasing the strength in her vulnerability, a paradox beautifully rendered in Balanchine's masterpiece. Such beauty!

And the pièce de résistance? The ethereal spectacle that was Pina Bausch’s *Rite of Spring* presented at the Théâtre de la Ville. This raw, powerful, and emotionally gripping ballet broke with all expectations. The ensemble cast was simply spellbinding in its fierce energy. Their movements, a whirlwind of raw expression, transported me, the viewer, into their world of primal passion. The staging - that shocking, raw space with shards of wood strewn about! - felt like the heart of the earth laid bare. I admit, there were some sniffs of disapproval from a few, who, darling, couldn't get over their predilection for the predictable. Let's say, we can thank the heavens for artists who shake things up a bit, shall we?

Beyond the City of Lights: Ballet Whispers From Across the Globe

The ballet scene has always been about discovery and exploration, dear readers. Our world of dance, thankfully, transcends national boundaries, with a constant dialogue of ideas swirling about, creating a delicious dance soup that leaves us with more questions than answers. That's a good thing, yes, that is.

Speaking of exploration, our dear, dear friend, Alexei Ratmansky has taken his considerable talent to the other side of the world. At the Australian Ballet, his "Romeo and Juliet" in August, I hear, will be one not to miss. A true testament to the beauty and power of this grand love story. Rumours abound of his inspired new vision that moves beyond the usual, and it is always a treat to see how a new stage will impact such a classic. Oh, we've so enjoyed seeing Alexei travel the world – the sheer joy he brings to a ballet, no matter the country! His next stop, of course, we all hope will be New York.

A few whispers reaching my ear inform me of a stirring new creation debuting in Japan. We shall, of course, await more news with eager anticipation. For who would miss a taste of new ballet brewing somewhere far away?

An Unfolding Story: A Peek into the Season to Come

While the summer sun may have lured our attention away from the stage for a spell, there are, dear reader, many delights already beckoning. I hear whispers of a new take on "The Nutcracker" brewing in the capital! Oh, how I long to see how a new generation of ballerinas will take on the *Sugar Plum Fairy* - a role always full of whimsy and playful magic. But I am promised this production will bring a delightful twist - new choreography and, shall we say, unexpected flourishes. Perhaps we shall see Clara as a modern-day schoolgirl! Now wouldn't that be quite a delightful spectacle!

And the English National Ballet has also made news - with an ambitious and daring foray into new ground. We eagerly await their December unveiling of a full-length work inspired by the captivating world of Sylvia Plath. Yes, it's going to be very exciting to see Plath’s life in *Ariel* - this modern ballet promises an interesting take on the story. And who doesn't love Plath? That raw, passionate voice? - We shall certainly keep you, my dears, updated.

Ballet’s Graceful Rise - The World in Motion

Oh, what an exciting year for dance, is it not? The future is radiant and ever evolving. With talented new faces popping up like lilies in bloom, it's more important than ever to engage with this beautiful art form. Take note, darlings, of your local ballet companies, and consider adding a few evenings at the opera house to your social calendar. After all, who wouldn’t want a touch of grace and beauty in their life? The ballets, you know, are the very essence of exquisite grace, aren't they?

And we will, as always, be on hand, with a cup of Earl Grey and a twinkle in our eyes, to offer our little bits of news. So let us continue to twirl into this season's ballet with gusto! Happy viewing, darlings. And, of course, do take note of my elegant style and, perhaps, some of my fashion hints when making your appearance at the next performance! - We can’t have any sartorial slip-ups now, can we, darling?

Au revoir and see you soon!