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A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Royal Ballet The summer, dear readers, was all about dreamy evenings, shimmering lights and whispered secrets – well, at least it was in Covent Garden where The Royal Ballet took on A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Now, I won’t bore you with the plot - everyone knows about fairies, foolish lovers and a mischievous Puck, but the real magic here lay in the dancing. Marianela Nuñez was luminous as Titania, her every gesture imbued with a regal grace that both fascinated and commanded. And her duets with a wonderfully boyish Edward Watson (Oberon)? Well, those were pure, unadulterated poetry in motion. The corps de ballet, too, were exceptional, swirling and flowing like the very night air itself. There was an almost dreamlike quality to their performance, leaving the audience breathless and yearning for just one more glimpse of their artistry. **What To Wear:** The opening night of Midsummer was positively dazzling! Everyone was looking elegant, think lace and satin gowns with glittering jewels and of course a few feather boas to make a statement. For the more bohemian amongst you, there was a sprinkle of flowy silk scarves and dramatic headbands - let’s be honest, everyone is channeling a touch of the fairy world here! **London Calling:** Another highlight in the world of London ballet has been the ever-increasing presence of youthful talent. There was a buzz around the emergence of the stunning Isabelle La Gruta as Juliet and the captivating Marcelino Sambé as Romeo. They're the future of the ballet world, and the Royal Opera House was buzzing with their dynamic performance. I saw a genuine chemistry between them and that made the tragedy of their love all the more powerful. The Bolshoi on Fire: Well, darling, I’m just back from Moscow and, believe me, it was an adventure! I had a chance to witness the Bolshoi burning with fiery brilliance! Yes, their "Spartacus" is still as ferocious as ever with a dynamic performance by the glorious Denis Rodkin who is quite literally on fire as Spartacus himself! And then you have the dazzling Olga Smirnova whose Giselle was breathtaking – an extraordinary combination of technical mastery and deeply moving emotion. The atmosphere backstage was electric, you could almost taste the history of ballet emanating from every corner! **The New Russian Wave:** From Bolshoi to Mikhailovsky, there is a real resurgence of energy happening on the Russian ballet scene! I must tell you, watching those young male dancers - I can't believe their physical prowess, all those jumps and's enough to make your head spin! But there is much more to it than brute strength. It is a deep-seated artistry, a real love for their craft. A Little Bit of Paris: It wouldn’t be a complete ballet pilgrimage without venturing to Paris, my dear! Of course, the Paris Opera Ballet is one of those great temples to dance. And let’s face it, what better time to go than during their Gala? I practically rubbed shoulders with the crème de la crème! They celebrated a stellar career, the legendary Sylvie Guillem - what a showman she is! It was a performance I'll never forget, an electrifying evening where passion met technical prowess and history danced alongside modern invention. I particularly enjoyed a performance from their star dancer, the talented Dorothée Gilbert . A true visionary with a breathtaking physical presence. **Hot Off the Runway:** Of course, every single performance was punctuated by an explosion of Parisian glamour. You know, a riot of beautiful and elegant attire from some of the most sought after couture houses! There’s just nothing like the Paris Opera when it comes to creating an atmosphere that is truly unforgettable. **A Look Back: The Great Danes** Across the ocean, the Danes were certainly setting the bar high. I was deeply impressed by the Royal Danish Ballet as I have always found something quite exceptional about their company. This time was no different! Their take on Giselle is one I recommend to all ballet enthusiasts. It's truly unforgettable. They had an incredible group of young ballerinas that dazzled on the stage. One, in particular, who was completely remarkable was the wonderfully expressive Ida Praetorius. En Pointe at the Met: I have been admiring New York's American Ballet Theatre for years, it’s been a a veritable explosion of artistry! The "Firebird" is always an exceptional choice and a truly special evening. It was particularly mesmerizing to witness the legendary Mikhail Baryshnikov. The way he navigates this difficult piece is just magic. **Rising Stars**: But of course, the future of ballet always excites me. This past summer, it's been an explosion of new talents across the globe. One who really stuck with me was the sparkling young dancer from the San Francisco Ballet, Sasha De Sola . **A New Direction for Ballet**: De Sola and her cohort are not afraid to push boundaries and, as they mature, their style is going to revolutionise how audiences will view dance in the next decade. The future, my dears, is vibrant, daring, and truly captivating. **More Than Just The Steps** As I move on to my next adventure, it’s not just about the beautiful steps, or the perfect lines of the dancers. Ballet, my dears, is truly a transformative experience. It’s about being captivated by art and its capacity to transcend boundaries, transporting us to other worlds, other times. I invite you to share with me the beauty and grace that can only be found on the stage, underneath the warm light of the theatre. And always, wear something stylish and chic for the occasion because when it comes to ballet, darling, we are always making a statement.