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Novemberā€™s Ballet Bonanza

Dearest readers, hello again! Oh darling, this month, as always, the world of ballet has been a veritable whirl of tutu's, toe shoes, and teasers, and I couldn't wait to tell you about them. From London to Moscow and even beyond, it seems everyone was putting on a show this November. But don't you worry, your darling darling friend here has been tirelessly seeing all the shows, drinking in every last pirouette and grand jeteĢ, so you donā€™t have to!

First up, my darlings, London! What is more decadent and exquisite than an evening at the Royal Opera House, my loves? And let me tell you, this month was no exception. There was the sublime "Romeo & Juliet," where Natalia Osipova brought her usual fire and molten drama to Juliet, and the ever -so -charming Vadim Muntagirov perfectly embodying a lovelorn Romeo. I was, shall we say, mesmerised.

Oh! and talking of charm, did you know that the delightful "The Nutcracker" opened at Covent Garden?! Well it did, and oh my goodness, how exquisite the whole production was. The dancing sugarplums were divine - just darling - the music oh, so sweet. My little nephew was totally mesmerised! Now whereā€™s the hot chocolate and some gingerbread, eh? The only disappointment for me? Not seeing Margot Fonteyn back on stage as the Sugar Plum Fairy (now wouldn't that have been a sensation?) I have high hopes for next season!

However, my sweet pea's, it was not just London that held me spellbound. I dashed off to the Bolshoi in Moscow. Honestly, dear readers, I would travel to the ends of the earth to experience their productions! Their version of "Giselle" had a level of technical excellence that took my breath away, a real tour de force with Olga Smirnova, simply, phenomenal. But the star of the show was, for me at least, Ekaterina Krysanova. You really do get the sense that this lady has lived a thousand lifetimes. The story, it just broke my heart. Honestly! It was truly glorious!

On to America, darlings! Now, we all know that New York is the place to be for ballet, right? So, with a heavy heart (but a sparkling new Chanel bag) I went to see the American Ballet Theater's "Swan Lake." Now listen, the dancing was flawless. This was a classic production that just didn't disappoint, but honestly, what I truly enjoyed were those exquisite costumes. Oh my darling, they were divine! Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about for me: the showmanship! That being said, how can you not love Misty Copeland?! She is, of course, a true superstar, a real firecracker! But, I'm just saying, this was just a bit too conventional, if you ask me. A little bit more, oh, dare I say it, more ā€œedgeā€ is required, right? You know me! Always looking for the next big thing!

Speaking of edgeā€¦ I must tell you about this little gem in Paris, ā€œDances With Devilsā€. Yes! A truly outrageous contemporary balet. It was edgy and raw and daring. A wild mix of modern dance and contemporary ballet that truly pushed the boundaries, my loves. This young choreographer, Pierre Moreau, he is definitely someone to watch!

Back home again, to London! Weā€™ve seen all the classicsā€¦ but what about a little bit of ā€œAvant Gardeā€? At the Sadler's Wells I witnessed a show, that had the audience on the edge of their seats. This new work, "Metamorphosis", was from the ā€œBallets Russes newā€ Company and darling, I just don't know where to begin! The dancing, the musicā€¦ so strange, yet compelling. Yes, this one will divide the critics, thatā€™s for sure!

And as I always like to end on a high, don't you agree? So I saved the best for last. The ā€œSwan Lakeā€ Gala Performance in Birmingham Royal Ballet was quite simply sensational, from the sparkling production to the dancing to the costumes, everything was just perfect, and darling, just simply breathtaking! The Royal Ballet's principal dancers, they never fail to wow me! A special mention for Carlos Acosta! He is quite simply one of the most gifted dancers on the planet. That is, after all, what ballet is all about isn't it?! Those breathtaking leaps, that strength and grace, the sheer perfection of every move ! Oh my dears!

Well, my loves, it is time for me to say adieu. As you can see, this November was quite the month for ballet, and we havenā€™t even touched upon the opera, oh dear! I canā€™t wait for what December holds! But until then, you must promise me you will go out there and indulge in a performance. I leave you now until next time! Keep it chic my dears,

XOXO, Your Beloved Ballet Correspondent