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Ballet’s Bright Lights: September 2011 Darling, September is always such a flurry of excitement for us ballet aficionados. The summer break is finally over, and we’re all ready to slip back into our little black dresses and embrace the elegance and artistry of a new season. Let’s dive right in and see what’s been making waves in the world of ballet, shall we? The Bolshoi, My Dearest! Oh, how I love the Bolshoi! A bastion of tradition, its artistry never fails to thrill me to my core. This month, their revival of “Don Quixote” was truly a visual feast. The opulent costumes and intricate sets, simply exquisite! Maria Alexandrova and Vladislav Lantratov were, as ever, dazzling as Kitri and Basilio. Their partnership is electric – so full of life and laughter. There were some stunning technical feats throughout the performance, and a breathtaking pas de deux between Kitri and her gallant admirer, the noble Duke, played by a graceful Denis Rodkin. The dancing is always impeccable at the Bolshoi, and this production was no exception. But, the truly memorable moments were when they allowed the comedy to bloom. "Don Quixote" is such a wonderfully whimsical ballet and they captured its charm perfectly. The jester, a mischievous Artem Ovcharenko, added so much wit to the performance! The comedic antics, oh darling, just so divine! He even managed to make a ballet audience erupt in a round of laughter – I was in stitches! The Royal Ballet: Swan Lake London’s darling, the Royal Ballet, reopened its doors with a rather stunning production of "Swan Lake," which of course, I simply couldn't miss. I adore this ballet. It is timeless elegance at its finest. And, let’s face it, any opportunity to witness the sheer athleticism and dramatic mastery of Natalia Osipova, is one I will gladly embrace. She is breathtaking as Odette and Odile. I find myself captivated by her every move, from her graceful leaps to the poignancy of her port de bras. The Prince, a dapper and wonderfully expressive Vadim Muntagirov, was a fine partner, showcasing his strong technique and graceful portrayal of both tenderness and yearning. Of course, I am a great fan of the Royal's "Swan Lake," it’s a traditional yet beautifully presented classic. But what struck me most this time was the performance of the Corps de Ballet. There is nothing quite like witnessing a seamless ensemble performance like that. Their synchronized movements and ethereal grace were absolutely spellbinding! I must give a slight shout out to the charming Francesca Hayward, a wonderfully expressive and captivating White Swan who added such a gentle and graceful quality to the ballet's emotional core. She truly enchanted. Paris OpĂ©ra: “The Sleeping Beauty” It was time for me to take a little jaunt across the channel to experience the glorious Paris OpĂ©ra Ballet! Now, darling, "The Sleeping Beauty," with its gorgeous costumes and mesmerizing choreography, is my true weakness. And what I discovered at the Paris OpĂ©ra is a unique energy. The Parisian interpretation is captivatingly theatrical. It's bold, full of grandeur, yet there's also an undeniable charm and subtle wit to it. I fell absolutely in love with the sparkling, wonderfully confident performance of the vivacious Alice Renavand. She’s a real gem. As the Princess Aurora, she brings such an air of innocent youthfulness to the role and yet manages to convey strength and self-assured grace in equal measure. The performance was elevated further with a superb portrayal of the Prince, a captivatingly dashing Mathieu Ganio, whose elegant leaps and commanding stage presence are just so delectable! And their final pas de deux - breathtaking! An Evening With The Joffrey Ballet: "The Rite of Spring” From the elegance of classical ballets, I made a quick dash to the avant-garde with The Joffrey Ballet's revival of “The Rite of Spring.” Now, darlings, let me tell you, this was a captivating, intense and even slightly unsettling performance! But the energy, oh the energy was incredible. “The Rite of Spring,” as many know, has become a celebrated, iconically shocking, masterpiece of the 20th century. This piece, however, had a distinctly raw and primal vibe, emphasizing the power and emotion of Igor Stravinsky’s mesmerizing score. A bit like a powerful tempest of the spirit. As for the choreography by The Joffrey’s renowned artistic director, Ashley Wheater, it was nothing short of electrifying! It was very contemporary, dynamic and a bit dark - all sharp, dramatic and impactful movements, the kind that really stay with you, like a captivating memory that lingers long after the performance is over. Something Unique: The Netherlands Dance Theatre (NDT) On to the Netherlands, darling! I just couldn’t resist visiting the Netherlands Dance Theatre, renowned for their bold and original work. They pushed the boundaries, truly an adventure of the senses, mixing styles in their “Moving Bodies” performance, a diverse collection of works created by some of today's most notable contemporary choreographers, which was simply incredible. This performance was all about pushing artistic limits and it gave me so much to think about long after the last curtain call! From the deeply emotional and moving choreography of Crystal Pite and Wayne McGregor’s dynamic, fast-paced work to the witty and lighthearted pieces of Alexander Ekman, this collection offered a glimpse into a range of captivating styles that made the night truly exquisite. I must say that “Moving Bodies” also served as a great opportunity to appreciate the raw, energetic power of contemporary dancers! These dancers are phenomenal – they're acrobatic, they're lyrical, they're intense and so physically expressive, simply divine. I truly found a newfound respect for the strength and agility these dancers have, And A Word on Costumes As always, the costumes this month were spectacular! I was delighted by the rich colours and dazzling jewels of “Don Quixote.” But my absolute favourite has to be the Parisian "Sleeping Beauty." It was as if a dream had been stitched into silk! Every detail from Aurora's shimmering gown to the delicate floral motifs on the other princesses were an absolute triumph! There is just so much detail to be seen, I could have stared at it for hours! And those feathered tutus – simply breathtaking! As for The Joffrey’s "The Rite of Spring," I am all about those sleek, angular, almost brutalist costumes, that highlighted the dancers’ dynamic and bold movements. What can I say, darling? I am a woman who appreciates a bit of style, and it just doesn't get much more dazzling than ballet costumes! En Pointe, Darling And so, my darlings, we draw to the close of this exhilarating tour of ballet brilliance. September has given us some fantastic performances, each offering something truly unique. It’s wonderful to see ballet continuing to flourish and to be celebrated all over the globe. This new season is looking bright and full of promises - oh my, how I’m so looking forward to everything to come! You'll find me there, in the front row of the finest venues around the world. Now, I simply must run. I have a dress to try on, after all, the new season of ballet means a new wardrobe!