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Darling, what a month it's been for ballet! From the breathtaking brilliance of the Bolshoi to the cheeky charm of the Royal Ballet, we've had our fill of pirouettes and pas de deux. It's been enough to make even the most jaded of ballet aficionados weep with joy (or at least clutch their pearls in delight).

Let's start with Moscow, shall we? The Bolshoi Theatre has been in the news for all the wrong reasons recently, but let's be honest, they've still got it. The recent revival of "Swan Lake" was an absolute triumph. I do believe my dear friend Penelope nearly fainted during the Black Swan's furious fouettés. And who could blame her? Olga Smirnova simply devoured the role, leaving no doubt about the depths of her talent. Her performance was fierce and utterly captivating - you'd think the devil himself had imbued her with such fiery grace. The partnering with Artem Ovcharenko was a sheer joy to behold, he's just a prince you want to take home to your mother.

Now, the Royal Ballet has always held a special place in my heart, and their recent production of "Giselle" certainly didn't disappoint. Their new Giselle, Natalia Osipova, is truly something else - so ethereal, so powerful, you can't take your eyes off her. You might say she dances as though her body were simply made of air, with each step light as a feather and imbued with the deepest pathos. She's a modern Giselle for our times, bringing a raw and vulnerable quality to the role that will surely become the standard. The exquisite supporting performances of Thiago Soares and Edward Watson are truly the icing on the cake, adding both power and finesse to the story.

I wouldn't dare write a review without mentioning our very own Covent Garden darling, Mariinsky. I mean, seriously, how utterly sensational is "La Bayadere"? From the sumptuous costumes, that I suspect involved miles of shimmering tulle, to the mesmerizing choreography, this production is pure enchantment. Svetlana Zakharova, as the lovely Nikiya, is the perfect mix of fragility and strength. Her partnering with Igor Zelensky was positively magical; his elegant leaps and perfectly timed gestures were a true joy to witness. The 'Kingdom of the Shades' sequence alone was worth the price of the ticket. A masterpiece in its execution, I just can't get those haunting, almost spectral dancers out of my head!.

Now, dear reader, for a touch of modern brilliance: Wayne McGregor's "Atomos" at the Sadler's Wells Theatre left me utterly speechless. McGregor, the absolute master of modern dance, has outdone himself with this electrifying work. His ability to fuse technology and dance, all set to the thrilling sounds of Philip Glass, is something truly groundbreaking. It's not for the faint-hearted, mind you, this isn't your typical waltz and petit allegro, oh no! Think raw, powerful movement, bold expression, and pure innovation - an artistic triumph!

I simply couldn't let the month go by without mentioning the ballet that touched me the most deeply. A small gem of a production at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, "La Sylphide", was something truly special. I must say the Paris Opera Ballet is a constant delight and, let's face it, their "La Sylphide" is truly exceptional. Marie-Agnès Gillot as the Sylph was sublime - her portrayal of this magical, almost otherworldly creature was unforgettable. And let's not forget Mathieu Ganio's heart-wrenching James, full of longing and despair - you felt the pain of his lost love with every gesture. This production, though small in scale, was immense in its power and beauty, it truly spoke to my heart, leaving me in a state of contemplative bliss.

Oh, darling, but the adventures don't end there! I popped over to Vienna, to catch a breathtaking production of "Don Quixote". Vienna State Ballet always puts on a truly spectacular show. This production was bursting with joy and exuberance. The entire company seemed to be possessed by the very spirit of the mad knight himself! Their energy was truly infectious! The dancing, I swear, would make your hair stand on end - the choreography was fast-paced and exciting, yet utterly flawless, and their jumps... just mind-boggling.

And what about those gorgeous costumes! I do believe I spotted some genuine antique fabrics in the "Vision of Kitri" scene. I mean, seriously, who knew you could have this much fun in a ballet?! This production definitely reminds you that ballet can be, dare I say, rather silly at times. It's good for the soul!

But darling, there is one small bone I have to pick with our dearest, dear dancers - Oh, those unfortunate attempts at character acting, though the acting has vastly improved since the golden days. Sometimes it does leave you in stitches, my darling, just try to resist a snort of laughter during that overly dramatic, oh-so-serious portrayal of a jealous lover or a forlorn king. And those over-the-top facial expressions, really darling, we need not be so theatrical. Just focus on the divine steps, the exquisitely defined lines of your body, and, let the choreography be the voice, darling, let the choreography speak.

Right then, so where shall we venture next, oh darling, let me know which productions we should see next - drop me a line or a comment below - and keep those little toes tappin'.