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From the wings
Darling readers, I simply must tell you all about the breathtaking, captivating, and utterly mesmerising performances I've been fortunate enough to witness in recent weeks. I am absolutely brimming with ideas after attending some absolutely divine shows. You see, I've been busy flitting about the world, attending the most exclusive performances and dazzling premieres, keeping my finger on the pulse of what's hot and what's not in the fabulous world of ballet. What can I say? It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!

**First up, let's discuss the absolutely delightful, stunning La Bayadère at the Mariinsky Theatre.**
Now, I know we've all seen this grand, spectacular ballet a million times. It is one of those classics that never, ever gets old, just like those gorgeous little Chanel suits I have hanging in my closet. But this was, shall we say, a rather extraordinary rendition, darling. It truly took my breath away!
You see, with Natalia Osipova and Vladislav Lantratov in the leading roles of Nikiya and Solor, the performance simply *sizzled*. Their breathtaking execution of every pirouette, every delicate port de bras, every high-flying leap – they absolutely made this piece positively shine!
Osipova, with her statuesque form and luminous stage presence, simply captured our hearts and held them in her perfectly manicured fingertips! And Lantratov, oh Lantratov, that devilish look in his eyes! What a dancer. His incredible athleticism and artistry just made me positively gasp. You wouldn't believe the the effortless way he jumped over that fiery, swirling corps de ballet of 'Shades'!
You see, I felt an undeniable warmth, a touch of exquisite passion - not unlike my own rather delightful love affair with haute couture - when watching their dance. I almost cried at the ending, which was simply unforgettable! Honestly, darling, I nearly fainted. Speaking of exquisite fashion, did I mention how positively splendid the costumes looked on those glorious female dancers. A breathtaking tableau of luxurious and vibrant silk. The male dancers? Pure perfection. My heart beat a little faster when they all marched out, a whirlwind of elegance.
The atmosphere in the theatre was absolutely electric - you could have cut the tension with a butter knife, but in a good way of course! Just absolutely fantastic!

But hold onto your hats darling because The Bolshoi Theatre was no less fabulous, with its own offering of *Giselle*. You'll want to run, not walk to grab a ticket for this production as well! Let's just say, that I'm still chilled to the bone from the performance!
Now, I've seen this enchanting ballet, with its haunting tale of love, betrayal and revenge more than a few times, but this rendition really knocked me off my stilettos. It really brought tears to my eyes, even though I kept fanning myself to keep cool because darling, let's just say I was burning up in the heat of it all.
The staging was magnificent, a lavish affair of beautiful woodland and romantic whispers that sent chills down my spine! I was just lost in it all - just like I'm always lost in the magic of a Valentino gown - absolutely heavenly.
And as for the dancing, *mon Dieu* how simply sensational! The ethereal Svetlana Zakharova as Giselle had the whole audience on the edge of our plush velvet seats with her breathtaking portrayal of the lovelorn maiden. Her moves were precise and powerful, but there was also an exquisite delicacy, almost fragility in them. It truly made you understand her pain and her desperate, ultimately doomed, love.
And what a magnificent Albrecht! The brilliant David Hallberg absolutely made this Giselle a *must-see*. You could truly see the battle in his heart, the conflicting emotions, when faced with Giselle's heartbreaking madness! Honestly darling, there were moments, especially during the second act, where the silence in the theatre was so profound, it was almost deafening. You could almost hear a pin drop, although perhaps not with the glitter on the dress of my lovely neighbour who was so eager for this performance and her sparkling jewellery. Oh, she must have loved it.
I absolutely loved the haunting scenes with the Wilis. It is not for the faint of heart. If the corps de ballet were in front of my living room window, I would definitely get scared. Just magical! Just the pure, heart-stopping performance that makes me love the ballet more and more. I honestly couldn't imagine a better *Giselle*, it was that sublime.

**It's not all classical though!**
As we know, dear reader, ballet is not always just traditional, beautiful swans and elegant princes. The world is changing and we love seeing that echoed on stage. You can keep your little swans, darling, if they're not the new breed that is redefining the dance world. You should see the amazing talent I witnessed recently. I went to see the *New York City Ballet*. It really got my juices flowing!
This production had a more contemporary style, a real avant-garde feel if you will, that is so important and is really shaking things up a bit in the dance world, not to mention my whole look. You've simply got to keep up with the times darling!
So I took in Justin Peck's "Rodeo: Four Dance Episodes." I have to say the energy of the dancers just jumped out of the stage, a real testament to the incredible work that Peck has been doing. And darling, did those dancers move. They truly lived up to the title 'Rodeo' with their powerful leaps, intricate twists, and energetic jumps.
Now I must tell you about the costume designer for the piece, Reid Bartelme, and the fabulous silhouettes he created for the show! Simply outstanding - there was real texture and flair and the use of materials was fantastic. Truly groundbreaking stuff, darling! Just *haute couture* for dancers and with just a dash of rodeo magic. Absolutely perfect.
Of course, darling, all that fabulous ballet takes time to digest, so I made sure to fit in some truly divine events to nourish my soul. What can I say? My palate needs its treats, just as my closet needs its luxurious new additions, darling!

Just like I mentioned about fashion in my last letter, I’m a big fan of the avant garde - you know I always strive for that je ne sais quoi, and so you will understand how I simply *adore* going to a beautiful opera. You just know that there will be amazing costumes and divine jewellery - let's just say you need to keep an eye on the stunning singers in this show for the latest and greatest fashion! And if it wasn't enough to get your pulse racing, the amazing staging and music was really spectacular, I just couldn’t stop thinking about the costumes and jewels while taking in the whole experience, like being swept up in a magnificent and emotional journey. Oh, what a rush! This is the latest craze! And when they were all gathered on stage at the end it really reminded me of those exclusive society parties I often find myself attending at the theatre after the performance, when the air positively buzzes with so many stunning people wearing stunning creations.
And let's not forget the theatre, which has always been my go-to escape, where all of this magnificent creativity comes together. It’s simply delightful!

Now darling, you must keep reading next month as I plan to write to you all from the wonderful New York!
There's always a delicious show going on there! I just *can’t wait* to attend some great performances in this truly dazzling city. You know it has some fantastic dance talent as well! So stay tuned! Stay fabulous!
Until next time, darling,
*Love and glitter*,
[Reviewer's name]