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November's Balletic Bounty My darlings, October has swept away the leaves, and brought with it a thrilling new ballet season. The air crackles with excitement - oh, it is *such* a wonderful time to be a ballet devotee. I’ve had the absolute joy of flitting about the globe, from the majestic grandeur of Paris to the chic sophistication of New York, to report on the dazzling array of ballet productions. Let's start in the City of Lights, darling. At the Opéra Garnier, the Paris Opera Ballet unveiled its new production of “Giselle,” a perennial favorite, but one that had me practically gasping with excitement. The production was a symphony of swirling tutus, exquisite partnering, and breathtaking virtuosity, the ballet company was truly *on fire*! My dear friend, the sublime Étoile, Marie-Agnès Gillot, made her final appearance as Giselle, bringing an utterly heart-wrenching performance. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as she embraced the role with both ethereal beauty and fiery passion. And, let us not forget, that the choreography - the sublime interplay between Giselle's sweet innocence and the power of the wilis, was breathtaking! But Paris isn't the only place where the ballet world has been ablaze with magic, darling. In New York, the American Ballet Theatre’s “The Sleeping Beauty” took the stage with all its opulent splendour, the exquisite costumes - each more decadent than the last - and the ravishing set designs transported the audience to another realm entirely. The ballerinas were divine, every move executed with meticulous perfection, a testament to the legacy of this remarkable ballet. I was captivated, my dear. Across the pond in London, the Royal Ballet gave us a contemporary gem, a new production of Wayne McGregor’s “Woolf Works,” based on the writing of Virginia Woolf. The sheer raw power of McGregor's vision, his genius use of dance and lighting was astounding. I found myself glued to my seat, utterly absorbed in this modern take on a literary icon. And now let us talk about my dear friend, Natalia Osipova, in New York’s “Swan Lake.” You know that I’ve been a fan of this exquisite ballerina for years, and here, she gave an absolutely electrifying performance. From the graceful grace of the White Swan to the dark intensity of the Black Swan, Osipova brought a palpable depth and intensity to the role that left me utterly mesmerized. I felt goosebumps! Then there was my little excursion to Moscow, to the Bolshoi Theatre. What an incredible place - a palace of ballet! There, I watched the Bolshoi Ballet’s performance of “Romeo and Juliet,” the story, the dancers, everything just felt so incredibly alive. Speaking of contemporary pieces, my darling, the Royal Ballet’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” is definitely a show that deserves to be on your must-see list. It’s not traditional ballet, it's whimsical and full of inventive movement and a whimsical narrative. The choreography is like Alice's rabbit hole – it will transport you into a fantastical wonderland, my dear. Across the Atlantic, in Miami, the Miami City Ballet also delivered a stunning performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” - the costumes, the sets, everything was positively exquisite. I must confess, the ballet is not entirely what you’d expect. There was a quirky humor that was utterly delightful. I especially enjoyed the portrayal of the mischievous Puck - such captivating artistry! Dance on Film Now, I can’t go without mentioning the wonders that dance brings to the screen. There has been a wealth of balletic delights on television in recent months, my dears, so many performances from both classical and contemporary troupes, including some *absolutely* delightful interviews and behind-the-scenes peeks. Let’s not forget the magic of the National Ballet of Canada’s performance of “The Nutcracker.” Oh, to watch their beautiful performance, their costumes, so intricate and dazzling - simply breathtaking, a spectacle that is impossible to resist! For the ballet lovers on this side of the Atlantic, the BBC has been showcasing many lovely productions from both the Royal Ballet and Birmingham Royal Ballet, and my dear, you can rest assured, there will be many more on the horizon! The world of dance on screen is not only on TV, but has expanded to cinema too, my darlings. The highly-anticipated "First Position" movie is a documentary chronicling the lives of several young dancers at New York's School of American Ballet as they train and prepare for the annual Youth America Grand Prix - truly inspiring. And last but not least, my dear friends, if you’re looking for something to transport you to another world of ethereal beauty, I recommend "The White Crow," a film about Rudolf Nureyev's life and defection, which takes a fascinating look at the rise of the Russian ballet superstar, and his political motivations. A Word About Fashion Oh, my dears, fashion and ballet are two great passions of mine, and of course, I would never dream of ignoring the enchanting garments that dance with our ballerinas. As ever, this month saw stunning creations taking to the stage. From the classic elegance of tutu’s, each perfectly crafted, each an extension of the dancers’ bodies, to the experimental artistry of modern dance costumes - such artistic expression! There’s a synergy between these outfits and the dancer’s movements that sends a thrilling shiver down my spine! And On a Personal Note Oh my dears, November is always a time for introspection and reflection. What a magnificent month, wouldn't you agree? And while I'm certainly indulging in the festive festivities, it’s hard to resist thinking back on the remarkable shows I've witnessed these past few months - every production, every performance, has been a vibrant expression of human artistry, emotion, and technical prowess. I must confess, darling, the world of ballet continues to inspire me! So do make sure to watch and savour these masterpieces, for, as we all know, darling, ballet is life's great beauty.