
Ballet Tutu Fashion and Style at www pink tutu com

Darling, what a month for fashion, simply divine! The ballets have been an absolute joy to behold, each a veritable feast for the eyes and a delectable display of the latest in tutu trends. Now, darling, let me tell you about my darlings, the tutu!

The Tutu of the Month goes to, quite simply, the most beautiful I have seen in ages! The Royal Ballet's revival of Giselle had the most fabulous collection of tutus, just like the ballet itself was positively *breathtaking*, but oh, that tulle! The Romantic tutu for the first act was just simply exquisite, delicate and ethereally beautiful with such elegant and subtle draping. You wouldn't find this look in the theatre, oh no. I, dear reader, nabbed a rather charming, one could say, positively exquisite example for my own collection the very day the performance was on.

  • Paris Opera Ballet's new production of *The Sleeping Beauty*, presented such an intoxicating mix of classical style with modern influences. The Pink Tulle Tutu of the Rose Adagio in the second act is definitely *au courant*. The volume and the way the bodice flowed, with such soft hues of rose, a sheer delight, the *tutu du jour* darling. *Trรจs chic*. I shall, darling, certainly try to procure a sample, to put it more *elegantly*, from that enchanting production - my collection will be most thrilled! A wonderful juxtaposition, dear reader, of the classical and modern!

Now I simply had to mention Birmingham Royal Ballet for their *A Midsummer Night's Dream* production. The *dreamlike* atmosphere brought such an amazing ballet production to life and darling, I loved the *Tutu*. *A Midsummer Night's Dream* - well darling, no tutu you see, only this glorious diaphanous fabric, a *truly ethereal* and otherworldly look. So divine!

And finally my darlings, my must have, in the ballet realm of the month, for my beloved The English National Ballet's new ballet *The Unknown Soldier*... Yes! The tutu here was simply inspired! For it was *the tutu*, darling, that carried the message! And let's face it dear readers, it was all so stylish and elegant - and not without the emotional punch to bring it all home. I saw a real and lasting meaning to that little dance. The look, for want of a better description, a classic tutu that moved the emotions and created something wonderful.

And darling, don't just look but enjoy the very best fashion around... the tutu, at the ballet, for all things dance, this is my recommendation, in these most wonderful of times. Until next month, darling, darling...