Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2000-01-21 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - #177: A Whirlwind Friday in London!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back with another London adventure. I'm hopping off the train from Derbyshire, alighting on a platform of excitement, ready to embrace the dazzling capital!

It's Friday, 2000-01-21, the day I've been counting down to all week. After all, it's my Pink Tutu Blog London day! Every Friday, I dedicate myself to exploring this magical city, documenting the fashion finds, enchanting shows, and fabulous moments that make London my happy place.

The Magic of the Train Journey

My journey from Derbyshire started this morning, nestled in the comfort of a First Class carriage (courtesy of those lovely commissions for ballet performances – my life as a ballerina-blogger is pretty grand, isn't it?!) As the countryside whirled by my window, I was mesmerised by the rolling hills and quaint villages. There's something about train travel that inspires me, you know? It's a chance to reflect, to let your imagination wander, and to fully embrace the excitement of the city that awaits.

I had my trusty Pink Tutu travel bag with me, of course! Packed to the brim with essentials – a touch of sparkly make-up, my go-to pink ballet shoes (I just can’t resist the call of a dance floor!), and my favourite, super-fluffy, pink scarf. It's amazing how even in the most casual of situations, I can add a dash of pink magic!

Pink Power on Oxford Street

My first stop? You guessed it! The iconic Oxford Street! A whirlwind of colours, textures, and most importantly – shops! It’s a shopper’s paradise, and I’m all for it. I absolutely adore delving into vintage stores, finding hidden treasures amidst the vintage clothes and hats, adding a bit of vintage glam to my already sparkly look. This time, I found a stunning, silky pink scarf that will be the perfect finishing touch for my next ballet performance. Who says pink isn't a power colour?!

Of course, I couldn’t resist popping into a few more modern shops as well. A sparkly pink handbag caught my eye, oh, and I had to treat myself to a new pair of those adorable ballet flats with the little pink bows! Oh, London, you truly know how to tempt a girl!

A Royal Ballet Treat at the Royal Opera House

Now, no day in London is complete without a ballet show, wouldn’t you agree? My heart beats for the art form, the grace, the beauty of ballet. Today, I found myself at the Royal Opera House, mesmerised by the elegant movements of the Royal Ballet.

The show tonight was a rendition of "Swan Lake". I just love this story – it's about love, tragedy, and finding beauty even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. The Swan Queen’s costumes were absolutely magnificent - and, guess what? You can guess! – they had the most beautiful shades of pink. The entire stage transformed into a wonderland of light and colour, enchanting me with its beauty. It reminded me of those magical moments as a young girl when I used to spin around in my tutu, pretending I was the lead ballerina on stage.

Catching a West End Show at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

My day was overflowing with artistic delights, and the night just got even more thrilling! The West End Theatre District is a vibrant kaleidoscope of performing arts, with iconic theatres around every corner. I snagged myself a ticket for the renowned "Phantom of the Opera".

I can't lie, I had tears in my eyes (as I usually do when something amazing unfolds on stage!). The talent was unreal – the Phantom's voice sent chills down my spine and the set designs, particularly the grand chandelier, left me speechless.

This kind of performance just reinforces that London is a haven for artistic creativity. And after all, aren’t tutus essentially little forms of artistry in themselves?! They’re like the perfect costume for showcasing your individual flair!

The Best Afternoon Tea

Let’s be honest, no trip to London is complete without an exquisite afternoon tea experience. And what better way to complete a day filled with culture and fashion than with delicate sandwiches, dainty scones, and a selection of beautifully decorated pastries, all washed down with steaming cups of tea?

I found myself seated in the most delightful little tearoom in Covent Garden, surrounded by the tantalising aroma of fresh pastries and the chatter of Londoners and visitors alike. I savoured every bite, feeling like a princess enjoying her own private tea party.

Ending the Day on a Pink Cloud

As dusk settled over London, I took a leisurely stroll through Hyde Park. The park shimmered with a million twinkling lights, reflecting on the Serpentine lake. I closed my eyes, inhaling the fresh night air, and allowed the serenity of the moment to wash over me.

Tonight, I’ll retire to my favourite little hotel, nestled in the heart of Notting Hill. A place where dreams are born and inspiration blooms. As I lie in my plush pink duvet, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights, I'll replay every precious moment of this whirlwind day.

This week’s adventure was another reminder why London will always hold a special place in my heart. I am completely obsessed with this city’s boundless energy and its unwavering commitment to art and beauty. It’s a city where anything can happen!

Until next Friday, my dear friends, keep twirling, stay fabulous, and don’t forget – the world looks even better in a pink tutu!

See you next week for more Pink Tutu adventures in the wonderful city of London!

With love and pink tutus,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2000-01-21 Exploring London